
Terms containing 合 规 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.一权威专家除了审核合同文件,还必须审核图纸及规格说明书An authorized expert may examine drawings and specifications as well as contract documents
chem.立构聚合物tritactic polymer
judo.三者合议取多数的规则majority-of-three rule
tech.合规not conform to the rules
tech.合规定的润滑faulty lubrication
tech.合规定的集料irregular aggregate
tech.合规定的骨料irregular aggregate
CNC合规not up to standard
tech.合规fall short of the specifications
construct.合规out of gage
busin.合规标准out of gauge
busin.合规fall short of the specification
gen.合规be untrue to type
construct.合规夹泥超量的底层材料submarginal granular base material
tech.合规格产品off-specification goods
chem.合规格材rejected log
busin.合规格样品failed test sample
tech.合规格的物料off-specification material
busin.合规格的罐头食品substandard canned goods
commer.合规格的货物off-gauge goods
life.sc.合规out of plumb
tech.合规章的股份公司bogus stock company
commer.不合常规的背书irregular endorsement
tech.不合理的规章制度unreasonable rules and regulation
econ.不合理的规章制度unreasonable rules and regulations
gen.不合理的规章制度irrational rules and regulations
securit.不必要的合规负担unnecessary compliance burden
securit.不符合规fail to conform to stipulations
tech.不符合规定使用不符规定使用non-conforming use
tech.不符合规定使用房屋的损坏damages to non-conforming use
commer.不符合规定信用证non-conforming credit
busin.不符合规定的货物non-confirming goods
econ.不符合合同规定的货物nonconformity of the goods
econ.不符合同规定的货物the non-conformity of the goods
avia.不符合常规not according to routine
tech.不符合技术规格样品out-of-specification piece
China, law不符合本法规定fail to comply with the present Law
China, law不符合法律规定条件fail to meet the conditions provided by law
tech.不规则砌合random bond
math.不规则组合的irregular kollectiv
tech.不规则集合irregular collective
tech.不规则面不整合trachy unconformity
commer.与合同上所规定的质量标准相符comply with the quality standard fixed by the contract
commer.与合同规定不符inconformity with the stipulations in the contract
commer.与合同规定不符not in accord with the stipulations in the contract
commer.与合同规定相符in conformity with the stipulations of the contract
commer.严格地说,货物质量与合同规定并不完全相一致The quality to the goods, properly speaking, is not fully in conformity with the stipulation in the contract
commer.严格遵守合同中的规定be observant of the stipulations in the contract
securit.中外合资经营企业会计规则Accounting Regulations of the PRC on Chinese-foreign Joint Venture
commer.中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment
commer.买主要求这些细节,是为了符合本国在进口许可证、关税以及外汇管制等方面的现行规定The buyer requires these details in order to comply with the rules and regulations in force in his own country applying to such topics as import licences, customs duties and exchange restrictions
securit.交易不合规disqualifying transaction
commer.产品已达合同规定标准The products have reached contract specified standards
securit.企业合并公开披露规定disclosure requirements for business combinations
busin.企业合理规模经营appropriate scale of enterprise operation
tech.住宅组群用地综合规estate planning
commer.你方信用证规定应与合同中的规定相符The stipulations in your L/C should be in accordance with those in the contract
commer.使符合要求的规格conform the specifications to the requirements
commer.保付商行对货物与合同规定符合与否不负责任The confirming house does not undertake any liability for the conformity of the goods with the stipulations in the contract
commer.信用证规定必须与合同规定严格相符The stipulations in L/C shall be in strict agreement with those in the contract
tech.全国综合开发规划Comprehensive National Development Plan
tech.全面规划、合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout
ecol.全面规划合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout
busin.关于货物与合同规定不符的补偿remedy for lack of conforming
securit.内部合规手册internal compliance manuals
busin.劳合社船级规范Lloyd's Rule
earth.sc.北海联合数据采集规划Joint North Sea Data Acquisition Programme
busin.区域性协会和合营企业章程规范model rules of regional associations and joint ventures
chem.单有规立构聚合物monotactic polymer
desert.南亚环境合作规划The South Asia Co-operative Environment Programme
busin.变革不合理的规章制度change irrational and outdated rules and regulations
tech.各种流域排水工程整理综合规comprehensive program of catchment sewerage
busin.up to spec (ification)
securit.合乎法规compliance with laws
gen.〔法语〕合乎规则〔惯例〕的de regle
commer.合乎规格up to specification
econ.合乎规格meet the specifications
construct.合乎规格come up to the standard
AI.合取规则conjunction rule
gen.合同〔协议〕规定on the stipulation
busin.合同明文规定expressly agreed terms of the contract
commer.合同明文规定保险应由卖方承担The contract provides expressly that the insurance shall be effected by the seller
econ.合同的明文规定expressly agreed terms of the contract
tech.合同的明文规定express terms of contract
tech.合同的直接规定direct contract stipulation
econ.合同规定contracting definition
tech.合同规定contractual specification
chem.合同规定contractural specifications
tech.合同规定contract stipulation
busin.合同规定provision in the contract
tech.合同规定contract specification
tech.合同规定contract provision
econ.合同规定一经确认订单,三天之内收讫第一批付款The contract stipulates that the first payment is to be accepted within 3 days on confirming the order
tech.合同规定义务contractual liability
commer.合同规定买方所订货物未能完成一定时期的最低限额时The contract stipulates that the seller shall have an option of giving notice of termination when the orders placed by the buyer do not represent a minimum volume for a fixed period
commer.合同规定付款条件为即期信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
commer.合同规定任何争议应由双方指定的独任的仲裁员进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbitrator appointed by both parties
econ.合同规定使用的货币contract currency
busin.合同规定储备准备金contract reserve
commer.合同规定性能contract acquired property
econ.合同规定我方应承担更换或修理毁损货物,费用由我方负担The contract provides that we shall undertake to replace and repair the damaged goods at our cost
econ.合同规定收入contractual income
econ.合同规定标准尺寸的compact modular
gen.合同规定用钢窗the contract specifies steel sashes for the windows
tech.合同规定的一批或各单位package or units covered by the contract
China, law合同规定的义务obligations imposed by the contract
busin.合同规定的义务contractual liability
shipb.合同规定的交货地点delivery place as provided in the contract
shipb.合同规定的交货日期delivery date as provided in the contract
busin.合同规定的付款约定付款contractual payment
tech.合同规定的付款contractual payment
shipb.合同规定的价格stipulated price
busin.合同规定的价格contractual value
busin.合同规定的价格contract stipulated price
shipb.合同规定的价格contractual price
busin.合同规定的债务偿付contractual debt service
busin.合同规定的债权contractual claim
busin.合同规定的准备金contractual reserve
busin.合同规定的利率contracted interest rate
busin.合同规定的劳务contractual service
busin.合同规定的包装contractual packing
shipb.合同规定的包装package covered in the contract
econ.合同规定的品质contractual quality
econ.合同规定的商品价格contract value
shipb.合同规定的图纸drawings for the contract
shipb.合同规定的图纸blueprints for the contract
busin.合同规定的工资约定工资contract wages
busin.合同规定的承运人contracting carrier
busin.合同规定的收益约定收益contractual income
econ.合同规定的救助contract salvage
busin.合同规定的期限contractual limit of time
busin.合同规定的权利contractual right
econ.品质、数量、装运等合同规定的条件contractual condition
busin.合同规定的津贴contractual allowance
tech.合同规定的股利contractual dividend
busin.合同规定的航次约定航次contract voyage
econ.合同规定的装运期contractual shipment
tech.合同规定的责任contractual obligation
busin.合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
busin.合同规定的货物即合同规定,买方不能向其它供货人购买本合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
econ.合同规定的质量contract quality
busin.合同规定的远期汇率contracted forward rate
tech.合同规定设备contract rig
tech.合同规定货币currency of contract
avia.合同规范contract specification
securit.证券交易合宜规则suitability rule
securit.合并披露规定disclosure requirements for combinations
securit.合并规范merger code
AI.合成规则Dempster's rule of Dempster combination
tech.合成规则composition rule
busin.合格不合格量规过规、不过规go-no-go gauge
busin.合格与不合格的量规过规与不过规go-and-no-go gauge
securit.合理交易规则sound trading rules
securit.合理化的市场监管规则rationalized market regulation
busin.合理化规则streamlined rules
tech.合理化规定streamlined specifications
securit.合理的市场规则rationalized market regulation
busin.合理经营规模appropriate scale of operation
busin.合理规模appropriate scale
commer.合约规定任何争议应提交伦敦商会指定的人进行仲裁The contract provides that any difference or dispute shall be referred to the arbitration of a person appointed by the London Chamber of Commerce
tech.合约规定工程总费用最高限额guaranteed maximum cost
securit.合约规格contract specifications
securit.合约规格概要contract specifications summary
busin.合而为一的指规数模型integrated IPF model
securit.合规in compliance with requirements
securit.合规上的错误compliance error
securit.合规交割good delivery
securit.合规制度compliance system
securit.合规声明compliance statement
securit.合规委员会compliance committee
securit.合规审核compliance review
securit.合规审计regularity auditing
securit.合规性稽核regularity auditing
securit.合规总监compliance director
China, law合规报告regulatory compliance report
China, law合规报告制度regulatory compliance reporting system
securit.合规文化compliance culture
securit.合规核对表compliance checklist
tech.合规格润滑剂specified lubricant
securit.合规检讨compliance review
securit.合规活动compliance activity
securit.合规的免税股利qualifying dividend
securit.合规的股息qualifying dividend
securit.合规监督人compliance officer
securit.合规监管办公室Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (美国证监会的常设机构)
securit.合规经营的意识consciousness of regulation-observing operation
securit.合规职能compliance function
securit.合规能力compliance capability
securit.合规certificate of compliance
securit.合规证券eligible paper
securit.合规试验compliance test
securit.合规调查compliance surveillance
securit.合规compliance unit
securit.合规compliance department
securit.合规问题compliance issues
commer.中外合资经营企业的规章条例regulation for joint venture
earth.sc.国际科学联合会理事会国际生物学规划特别委员会ICSU Special Committee for the International Biological Programme
earth.sc.国际规划和开发合作公司Planning and Development Collaborative International
commer.在合同中规定保险条款specify the insurance clause in a contract
commer.在合同中规定惯例条款stipulate a customary clause in a contract
commer.在合同中附加具体规定attach a specific stipulation to a contract
tech.城市环境综合整治规划comprehensive treatment planning of urban environment
tech.城市环境综合整治规划comprehensive rehabilitation planning of urban environment
multimed.基于规则的合成rule-based synthesis
tech.基本建设项目概算合规性审计audit of estimation legality of capital construction project
tech.合规compound gauge
tech.合规compound gage
gen.复合式卡规compound gauge
earth.sc.复合状态动态规划〔法〕Aggregate State Dynamic Programming
tech.复合运送单据统一规则uniform rules for a combined transport documents
commer.外汇合同统一规则Uniform Rules for Foreign Exchange Contracts
busin.多部门资源规划综合技术multisector resources-planning technique
refrig.大规模合并very large-scale integrated
earth.sc.大规模混合集成〔电路〕large scale hybrid integrated (circuit)
avia.大规模混合集成电路large scale hybrid integrated circuit
avia.大规模混合集成large scale hybrid integrated
busin.大规模混合集成化large-scale hybrid integration
busin.大规模混合集成电路large-scale hybrid integrated circuit
busin.大规模混合集成电路large-scale compound integration
earth.sc.大规模组合集成〔电路〕large scale compound integration
securit.大额未平仓合约申报规定Large Open Position Reporting Requirements
tech.合规矩线hairline register
China, polit.审查地方性法规的合法性examine the legality of local regulations
gen.对不起,这张纸币有破损污迹,我们无法为您兑换。这是酒店的规定,希望您能理解并配合我们的工作I'm sorry. This bank note is damaged smeared, so we couldn't help you to exchange it. This is the rule of our hotel. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
China, polit.对符合新法律规定的加以深化和细化make those that already comply with the stipulations of the new law stronger and more detailed
busin.尺寸不合规out of size
busin.工业合理规模经营appropriate scale of industrial operation
commer.已检验符合商品交易所期货合同规定品质的存货certificated stock
avia.常规外挂物综合管理系统integrated conventional stores management system
tech.常规组合开关conventional switchgroup
securit.常规集合conventional pool
busin.1947 年联合国国际销售规定United Nations on Prescription in the International Sale of Goods (1947)
tech.建设费用合规性审计construction expense legality audit
tech.彩色套合规矩线colour registration guide
tech.彩色套合规矩线color registration guide
sport.所有广告必须符合安全规定All advertising must comply with safety regulations
econ.按合同中第五条条款的规定,合同价格将用外币支付Payments of the contract price shall be made in foreign currency as specified in clause five
busin.按合同规定牌价price of call
tech.按合同规定的维修contract-performed maintenance
busin.按照合向规定as provided in the contract
tech.按租船合同规定as per charter party
commer.改革不合理的规章制度change irrational rules and regulations
commer.改革旧的不合理规章制度reform outdated and irrational rules and regulations
chem.无规立构聚合物nonstereospecific polymer
tech.无规卷曲聚合物random coiling polymer
chem.无规支化聚合物randomly branched polymer
anim.husb.日本国际生物学规划综合丛书国际科学协会理事会主办的国际生物学研究规划日本分支机构出版的丛书Japan International Biological Program JIBP Synthesis Series
busin.时间符合工艺规程Time Compliance Technical Order
AI.最佳适合规Best-Fit rule
busin.最小合理规模minimum efficient scale
commer.有义务履行合同的规定条款be bound to carry out the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract
agric.有规聚合物tactic polymer
tech.有规聚合物regulated polymer
busin.机构间联合规划作业joint interagency planning
tech.杂规聚合物heterotactic polymer
commer.根据合同规定as agreed
commer.根据合同规定as contracted
commer.根据合同规定as per contract stipulations
sport.检录裁判员应确保运动员服装和提包上的广告必须符合国际田联的规则和规定The Call Room Judges shall ensure that advertising on clothing and athletes' bags must comply with IAAF Rules and Regulations (注释:1. advertising 广告通常作集合名词使用,是不可数名词;all advertising, a great deal of advertising; 2. 广告通常用 advertisement 是可数名词; 广告牌 bill board; 在报上登广告 place advertisements in the newspaper; 广告栏 columns of advertisements; 第二种用法在国际田联规则中很少见)
earth.sc.模糊协合规fuzzy compromise programming
busin.正式通知货物与合同规定不符give due notice of a lack of conformity
tech.正规砌合regular bond
tech.正规砌合normal bond
railw.正规适合的功能接口规范Form Fit Functional Interface Specification
tech.正规黏合normal bond
ecol.气象组织和环境规划署合作的臭氧科学会议Ozone Science Meeting (WMO, UNEP)
tech.水利资源综合利用规划integrated water resource planning
tech.水污染综合控制规划planning of comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水污染综合控制规划integrated planning of water pollution control
tech.水污染综合防治规划planning of comprehensive water pollution control
tech.水质综合管理规划comprehensive water quality management planning
tech.水量水质综合规integrated water quantity and quality planning
tech.污染综合控制规划integrated pollution control programme
tech.污染综合控制规划integrated pollution control program
earth.sc.污染综合防治规划integrated pollution control program
tech.污水综合管理规划办法comprehensive wastewater management planning process
busin.合规mixed programming
chem.合规mixing rule
agric.合规mixing regulation
busin.混合式大规模集成电路hybrid LSI
busin.混合式大规模集成电路hybrid LSI
earth.sc.混合整数机遇约束规划mixed integer chance constrained programming
earth.sc.混合整数线性规划mixed-integer linear programming
tech.混合整数线性规划mixed integer linear programming
earth.sc.混合整数非线性规划mixed-integer nonlinear programming
tech.混合料的配料规范mixture specifications
tech.混合线性规划mixed linear programming
China, polit.清理、修订现行抑制消费的不合理规定和政策eliminate or revise unsuitable regulations and policies that discourage consumption
earth.sc.环境效应联合规joint environmental effects program
securit.监督是否合规monitor compliance
securit.监管合规regulatory compliance
earth.sc.知识集合状态动态规划Knowledge-Based Aggregate State Dynamic Programming
China, law科学合理地规定scientifically and rationally prescribing
China, polit.科学合理地规定权利与义务scientifically and rationally prescribing the rights and duties
securit.税法规定可按合伙企业课税的公司subchapter S corporation
tech.立构有规聚合物stereoregular polymer
China, law合规划条件in compliance with the condition for planning
securit.合规定的保证金eligible margin
tech.合规定的支出qualifying expenditures
China, law合规定离职leave the service in compliance with regulations
tech.合规定要求的设计point design
busin.合规fulfill quality requirements
busin.合规pass the requirement
securit.合规meet one's specification
tech.合规范的房屋conforming building
tech.合规范的结构conforming structure
tech.合规范要求meet the requirement of specifications
tech.合规范要求adherence to specifications
tech.合规范规定conform to the specification
tech.合规范规定in conformity with the specifications
tech.合规范规定adherence to specification
tech.符合区划规定高度zone height compliance
China, law符合国家规定conform to state regulations
China, law符合城市规划conform to the plan for a city
tech.符合所需规格conform the specification to the requirement
China, polit.符合新法律的规定comply with the stipulations of the new law
China, law符合法律规定conformity with the provision prescribed by law
tech.符合法规conformance with code
commer.符合法规conform with the regulations
gen.符合法规canonicity (法典)
tech.符合环保法规的compliant technology
tech.符合环保法规的底漆compliant primer
tech.符合环保法规的涂料体系compliance systems
tech.符合环保法规要求的溶剂exempt solvent
sport.符合统一规格in line with standards
tech.符合联邦规范的漆Federal Specification paint (美国)
tech.符合自然规律in conformity with the law of nature
China, law符合诊疗规范in line with the procedures and standards for diagnosis and treatment
commer.符合货样规格be up to sample
tech.等规聚合物塑料isotactic polymer plastics
securit.纳税合规证明arbitrage certificate
tech.合规rule of combination
chem.合规combining rule
avia.合规combination rule
securit.合规nexus requirement
tech.组合斜角规combination bevel
tech.组合深度角度规combination depth-and-angle gauge
tech.组合深度角度规combination depth-and-angle gage
tech.组合量规combination gauge
tech.组合量规combination gage
tech.组合量角规combination bevel
earth.sc.经济合作法规economic cooperation act*
expl.结合将爆破规程中列出的效果进行量化的输人数据、就能评估基本的爆破释放物和天气影响的共同作用When combined with inputs that quantify the effects of blasting specifications,the combined effect of basic blast emission and meteorological effects can be evaluated
commer.合规combination program
earth.sc.合规compromise programming
tech.合规general planning
tech.合规unified plan
tech.合规integrated network
tech.合规overall plan
tech.合规integrated planning
earth.sc.合规combination plan
earth.sc.合规comprehensive plan
tech.合规comprehensive programming
avia.合规划与进度安排integrated planning and scheduling
earth.sc.合规划法collaborative planning process
tech.合规summation convention
avia.合规integrated specification
tech.综合交通规则comprehensive communication planning
gen.综合企业规划及生产管理技术integrated management planning and control techniques
tech.综合区域规划模型integrated regional planning model
earth.sc.综合协调联合规大湖区comprehensive, coordinated joint plan great lakes
earth.sc.综合原地水规划方案Comprehensive Local Water Planning Project
tech.综合建设规划comprehensive development plan
busin.综合性多边规则comprehensive multilateral rule
earth.sc.综合水资源规划integrated water resources planning
avia.综合测试规格integrated test specification
avia.综合测试规范integrated test specification
tech.综合社区规划comprehensive community plan
securit.综合要约规定豁免的申请application for waiver of general offer requirement
tech.综合计划综合规comprehensive planning
tech.综合计划综合规comprehensive plan
earth.sc.综合资源规划integrated resource planning
busin.综合资源规划integrated resource planning
tech.美国陆海军联合规United States Joint Army-Navy Specifications
USA, space合规划委员会Joint Planning Committee
tech.合规划法unified programme planning
tech.合规划法unified program planning
mil., air.def.合规划网joint planning network
tech.合规joint project
busin.合规joint regulation
avia.联合军种规范指南joint service specification guide
China, law联合制定规章jointly enact an administrative rule
tech.联合国住房、建设与规划中心United Nations Center for Housing, Building and Planning
earth.sc.联合国国际法规委员会International Law CommissionUN
commer.联合国国际贸易法委员会仲裁规则UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
shipb.《联合国欧洲经济委员会1966年仲裁程序规则》Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe 1966
tech.联合国环境规划委员会United Nations Environmental Programme
tech.联合国环境规划委员会United Nations Environmental Program
earth.sc.联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of United Nations Environment Programme
tech.联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of the United Nations Environment programme
tech.联合国环境规划管理理事会Governing Council of the United Nations Environment program
ecol.联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Program
gen.联合国环境规划署联合国机构,肯尼亚内罗毕United Nations Environment Programme
gen.联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment Programme
earth.sc.联合国环境规划署国际查询系统International Referral System (UNEP)
desert.联合国环境规划署执行主席UNEP Executive Director
desert.联合国环境规划署旱地生态系统与防治荒漠化行动方案中心Dryland Ecosystem and Desertification Combating Activity Programme Centre, UNEP
desert.联合国环境规划署秘书处UNEP Secretariat
earth.sc.联合国环境规划署能源和环境合作研究中心UNEP Collaborating Centre on Energy and Environment
desert.联合国环境规划署荒漠化信息系统UNEP Desertification Information System
desert.联合国环境规划署荒漠化队UNEP Desertification Unit
desert.联合国环境规划署防治荒漠化咨询组Consultative Group for Desertification Control (UNEP)
desert.联合国环境规划署防治荒漠化方案活动中心Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre (DC-PAC)
desert.联合国环境规划署防治荒漠化方案行动中心Desertification Control Programme Activity Centre, UNEP
desert.联合国环境规署管理委员会UNEP Governing Council
gen.联合国经济和社会事务部住宅、建筑和城市规划中心United Nations-Centre for Housing, Building and Planning, Department of Economics and Social Affairs
nautic., tech.联合国行政、商业、运输电子数据交换规则UN/EDIFACT
tech.联合城市规划allied city planning
avia.联合巡航导弹规划局joint cruise missile project office
consult.联合工业发展规划scheme for joint industrial development
avia.联合常规弹药计划joint conventional ammunition program
avia.联合战略目标规划joint strategic objective plan
avia.联合战略目标规划joint strategic-objective plan
USA, space联合战略目标规划参谋部Joint Strategic Targets Planning Staff
USA, space联合战略目标规划局Joint Strategic Target Planning Agency
tech.联合技术规划委员会Joint Technical Planning Committee
avia.联合攻击战斗机合同规范JSF contract specification
avia.〔欧〕联合航空规则joint aviation rules
earth.sc.联合调节规则code of federal regulations
commer.联合运输单据统一规则Uniform Rules for Combined Transport Documents
avia.联合适航性法规joint airworthiness
avia.联合适航性法规joint airworthiness code
avia.联合适航性规则joint airworthiness rules
avia.〔欧〕联合适航性规章joint airworthiness regulation (regulatory)
busin.联合部门规划joint sector programming
avia.自动化合同规范系统automatic contract specification system
avia.自动合同规范系统automated contract specification system
tech.色混合规law of colour mixing
tech.色混合规law of color mixing
tech.美国芝加哥地区20年综合城市交通规划Chicago area transportation study
tech.CATS美国芝国哥地区20年综合城市交通规划Chicago area transportation study
AI.规划融合plan merging
avia.规定有效期合同specified period-of time contract
tech.规定混合料prescribed mix
tech.规定配合比specified mix
tech.规格线套合guide cross registration
tech.计划、规划和预算综合编制法planning-programming-budgeting system
tech.证明商品符合合同中的规格的证书certificate of conformity
securit.负责的合规人员designated compliance officer
securit.财务合规审计financial compliance audit
commer.质量与合同规定的标准不符We regret to say that the quality of the goods does not measure up to the standard stipulated in the contract
securit.贷款最高限额合规审核review the compliance with credit ceilings
securit.资产组合规assets portfolio size
busin.达到合同规定的标准measure up to contracted standard
commer.这批货与合同规定不符The shipment does not conform to the contracted specifications
commer.这是因为你方在合同中的规定不清所致This is due to your failure to be explicit in your stipulations in the contract
commer.违背合同中规定的选择权breach of option
securit.连续上市合规continuous listing compliance
avia.适航合格规范airworthiness qualification specification
earth.sc.逐次线性规划综合能源管理模型general energy management by successive linear programming model
commer.遵守合同规定observe contractual obligations
commer.遵守合约规定comply with the stipulations in the contract
tech.锥线厚度组合规taper wire and thickness gauge
tech.锥线厚度组合规taper wire and thickness gage
gen.美国陆海军联合技术规范Joint Army and Navy Specification
gen.陆海军联合无线电报及无线电话规程Joint Army and Navy Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephone Procedure
commer.合规章的股份公司bogus stock company
tech.非合同规定的索赔ex-contractual claims
chem.非均态有规立构聚合物heterotactic polymer
USA, space非常规战争联合特遣部队joint unconventional warfare task force
earth.sc.非正规式综合谈判版本informal composite negotiating text
tech.预先规定合同价格flat fee contract
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