
Terms for subject Logistics containing | all forms
专用合运输dedicated contract carriage
伦敦商业银行业拆放利率London Interbank Offer Rate
修正合refortification of contract
光船租船合bareboat demise charter
光船租赁合demise charter party
海损性质general average quality
海损货物估价单valuation of goods for G/A (general average)
海损鉴定cargo survey for general average
运费率common tariff
出版的通用定期租船合格式Baltime BIMCO
包机合Charter Party
包租合charter party contract
包运合lump-sum contract
物流规划预测补货系统Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment
物流预测补货系统Collaborative Forecasting and Replenishment
单价合unit price con tract
单航次租船合single voyage charterparty
单航次租船合single trip charterparty
条款conditions of con tract
补遗条款addendum clause
费率制contract rate system
附后的条款back letter
货物homogeneous cargo
封闭性货运closed conference
往返来回航次租船合return trip voyages charterparty
往返来回航次租船合round trip voyages charterparty
忠诚合loyalty contract
时间货量合time volume contract
未定港租船合open charter
标准定期租船合巴尔的摩合同Uniform Time Charter
标准杂货租船合金康合同Uniform General Charter
海上运输合contract of carriage by sea
租船合范本pro forma charter party
纽约土产交易所制定的定期租船合New York Produce Exchange CharterParty
设计、采购和施工合工程总承包合同Engineer, Procure and Construct
购货合订单purchase order
购货合订单purchase contract
运费按租船合规定支付freight payable as per charter party
连续单航次租船合consecutive single trip voyages charterparty
连续往返航次租船合consecutive return trip voyages charterparty
连续往返航次租船合consecutive round trip voyages charterparty
陆路共overland common point