
Terms for subject Environment containing 吸收 | all forms | in specified order only
吸收resorption Absorption or, less commonly, adsorption of material by a body or system from which the material was previously released (吸收,或者不那么常用,身体或系统先产生这种物质再重新吸收该物质。)
化学吸收作用chemisorption The process of chemical adsorption (化学的吸收的过程。)
吸收暴露, 细胞或者组织对于液体或者其他物质的摄入absorption exposure, The taking in of fluids or other substances by cells or tissues
吸收色层法adsorption chromatography
废料的吸收能力waste assimilation capacity
吸收oxygen uptake rateOUR