
Terms for subject Nautical containing | all forms
接头关节universal joint knuckle
联轴节万向接头universal coupling
节球universal joint ball
螺丝扳手universal screw spanner
主动转装置activated maneuvering device
风的一侧驶进bear down upon
任何一点的 x 方加速度ax
传波方wave line
使box about
推力器lateral thruster
推力器 Z 形操纵试验lateral thruster zig-zag maneuver test
推力器回转试验lateral thruster turning maneuver test
侧斜轴位移skew-induced rake
推力器omni-directional thruster
推力器方位推力器,可转向推力器Azimuthing thruster
推进器all-direction propeller
推进器Z propeller
公共交通导发展模式transit-oriented development TOD patterns
bear down upon
初始回转/ 航改变能力initial turning/course-changing ability
碎渣机系统one-way macerator system
bear down upon
水力测功器two-way hydraulic dynamometer
旋转螺旋桨counter-rotating propellers
转动轴承counter-rotating bearing
reversible pump
下进水点down-flooding point
z 加速度 azz directions accelerations (az)
x 加速度 axx directions accelerations ax
北开north bound
使后转put about
心式涡轮inward-flow turbine
…急速前进bear down upon
Z 推进系统Z-propulsion
船外by the board
fall home
变螺距circumferentially varying pitch
感生速度circumferential velocity induced of propeller
进流因数circumferential inflow factor
和太阳的视运行方相同with the sun
国际贸易地理方International trade by region
在左舷正横方on the starboard beam
棱形系数vertical prismatic coefficient
正加速度positive vertical acceleration
完整的横环状框架complete transverse web frame ring
完整的横舱壁甲板强横梁transverse bulkhead complete
声波orientation directional sound wave
捕捞directed fishery
栅格guide grid
活塞对置活塞opposed pistons
对地航course over ground (COG)
对外贸易地理方direction of foreign trade
对水航course through water (CTW)
支架guide bracket
滑车lead block
滑车导块guide block
滚柱guide roller
滚柱deck-end roller
滚轮pedestal fairlead
装置guide gear
轴承辅助轴承guide bearing
部分guided way
螺母left-hand nut
变螺距radially varying pitch
变螺距螺旋桨varying pitch propeller
螺距分布radial distribution of pitch
快速换试验quick-reversing test
总压的横分布pitot traverse
悬挂式转推进装置Schottel propulsion unit
intent letter
抢风转变航tack about
按标准罗经航course per standard compass
凸轮reversing cam
时间reversion time
机构可倒转齿轮reversing gear
throw-over claw
装置reversing device
试验reversing test
试验rotation reversal test
换舵首execute heading angle
试验change of heading test
使改变方put about
oblique wave
y方加速度任何一点的 z 方向加速度ay
、姿态和飞高控制系统directional, attitude and altitude control system
控制系统directional control system
控制系统device for directional control
控制装置device for directional control
谱密度directional spectral density
方位、距离、艏bearing, distance, heading
无线电定wireless direction finder
无线电测radio directions finding
显示方display orientation
晶间腐蚀倾试验inter-crystalline corrosion test
朝着顺时针方with the sun
极限转limiting angle of turning
极限重心垂坐标曲线curve of limiting positions of center of gravity
传送alongside transfer
强框架transverse web frame
振动侧向振动lateral vibration
推力器transverse propeller
推力器transverse thrust unit
推力器side thruster
操纵装置侧推器, 横向推力器sideways maneuvering unit
正加速度positive transverse acceleration
环肋transverse ring
甲板cross deck
移动探traversing probe
横剖面上的纵构件longitudinal members on transverse section
横稳心垂坐标vertical positions of transverse metacenter
横稳心垂坐标曲线curve of vertical positions of transverse metacenter
正垂弯矩positive vertical bending moment
wave direction angle
波传播方wave line
波浪中的侧载荷lateral loads in waves
波浪垂剪力vertical wave shear force (Qwv (kN), Qwv)
波浪垂弯矩vertical wave bending moment (Mwv (kN-m))
系统direction-finding system
浮心垂坐标vertical centers of buoyancy
浮心垂坐标曲线curve of vertical centers of buoyancy
浮心横坐标transverse center of buoyancy
浮心纵坐标曲线curve of longitudinal centers of buoyancy
漂心横坐标transverse center of floatation
漂心纵坐标曲线curve of longitudinal centers of floatation
狂浪,沿风出现密集的白流化条纹波峰开始 翻滚,飞沫可能影响能见度。high waves. dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind. crests of waves begin to topple and roll over. spray may affect visibility.
增强层hoop reinforcement
环状天线测loop directions finder
甚高频全信标VHF omni-directional range
用介于中间的整个舱室或货舱纵隔离separated longitudinally by an intervening complete compartment or hold from
由左右转with the sun
电波传播方wave line
直流换电机D. C. commutated motor
直角传动转螺旋桨right angle steering propeller
真航预先规定的true course
罗盘magnetic course
离陆驶海中stand to sea
空气方directional rudder
空气方aerodynamic rudder
箱型横结构box cross deck structure
下水船架longitudinal launching cradle
传送longitudinal transfer
正加速度positive longitudinal acceleration
浮心自尾垂线距离longitudinal center of buoyancy from AP
漂心longitudinal center of floatation (from AP)
稳性及纵向强度计算trim stability and longitudinal strength calculation
联杆tube plate stay
联杆longitudinal stay
船体梁剪切结构构件longitudinal hull girder shear structural members
船体梁结构构件longitudinal hull girder structural members
重心自尾垂线距离longitudinal center of gravity from AP
隔壁longitudinal division wall
纵稳心垂坐标vertical positions of longitudinal metacenter
自由导滑车wing bollard
自由导滑车broadside guide bollard
潜艇及深度自动控制仪automatic course keeping and depth keeping controls
向上显示course up display
船头bows on
船头bow on
船底横侧度dead rise
船首上显示head up display
船首上显示bow up display
艏转装置bow thruster
落地导滑车deck guide bollard
螺旋桨垂位置 190vertical position of propeller
螺旋桨横位置lateral position of propeller
螺旋桨纵位置longitudinal poison of propeller
负垂弯矩negative vertical bending moment
revolution direction
指示器revolution indicater
系统swinging system
闪光灯flashing turn light
转船brace in
位移保扌装置axial thrust failure protective device
感生速度axial velocity induced at propeller
进流因数axial inflow factor
静压力state pressure at level of propeller axis
轴系横振动transverse vibration of shafting
轴系横振动flexural vibration of shafting
轴系纵振动longitudinal vibration
轴系纵振动axial vibration of shafting
进料单feed-check valve
反光材料retro-reflective material
遭遇浪angle of encounter
重心垂坐标vertical center of gravity
重心横坐标transverse center of gravity
静水中的侧载荷lateral loads in still water
和/ 或航迹控制系统heading and/ or track control systems
敏感性heading sensitivity
heading angle
首横推力器athwartships bow propeller
首部侧推力器lateral thrusting bow propeller
外国go foreign