
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
三格转three box reversal
买人双期权straddle purchase
人民币计价、只面中国人的黄金合约Chinese-only gold contract denominated in the renminbi
价值导投资理念value-oriented investing philosophy
住房反抵押贷款housing reverse mortgages
使人民币流海外ship renminbi out of the country
公正合理的方fair and reasonable direction
内在的倾built-in tendency
出口导型增长模式export-led growth model
押注one-way bet
市场two-way market
市场two-sided market
拍卖double auction
期权put and call option
期权double option
期权交易商put and call option dealer
欧式期权bi-direction European option
买现卖期交易reverse cash-and-carry trade
互换reverse swap
交易reversing trade
交易所买卖基金inverse exchange-traded fund
兼并reverse annex
大豆加工价差套利reverse crush spread
套利reverse arbitrage
套利reversal arbitrage
套利保值reverse hedge
市场inverted market
形态inverted formation
成本法reversal cost method
拆股reverse split
拆股reverse split-up
拆股reverse stock split
拆股reverse share split
拍卖reverse auction
持股公司reverse holding company
换汇reverse swap
掉期reverse swap
操作doing the reverse desk
支付reverse payment
收益差reverse yield gap
收益率曲线inverted yield curve
收益率曲线inverse yield curve
收购reverse takeover
收购reverse acquisition
收购inverted takeover
时间价差套利reverse calendar spread
杠杆reverse leverage
杠杆收购reverse leveraged buyout
水平价差套利reverse horizontal spread
浮动利率票据inverse floating rate notes
浮动利率票据inverted floater
浮动利率票据reverse floater
浮动利率票据inverted floating rate notes
浮动利率票据inverse floater
现货持有套利reverse cash-and-carry arbitrage
策略reverse strategy
股份分割reverse stock split
裂解价差套利reverse crack spread
转换reverse conversion
转换票据reverse convertible note
避险reverse hedge
上交易trading up
下交易trading down
下延伸downward sloping
世界释放合作谋共贏的强有力信号send a strong signal of pursuing win-win cooperation to the world
个人银行客户提供人民币兑换与存款业务offer Rmb exchange and deport services for personal banking customers
中国施压要求让人民币升值put pressure on China to let the renminbi appreciate
中国输送资金send money into China
企业推介人民币结算服务promote the renminbi to companies
企业提供工资补贴或贷款wage subsidy or loan to enterprise
保险公司投保assure on the insurance company
国际投资者出售人民币债券sell renminbi bonds to international investors
国际金融机构注人大量资金give a significant capital injection to international financial institutions
总公司购货purchase from head office
…提供融资finance up to…
... 收款collect from
…施以援手offer a helping hand to...
期权卖空者行权put to seller
汇票持有者追索recourse to a remote party
海外国家提供的贷款loan to overseas countries
海外资金开放国内资本市场open up domestic capital markets to foreign inflows
着正确的方向行进move in the right direction
经济释放出更多的现金release far more cash into the economy
美国经济注人新资金pump new money into the US economy
较为正常的水平逐渐回落slow descent towards more normal levels
金融体系注人资金inject money into the financial system
银行兑支票present a check at the bank
银行增发国债issue additional treasury bonds to banks
银行客户提供存款服务offer deposit services to banking customers
坚持宏观调控的基本取不变keep the basic orientation of macrocontrol unchanged
坚持市场化的改革方stick to the market orientation of form
增进人民币的双流动increase the flows of renminbi in both directions
增长趋分析upward analysis
宏观调控的方orientation of macro-control
募集raising funds from targeted sources
宽松的财政政策directional looser fiscal policy
直接投资fixed direct investment
实现回升pick up again
寿命期收益life time income
将政策转移至保增长方shift the policy to a pro-growth stance
岀口导型增长export-led growth
巩固经济回升好的势头consolidate the momentum of the economic turnaround
市场动market movement
市场经济改革方reforms oriented toward a market economy
投资于面国内市场的人民币计价基金invest in RMB-denominated funds that focus on the domestic market
投资意indications of interest
投资意term sheet
推动经济价值曲线的上端发展move the economy up the value-curve
提取倾propensity to withdraw
收人导型融资revenue-oriented financing
有贸易保护主义倾的债权国protectionist-inclined creditor country
有限双支付limited two-way payments
根本转fundamental turnaround
兼并horizontal merger
审计horizontal audit
跨国并购horizontal cross-border M&A
套利cash-and-carry arbitrage
市场normal market
持仓头寸表positive carry market
正在走经济硬着陆be heading towards a hard landing
用美元银行购买人民币buy RMB from the bank using US dollars
稳步推进市场为导的改革steadily push forward market-oriented reform
管控借贷和资金中国的回流control borrowing and capital flow back into China
兼并vertical merger
基金vertical fund
审计法vertical auditing method
市场vertical market
收购vertical acquisition
系统审计vertical systemic auditing
跨国并购vertical cross-border M&A
经济回升economic turnaround
经济回升好的基础foundation for economic turnaround
经济费用三分析three-way overhead analysis
美元对人民币汇率的正波动性upside volatility in USDCNY
融资型反收购alternative public offering (是一种介于公募和私募之间的融资程序,其特点是成本低、快捷,且具有流动性)
货币流money flow
资金来源去sources-and-uses statement
内需go towards domestic demand
reversal amount
边际公共支出倾marginal public expenditure propensity
边际出口倾marginal propensity to export
边际支出倾marginal propensity to expend
变化back up
套利reverse arbitrage
套利reversal arbitrage
差异adverse variance
效应reversal effect
流动reverse flow
贷款upstream loan
逐步走自由浮动的货币move gradually towards a freely-floating currency
金融政策趋紧缩hardening of credit policies
长期坏的趋势negative long-term development trend
长期好的趋势positive long-term development trend