
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一周spot week
上市价格变动范围historical trading range
上市的收购交易post-listing acquisition
上市私募投资private investment in public equity
上市表现令人失望的股票stock performed disappointingly after listing
上市集资post issue fundraising
下降滞declining lag scheme
不顾果的误导陈述reckless misrepresentation
定价期货商品价格由买方在签署合同后决定back pricing
买方核实报价offer subject to buyer's inspection or approval
储蓄ex post savings
反收购措施post-offer defense measure
赔偿或启动基金reactive fund
实得利润ex post realized profit
日期的post dated
条件性ex post conditionality
标准差ex post standard deviation
解约条件condition subsequent
贝塔投资结束后,计算出的资产组合贝塔值ex post Beta
阿尔法投资结束后,计算出的资产组合的阿尔法值ex post Alpha
亏损loss carry forward
亏损结转loss carry forward
交易基准post-trade benchmarks
交易中讨价又让步horse trade
交易延trade delay
交易执行报告post-execution reporting
交易日二日起息的隔夜拆借spot next
付税调整的经营净利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
以某方最确认为准subject to one's final confirmation
任期结束再次当选董事长,董事等be reelected upon expiration of term of office
企业倒闭的债务清偿次序order of distribution of debt in bankruptcy
伞形融资或备融资一种亚洲开发银行的联合融资方式umbrella or standby financing
余额balance carried down
余额转balance carried forward
作用滞impact lag
修改的平均期限modified duration
修正的审计意见modified audit opinion
修正的总市场价值revised aggregate market value
修正的登记报告amended registration statement
修正的过手结构modified pass-through
修订条款revised terms
修订的守则revised code
做完执行指令when done order
充分稀释每股收益fully diluted earnings per share
先放行评估制valuation after release system
先购议期权deferred start option
先高低定价法skimming prices
先高低定价法price skimming
全面摊薄的每股盈利fully diluted earnings per share
全面摊薄股本fully diluted share capital
典型收购条款typical terms of post buyout
兼并的杠杆leverage post-merger
兼并财务杠杆post-merger financial leverage
决策滞decision lag
决策落decision lag
减除税款及贷款利息的收益equity income
出口融资post export financing
出售减记价值written-down value on disposal
出票某日付款的汇票bill drawn payable at a certain time after date
分前次序的股票期权tandem stock option
删去尾数的数额round sum
利息滞interest lag
到期溢价赎回premium redemption
投资前半部分和 encyclopedia 百科全书半部分组成]investment
剥离的成本cost after split-off
市场afternoon market
结算afternoon clearing
行市afternoon market
行情afternoon change
卖方确认有效报价offer subject to seller's confirmation
卖空然补进going naked
发出订单的最期限deadline for placing order
发票日from date
发行交易市场after market (AM)
合并的协同作用merger synergy
合并的后续公司absorbing company
合并的回报consolidated return
合理滞rational lag
事交易ex post transaction
付股利deferred dividends
偿债务subordination of debt
偿债权股票subordinated loan stock
决条件condition subsequent
勤主管人证券公司supervisory staff for back office
取普通股deferred ordinary share
银行或经纪公司的操作性部门,负责结算、清理等业务back office
台主管supervisory staff for back office
台支持处理back office processing
台机构工作人员back-office staff
台机构的作用back-office function
台机构的管理服务back-office management services
台机构的职能back-office function
向费用复合式期权的所有人对标的期权持有人所支付的费用back fee
备信贷credit stand-by
备信贷额standby credit line
备安排借款人其他财务来源中断时的资金保障back stop
备承销standby underwriting
备股份reserved shares
备股本reserve share capital
备购买力提供standby offering
备资金monetary holding
天交易从次日到下一个营业日tomorrow next
afternoon trading
after market (AM)
市发行secondary offerings
市看涨price expected to rise in the afternoon session
市运作after being listed
归财产estate in reversion
得条款after acquired clause
得财产after acquired property
得财产条款after acquired property clause
悔而弃约rue a bargain
悔而拒绝交易rue a bargain
subsequent party
执行报告系统post execution reporting
推策略push strategy
期持仓费back fee
期费用back end load
来者subsequent party
端收费基金back-end load fund
端系统为买方和卖方进行订单处理、库存控制和应收账款管理的系统back-end system
follow on
fellow on
续乏力unsustainable momentum
续事件subsequent event
续保证金保存subsequent margin deposit
续债券back bond
续公司surviving company
续分析follow-up analysis
续控制follow-up control
续文件subsequent document
补债券junior bond
进先出法late in, first out
进先出法会计库存记账法之一next-in, first-out
进先出法记账法last in, first out
配股盈利分配和剩余财产分配都列在普通股后面的特殊股rationed shares
美国财政部的别称back door
门上市back door listing
门交易under-the-counter deal
门市场under-the-counter market
门筹资政府机构不依赖国会拨款,而向财政部融资back door financing
转仓rolling forward
转仓roll forward
转移backward shifting
迁仓roll forward
金融产品暇疵自负责with all faults
国际投资背的动机motivation behind international investing
场外备系统offsite backup system
垂直向一体化vertical backward integration
增资注册资本capital after expanding
大涨的调整期consolidation period
完全事清偿full ex-post settling up
完全稀释的收益fully diluted earnings
完全稀释股本fully diluted share capital
完成交易与合并的整合工作closing and postmerger integration
对金融机构经营能力董事会有最的决定权board of directors' final say on the financial institutions' operating capability
操纵pull strings behind the scenes
策划behind the scheming
老板behind-the-scene boss
违规出谋划策者instigators and masterminds
年报事检验after-action check of annual report
并购证券出售post-merger sale of securities
开市前最销售pre-market last sale
影响滞impact lag
扣除利息净利net income after interest charge
执行订单的先次序order priority
技术性拉效应technical pull back
投资post money
投资对企业的估值post-money valuation
投资mezzanine stage
投资先安排investment pipeline
投资的时间滞investment lag
折旧的价值cost less depreciation
报告滞reporting lag
进行的全面要约deferred general offer
交易所押金付清的价格exhaust price
按亏损抵前和税收减免规定处理loss carry back and carry forward credits
按先旧新顺序配售top-up placing
按协议买人再出售的证券securities purchased under agreement to resell
按最价格at the close
按最订单at the close order
授权的要求post-authorization requirement
授权需继续遵守的规定post-authorization requirement
接管摊薄post-takeover dilution
提前与延原则principle of leads and lags
提前或延leading and lagging (收付)
提示付款汇票bill on presentation
摊薄每股赢利diluted earnings per share
支付滞payment lag
收市交易off-hours trading
收市交易量after hours volume
收市价格after-hours price
收市尽职调查post-dosing due diligence
收市最低要价after hours best ask
收市最高出价after hours best bid
收市百分比变化after hours percent change
收市的交叉时段off-hours crossing sessions
收市的交易post-market trading (常规的交易市场收市后进行的交易)
收市的表述和保证的确认confirmation of representations and warranties as of closing
收市的调整late adjustment
收益付股票deferred shares /stock
收盘事宜post-closing matter
收盘交易off-hours trading
收盘交易收市后进行的买卖交易late day trade
收盘交易数据文档传递服务end-of-day trade data file transfer service
收盘交易时段after hours
收盘交易量after hours volume
收盘价格street price
收盘最低叫价after hours best ask
收盘最高出价after hours best bid
收盘的调整late adjustment
收盘/收市交易after hours trading
收盘/收市交易after hours dealing
收盘/收市最低价after hours low
收盘/收市最后销售after hours last sale
收盘/收市最高价after hours high
收盘/收市的变化after hours change
收盘钟响after the bell
收购对目标公司董事会的控制control of target's board after purchase
收购的合并报表consolidated statement after acquisition
收购的整合post acquisition integration
收购的经营post-acquisition operation
收购稀释post-takeover dilution
收购股权价值post buy-out equity value
收购诉讼post acquisition litigation
收购费用post acquisition expenditures
收购财产的账目account of after-acquired property
整顿的投资公司regulated investment company
文件最的审批final review and approval of document
时间滞lag pattern
明天/天互换tomorrow-next swap
明天/天掉期tomorrow-next swap
明日之一天tomorrow next
更改过票据altered bill
一笔大额付款balloon repayment
三分钟叫价拍卖last-three-minute call auction
买主last time buyer
买盘价格last bid price
交付通知日last notice day
交易价last traded price
产物outcome yield
估价日final valuation point
出价closing bid
分拆last split
到期日final maturity date
意见final submission
执行日期last exercise day
持仓open position at the end
提醒last reminder
收益outcome yield
红利terminal dividend
细分detailed final sorting
结算final settlement
结算处理程序final settlement run
结算日last accounting date
结算日final settlement day
行情last tape
要价closing ask
贷款机构指央行last resort
贷款者对金融机构融资的中央银行lender of last resort
贷款者last resort
转移有效good to the last drop (清算所成员有责任向当日未完成债务转移的其他成员提供帮助(交易规则))
进价法last invoice cost method
通知last reminder
通知书last reminder
销售last sale
销售日sale last day
付款months after date
有先次序的期权tandem option
有先次序的股票认购权tandem stock option
期权调整的利差option-adjusted spreads
期满背书endorsement after maturity
未分配的收购储备undistributed post-acquisition reserve
某时间有效指令good after time order
正式市场结束的交易kerb trade/trading
付款利息interest for delay/delinquency
储备lagged reserve
准备金规定lagged reserve requirement
lag pattern
期权delayed options
经济指标滞后于整体经济活动的经济或财务指标lagging economic indicator
交易价格after-hours price
交易期正常交易时间结束后的证券配对交易期crossing session
相抵的净值或余额on balance
破产仍然经营的公司living dead
私募收到钱之post money
扣减carryover deduction
净收益net after tax gain
利润after tax profit
利润余额after tax profit margin
实际回报率或收益率after-tax real rate of return
成本after-tax cost
摊还amortization after tax
收人after-tax yield
收益franked income
经营净利润net operating profit after tax
经营利润post-tax operating profits
经营收人after tax operating income
边际利润after-tax margins
还款amortization after tax
税款tax carryover
税率调整净经营利润net operating profit less adjusted taxes
稳定价格行动的披露post stabilization disclosure
第二和续抵押second and subsequent mortgage
签约预收佣金front-end commission
管理落backward in management
紧急备支援emergency backup
经正式鉴定的证券/文件authenticated copy
经营operation support
结算的财产settled property
结算滞settlement lag
结账事宜post-closing matter
结账记录post closing entry
结账负债post closing obligation
缴税利润profit after tax
缺乏unsustainable momentum
股市收盘after the bell
股息净收人net income after dividend
的理论theory behind
获执照才能经营受监管业务的公司corporations to be licensed for carrying on regulated activity
行情显示滞交易量过大,致使交易记录公布时间推迟tape is late
触价转为市价订单market-if-touched order
触价转为市价订单Market-If-Touched orders
计人期亏损loss carry forward
认知滞recognition lag
调整总收人adjusted gross income
调整有形净资产adjusted net tangible assets
调整现值adjusted present value
调整的亏损adjusted loss
调整的余额adjusted surplus
调整的债券adjusted bond
调整的净现价net adjusted present value
调整的利润adjusted profit
调整的原成本adjusted original cost
调整的发行价adjusted issue price
调整的可接纳资产净值adjusted net admissible assets
调整的回报率adjusted rate of return
调整的基数/基价adjusted basis (证券出售时,计算资本收益的基础价格)
调整的市值adjusted market value
调整的执行价adjusted exercise price
调整的执行价格adjusted strike price
调整的收益率adjusted rate of return
调整的最短期限收益yield to adjusted minimum maturity
风险管理调整的期权利差option adjusted spread
调整的期权利差option adjusted spread
调整的流动资产adjusted current assets
调整的现值adjusted present value
调整的留存收益adjusted retained earnings
调整的纯利润adjusted net profit
调整的负债adjusted liability
调整的负债余额adjusted debit balance
调整的贷款和投资loans and investments adjusted
调整资产净值adjusted net assets
调整滞adjustment lag
货到付款汇票arrival draft
货到付款汇票arrival bill
购买评估post-purchase evaluation
资产负债表公布事项events subsequent to balance sheet date
资本损失转capital loss carryover
赋税亏损结转tax loss carry forward
carried forward
roll forward
积累盈余accumulated surplus carried forward
转换的净收人converted net collection
债券股票转换的资产负债表converted balance sheet
退税净偿债收益grossed-up net redemption yield
通胀率调整的市值最低水平inflation adjusted capitalization minimums
重组股份溢价减少reduction of share premium on reorganization
重组或改制上市的企业firm reorganized or restructured listing on stock market
防止出现意想不到的guard against unintended consequences
限制期满承认acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
限制期满确认债务acknowledgement after expiration of the limitation period
除息的债券stripped bond
除息的债券和除息后的息票零息票债券stripped bonds and stripped coupons
除息的证券stripped securities
fellow on
发行subsequent offering
的投资阶段follow on
行动follow-up action
走势如股市大幅上涨后又大幅回落secondary movement
预付滞反应lag response of prepayment
预先制定的收购整合计划pre-planning of post-acquisition integration
风险调整收益率risk adjusted return
风险调整的收益比率risk adjusted return ratio
风险调整的资本回报risk adjusted return of capital
风险调整盈利能力risk adjusted profitability
风险调整绩效管理risk based performance management
风险调整贴现率risk adjusted discount rate
风险调整资本收益率risk adjusted return of capital
首次公开发行的信息披露/管理post-IPO disclosure/management