
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
下丘脑posterior hypothalamic nucleus
下腔静脉输管postcaval ureter
丘脑辐射posterior thalamic radiations
中央postcentral gyrus
中央postcentral branch
中央postcentral sulcus
主动脉淋巴结postaortic lymph nodes
乙状窦人路retrosigmoid approach
乳突人路retromastoid approach
乳腺脓肿retromammary abscess
乳腺脓肿postmammary abscess
交界切开综合征postcommissurotomy syndrome
交通postcommunicating part
交通pericallosal artery
乳腺炎postpartum mastitis
脂肪栓塞症post-traumatic fat embolism
先天性鼻孔闭锁congenital atresia of choana
先夭性胸骨膈疝Morgagni hernia
内囊posterior limb of internal capsule
内括约肌切术Thomas procedure
创伤代谢反应post-trauma metabolic response
创伤头痛post-traumatic cephalalgia
创伤气管狭窄post-traumatic tracheal stenosis
创伤综合征post-traumatic syndrome
创伤脑综合征post-traumatic brain syndrome
创伤表皮样囊肿post-traumatic epidermoid cyst
创伤软脑膜囊肿post-traumatic leptomeningeal cyst
创伤骨萎缩Sudeck atrophy
创伤骨萎缩post-traumatic atrophy of bone
十二指肠动脉retroduodenal arteries
十二指肠隐窝retroduodenal recess
半月神经节神经切断术retrogasserian neurotomy
去梗阻利尿postobstructive diuresis
双颞叶切除综合征Klüver-Bucy syndrome
中间沟posterointermediate sulcus
中间沟posterior intermediate sulcus
乳头肌posterior papillary muscle
内侧旋转不稳定posteromedial rotatory instability
前位投影X 片postero-anterior projection radiography
posterior fontanelle
外侧中央动脉posterolateral central arteries
外侧倾斜断层摄片posterolateral inclined tomography
外侧后核retroposterolateral nucleus
外侧开胸术posterolateral thoracotomy
外侧旋转不稳定posterolateral rotatory instability
外侧核posterolateral nucleus
外侧横膈疝posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia
天性功能性巨结肠症acquired functional megacolon
天性器质性巨结肠症acquired organic megacolon
天性并指acquired syndactyly
天性并趾acquired syndactyly
天性淋巴水肿acquired lymphedema
天性畸形acquired malformation
天性睑下垂acquired blepharoptosis
天性肝梅毒acquired syphilis of liver
天性脑积水acquired hydrocephalus
天性腹膜粘连acquired peritoneal adhesion
天性膝反屈acquired genu recurvatum
天畸形acquired deformity
室间支posterior interventricular branch
室间沟posterior interventricular groove
室间静脉posterior interventricular vein
posterior cusp
尿道息肉posterior urethral polyps
尿道瓣膜posterior urethral valve
屈束habenulointerpeduncular tract
床突posterior clinoid process
底支posterior basal branch
底段posterior basal segment (S X, S X)
底段支气管posterior basal segmental bronchus (BX, B X)
腭裂推手术push back operation (for cleftpalate)
posterior ramus
期修复late repair
期迟延anaphase lag
posterior cord
anterior root
根切断术posterior rhizotomy
根动脉posterior radicular artery
概率posterior probability
正中隔posterior median septum
段动脉posterior segmental artery
盆腔清除术posterior pelvic exenteration
sphenoidal process
posterior process
posterior sinus
posterior extremity
结节posterior tubercle
posterior divisions
胼胝周围动脉posterior pericallosal artery
posterior crus
腺支posterior glandular branch
褶柱posterior column of rugae
角固有核nucleus proprius
角头head of posterior horn
角尖apex of posterior horn
角底base of posterior horn
角球bulb of posterior horn
角颈neck of posterior horn
距关节面posterior talar articular surface
跟关节面posterior calcanean articular surface
路手术posterior approach
连合posterior commissure
送分类transportation triage
遗畸形sequel deformity
降支posterior descending branch
髓帆posterior medullary velum
髓帆inferior medullary velum
连合posterior labial commissure
唇裂术继发畸形secondary deformity of cleft lip
唇裂术继发畸形postoperative secondary deformity of cleft lip
圆弧形round back kyphosis
复发性肩关节脱位recurrent posterior dislocation of shoulder
复苏综合征post-resuscitation syndrome
大脑动脉posterior cerebral artery
小直肌rectus capitis posterior minor
女性天性尿道黏膜包涵囊肿acquired inclusion cyst of urethral epithelium of female
导管缩窄postductal contraction
小脑切迹posterior cerebellar notch
小脑下动脉posterior inferior cerebellar artery
小腿posterior crural region
小腿肌间隔posterior crural intermuscular septum
apicoposterior branch
apicoposterior segmentS I + S II (s I +s II)
段支气管apicoposterior segmental bronchusB I + II (B I + II)
左室静脉posterior vein of left ventricle
幽门淋巴结retropyloric lymph nodes
心包切开术综合征postpericardiotomy syndrome
手术岀血post-operative bleeding
手术心肌梗死postoperative myocardial infarction
手术肉芽肿性腹膜炎postoperative granulomatous peritonitis
手术胆管残留结石postoperative residual stone in bile duct
手术胆管狭窄postoperative biliary stricture
换瓣术血栓形成post-valve-replacement traumatic thrombosis
换瓣术血栓形成post-valve-replacement thrombosis
换瓣术血栓形成post-traumatic-replacement thrombosis
方形小叶posterior quadrangular lobule
肌嵴supinator crest
肌弓Frohse arch
肌综合征supinator syndrome
肌腱弓综合征archus Fronse syndrome
旋肱静脉posterior humeral circumflex vein
晶状体posterior pole of lens
晶状体posterior surface of lens
乳糜胸postoperative chylothorax
postoperative complications
postoperative fistula
胆囊炎postoperative cholecystitis
胰腺炎postoperative pancreatitis
脓胸postoperative empyema
膈疝postoperative diaphragmatic hernia
食管狭窄postoperative esophageal stricture
板股韧带posterior meniscofemoral ligament
枕-小脑下动脉吻合术occipital artery-posterior inferior cerebellar artery anastomosis
椎内静脉丛posterior internal vertebral venous plexus
橄榄retroolivary area
橄榄retroolivary sulcus
动脉posterior deep temporal artery
灌注综合征postperfusion syndrome
灰质连合posterior gray commissure
post-disaster phase
烧伤假性糖尿病pseudodiabetes of burn
烧伤病毒感染postburn virus infection
烧伤精神紊乱postburn psychological disturbance
烧伤肾上腺出血postburn adrenal hemorrhage
烧伤病人evacuation of burn patient
特发性腹膜纤维化idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis
狭窄扩大poststenotic dilatation
环杓posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
白质连合posterior white commissure
盲肠位阑尾retrocecal appendix
盲肠动脉posterior cecal artery
盲肠或腹膜后脓肿retrocecal or retroperitoneal abscess
盲肠淋巴结retrocecal lymph nodes
盲肠腹膜后急性阑尾炎retrocecal retroperitoneal acute appendicitis
盲肠隐窝retrocecal recess
直肠拖出吻合巨结肠根治术Duhamel procedure
直肠脓肿retrorectal abscess
直肠间隙脓肿retrorectal space abscess
posterior palpebral edge
posterior surface of eyelid
短动脉short posterior ciliary arteries
长动脉long posterior ciliary arteries
突触postsynaptic element
第一肋间动脉first posterior intercostal artery
第三脑室部肿瘤third ventricle posterior portion tumor
第二肋间动脉second posterior intercostal artery
细胞分裂anaphase of cell division
结肠胃空肠吻合术retrocolic gastrojejunostomy
结膜内侧动脉medial posterior conjunctival arteries
乳头肌功能不良postischemic papillary muscle dysfunction
缺血乳头肌断裂postischemic papillary muscle rupture
淤血斑Battle sign
耳郭posthelical sulcus
耳郭posterior auricular sulcus
耻骨前列腺切除术retropubic prostatectomy
耻骨间隙retropubic space
肋间动脉posterior intercostal artery
肋间静脉posterior intercostal veins
posterior cubital region
hyperextension of elbow
posterior region of thigh
皮神经posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
动脉posterior gastric artery
胃切除并发症postgastrectomy complications
胆囊切除术综合征postcholecystectomy syndrome
淋巴结posterior tibial lymph node
返动脉posterior tibial recurrent artery
静脉posterior tibial veins
胫腓韧带posterior tibiofibular ligament
胫距posterior tibiotalar part
胫骨肌腱鞘tendinous sheath of tibialis posterior
胰十二指肠上动脉posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal artery
胸骨甲状腺retrosternal thyroid
胸骨食管结肠胃吻合术retrosternal esophago-col-gastrostomy
胼胝体静脉posterior vein of corpus callosum
脉络丛内侧支posterior medial choroidal branches
脉络丛动脉posterior choroidal arteries
脉络丛外侧支posterior lateral choroidal branches
脊神经根切断术spinal posterior rhizotomy
脊髓静脉posterior spinal veins
脊髓灰质炎遗畸形deformity of poliomyelitis
脑震荡综合征postconcussion syndrome
脾切除发热postsplenectomy fever
线posterior axillary line
腓骨头韧带posterior ligament of fibula head
腔静脉淋巴结postcaval lymph nodes
腔静脉输尿管retrocaval ureter
posterior region of wrist
腭裂推修复术closure of cleft palate by Dorrance push back operation
腰神经根切断术lumbar posterior rhizotomy
内侧核ventral posteromedial nucleus
外侧核ventral posterolateral nucleus
ventral posterior nucleus
腹膜大出血retroperitoneal massive hemorrhage
腹膜感染retroperitoneal infection
腹膜注气造影retroperitoneal pneumography
腹膜淋巴囊肿retroperitoneal lymphocele
腹膜淋巴清除术radical dissection of retroperitoneal lymph nodes
腹膜淋巴结切除术retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy
腹膜畸胎瘤retroperitoneal teratoma
腹膜retroperitoneal hernia
腹膜Cooper hernia
腹膜神经母细胞瘤retroperitoneal neuroblastoma
腹膜血肿retroperitoneal hematoma
腹膜retroperitoneal space
膀胱淋巴结postvesical lymph nodes
posterior region of knee
膝关节posterior hernia of knee
线posterior gluteal line
角状angular kyphosis
距小腿posterior talocrural region
距骨posterior process of talus
posterior talocrural region
选择性脊神经根切断术selective posterior rhizotomy
透明隔静脉posterior vein of septum pellucidum
secondary fissure
retropyramidal fissure
闭孔结节posterior obturator tubercle
阴唇posterior labial branches
阴唇神经posterior labial nerves
阴唇静脉posterior labial veins
阴囊posterior scrotal branches
阴囊神经posterior scrotal nerves
阴囊静脉posterior scrotal veins
窝肿瘤posterior fossa tumor
三角posterior triangle of neck
颈内动脉-交通动脉动脉瘤internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery aneurysm
颈椎纵韧带骨化ossification of cervical posterior longitudinal ligament
颈神经根切断术cervical posterior rhizotomy
骨间动脉posterior interosseous artery
骨间神经posterior interosseous nerve
骨间静脉posterior interosseous veins
posterior sacral foramina
dorsal sacral foramina
纵切肛门成形术posterior sacral sagittal anoplasty
纵切肛门成形术Pena operation
骶尾浅韧带superficial posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
骶尾深韧带deep posterior sacrococcygeal ligament
骶神经根切断术sacral posterior rhizotomy
骶骼韧带posterior sacroiliac ligaments
髁间posterior intercondylar area
上棘posterior superior iliac spine
下棘posterior inferior iliac spine
髂动脉输尿管retroiliac ureter
上内侧支medial posterior superior nasal branches
孔闭锁choanal atresia
孔闭锁atresia of choana