
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
一体化区域integrated regional cooperation
一揽子bouquet of treaties
一揽子package contract
一揽子bouquet arrangement
一般生产作联合会general co-operative union
三联tripartite indenture
三角财政triangular financial co-operation
上述said contract
格商业票据non-eligible commercial paper
格货物disqualified goods
法的合同illegal contract
理价格unreasonable prices
理价格unfair prices
理竞争unfair competition
理竞争法案unfair competition act
不准出口时取消subject to approval of export license
不准出口时得取消subject to approval of export license
不受约束的uncommitted contract
不同生产程序vertical integration
不履行back out of the contract
不履行同保险risk of non-performance
不符lack of conformity
不符合同规定的货物non-conformity of the goods
不符规定的货物non-conforming goods
不经谈判由一方事前制定的adhesion contract
不能执行的unenforceable contract
不能执行的unenforceable contracts
不附加条件的absolute ontract
与... 伙贩卖company sales with...
同有出入variance with the contract
同符合conform to with the contract
与…合作take part with
与外商联经营joint venture with foreign firm
与市价相in line with the market
与…签订合同make into a contract with...
与通汇银行缔结的交易correspondent arrangement
专利作条约patent co-operation treaty
专利作条约1970 年 6 月 19日Patent Cooperation Treaty
专利混proprietary mix
专卖混proprietary mix
世界知识产权组织发展工业产权作常设规划署WIPO Permanent Programme for Development Co-operation Related to Industrial Property
业主中断the owner’s right to terminate contract
业主综保险单houseowner's comprehensive policy
企业business merger
企业consolidation (of firms)
企业amalgamation (of firms)
企业联consolidation (of firms)
企业联amalgamation (of firms)
优先伙人predominant partner
集团collector pool
分保reinsurance treaty
分包sub-contract award
分批交货的买卖contract for the delivery of goods by installments
分期付款的买卖contract for the payment of goods by installments
分期付款购买hire purchase agreement
分期分批履行的installment contract
分期分批的买卖installment sales contract
分组并报表group ing financial statement
分项separate contract
创立amalgamation (consolidation)
包租charter contract
包运contract of affreightment
包销exclusive sales contract
各种事业单位的配协调right of various interests
各级负责和职员负责混式的销售组织line and staff type of sales organization
乎规格规范meet the specification
validity of association
enter into a partnership with
伙买卖证券joint speculation in securities
伙人working partner
伙人借款partner's loan
伙人提款partner's drawing (account)
伙人的控诉actio pro socio
伙人薪金partner's salaries
伙人间的责任liability between partners
伙企业partnership business
伙公司merge company
伙公司merged company
伙包销股票joint underwriting
伙合同written contract association
伙合同articles of partnership
伙合约partnership contract
伙商品merchandise in company
伙契约partnership agreement
伙寄销joint consignment
伙寄销joint consignments
伙投机买卖joint speculation
伙条件articles for partnership
伙条件article for partnership
伙条款articles of partnership
伙清理partnership liquidation
伙的性质nature of a partnership
伙租赁joint tenancy
伙竞卖trade sale
伙装运品shipment by point account
伙解放partnership dissolution
伙解散termination of partnership
伙解散partnership dissolution
作保险co-operative insurance
作办理职业教育计划partnership vocational education project
作商场co-operative super
作商店exchange ex. ;change
作商店co-operative shop
作国家partner country
作契约articles of co-partnership
作投标joint tendering
作法受益股利patronage dividend
作生产production cooperation
作生产协议co-production agreement
作百货商店cooperative department store
作的桥梁contact gateway
作社co-operative society
作经营joint operation
作经营contractual joint venture
作经营co-operative management
作经营joint venture
作许可证occupancy permit
作设施pooling facilities
作贩卖社co-operative sale society
作贸易cooperative trade
作部门sectors of operation
作银行bank of cooperatives
作银行cooperative bank
作销售joint marketing
保险单集共同保险单collective policy
力经营co-operative management
办企业joint enterprise
办项目joint project
规定的价格contract price
同不存在non-existence of the contract
同中止条款劳资合同中规定一方在某种条件下有权提出提前中止合同severability clause
同义务的保障security of contract obligations
同产生效力日期date of contract coming into force
同价格contract of price
同保证统一规则uniform rules for contract guarantees
同关系不涉及第三人原则privity of contract
同关系不涉及第三者原则privity of contract
同内容treaty contents
同分保treaty reinsurance
同协议书contract agreement
同单位contract unit
同受挫supervening impossibility
同品级contract grade
同安排contractual arrangement
同履行地法lex loci solutionis
同工contract labourer
同工contract labor
同工资contract wages
同已履行的证明proof of performance
同市场contract market
同废止avoidance of the contract
同式投资信托contractual type investment trust
同引起的损害contractual damage
同当事人contracting parties
同当事人指定的合同适用的法律prescriptive designation (by the parties to a contract of the law applicable to their contract)
同性投资contractual investment
同总价contract sum
同惯例contractual practice
同惯例contractual usage
同成立地国家的法律lex loci contractus
同所列的货物contract goods
同执行情况通知书advice of deal
同授权contract authorization
同摘要treaty particulars
同效力validity of treaty
同效力validity of contract
同文件document of contract
同文本treaty wording
同方式form of treaty
同暂定总价tentative contract value
同有充分的对价sufficiency of consideration
同有效期限contract life
同期限contract period
同机会座谈会美国小企业与政府商会,制造业公司等合作举行的会议contract opportunity meeting
同条件treaty conditions
同条件说明书contractual specifications
同条款treaty articles
同条款contractual terms and conditions
同条款tenns of the contract
同条款contract terms
同标的object of the contract
同样本contract form
同格式contract form
同正本original of the contract
同法contract law
同滑动条款escalation clause
同生效日期contract effective date
同的主要实质部分contract substantial performance
同的主要实质部分业已履行contract substantial performance
同的保留条款reservation in the contract
同的准据法the proper law of the contract
同的可分割性severability of the contract
同的失效invalidity of a contract
同的履行implementation of contract
同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
同的明文规定express terms of the contract
同的直接规定direct contract stipulations
同的确当履行due fulfillment of the contract
同的落空履行不可能frustration of contract
同的解除rescission of contract
同的起始日期contract starting date
同租金contract rent
同签订日期contract award date
同细节details of treaty
同细节details of the treaty
同终止termination of the contract
同终止contract termination
同续订contract renewal
同缔结地法lex loci contractus
同编号contract serial number
同自由原则freedom of contract
同落实无法履行frustration of contract
同规定contractual specifications
同规定contract stipulations
同规定contract provisions
同规定价格contract stipulated price
同规定利率contracted interest rate
同规定利率contract rate of interest
同规定的一揽子交易package covered by the contract
同规定的一揽子或各单位package or units covered by the contract
同规定的不定期航行contractual tramping
同规定的义务contractual obligation
同规定的付款contractual payments
同规定的利息contract interest
同规定的担保contractual guarantee
同规定的时间限制contractual limits of time
同规定的管辖法院contractual forum
同规定的航次contractual voyage
同规定的航次contract voyage
同规定的航线contractual route
同规定的责任contractual liability
同规定的还债额contractual debt service
同订货contract purchasing
同设备contract equipment
同诉讼委员会contract appeals board
同责任contractual obligation
同责任contract obligation
同货币contract currency
同费contract fee
同起效日期contract effectiveness date
同运费制contract system
同运输人contract carrier
同适用的法律law of the contract
同附加条款additional clause to an agreement
同附带的保证guarantee incidental to a contract
岗的直接参与者principals to the contract
岗的直接参与者principal to the contract
amalgamation (consolidation)
并保险单combination policy
并公司merge company
并公积surplus from consolidation
并公积consolidated surplus
并决算表consolidated statement
并决算表consolidated financial statement
并分类账consolidation ledger
并前利润profit prior to consolidation
并前盈利profit prior to consolidation
并和联合抵押consolidate and blanket mortgage
并商誉consolidation excess
并商誉consolidated goodwill
并损益表consolidated income sheets
并损益表combined income statement
并收益consolidated returns
并溢值consolidation excess
并盈余consolidated surplus
并股份有限公司consolidated corporations
并营运基金consolidated working fund
并装运consolidated shipment
并诉讼consolidation of actions
并财务报表combined financial statements
并资产负债表combined balance sheet
并资产负债表amalgamated balance sheet
并运费率combination rate
资本主义国家的并运输combination rates
并递价take-over bid
并销售成本表consolidated statement of cost of goods sold
并集团consolidated group
成一体amalgamation (consolidation)
成代用品synthetic substitute
成商品composite commodity
成橡胶synthetic rubber
时货品seasonable goods
past muster
格上市证券securities eligible for market operations
格交货good delivery
格健康证明书clean bill of health
格商业票据eligible commercial paper
格技术员qualified technicians
格服务期间period of qualifying service
格检验人competent surveyor
格的认可的票据approved bill
格的质量acceptable quality
格的钢材qualified steel
格票据eligible papers
格证certificate of conformity
格证书certificate of soundness
格证书certificate of competency
法买卖licit traffic
法公司corporation de jure
法减税tax shelter
法商品lawful merchandise
法手段legal means
法持票人lawful bearer
法登录enter up
法的契约合同legal contract
法的票据just bill
法的证券legal securities
法票据eligible bill
法要求legitimate claim
法证券eligible papers
法贸易fair trade
法避税tax avoidance
法销售white market
理价格reasonable price
"理偏差"条款"reasonable departure" clause
理开采rational exploitation
理时间提示票据的reasonable time
理汇价fair rate of exchange
理的上涨justified raise
理的价格fair price
理的索赔legitimate claim
理磨损fair wear and tear
理绕航reasonable deviation
理迅速行动reasonable despatch
理运输reasonable despatch
理运输运送条款reasonable dispatch clause
用代替价suitable proxy
用性fitness for use
joint signature
算交易real bargain
算交易real bargains
算的profitable (profitability)
算的买卖good buying
算的企业pay proposition
约价格contract price
约内容treaty contents
约分保treaty reinsurance
约制度system of obligation
约摘要treaty particulars
约文件obligating document
约文本treaty wording
约条件treaty conditions
约条款treaty articles
约条款的协商negotiation of contract terms
约终止termination of contract
约进程款项progress payment
组公司merge company
股投资公司mutual investment company
股投资公司mutual fund company
股连带责任公司joint stock company liability
"joint venture" partnership
营企业joint venture
营企业合伙"joint-venture" partnership
营企业投资joint venture investment
营企业账户joint venture account
营法pooling of interest method (approach)
装场consolidation shed
装货柜LCL container
装货物LCL cargo
装货物CFS cargo
计差额试算表trial balance of totals and balance
joint stock (joint capital)
joint capital
资经营股权式经营joint venture equity
股权式资经营equity joint venture
适代理人suitable proxy
名义伙人nominal partner
名义同价格nominal contract price
信托complex trust
关税compound duties
条约composite treaty
汇兑价率compound arbitrated rate
compound duties
货币composite currencies
运送combined transport
运送业者combined transport operator
运送单据combined transport document
运送提单combined transport bill of lading
外币折兑换率foreign currency conversion rate
外汇exchange contracts
外汇同确认书exchange contract confirmation
外汇的买卖结exchange marry
外股隐名伙人dormant partner
多头long contract
多式联运输经营人multimodal transport operator
多式联运MT contract
多数股majority joint-venture
多种业务的联销售组织umbrella joint-marketing organization
多边合同multilateral agreement contract
将几项诉讼并判决merger of the claim in the judgement
少股minority joint-venture
尚待执行的outstanding contract
尚未完成的pending contract
市场联market combination
开口open-end contract
开矿mining partnership
成数分保quota share reinsurance treaty
成本加一个百分数酬金cost plus a percentage fee contracts
成本加固定数目酬金cost plus a fixed fee contract
成本加固定费用cost-plus-fixed-fee contract
成本加奖金cost plus an award fee contracts
成本加比例报酬cost plus percentage fee contract
成本加比例报酬cost-plus-percentage-fee contract
战争险war risk agreement
战争险水面water-borne agreement
挂名伙人ostensible partner
by contract
同供应设备turnkey plant
同规定的牌价price of option
同规定的牌价price of call
按公平理原则ex aequo et bono
按公平理的准则进行仲裁arbitration in equity
按公平理的准则进行仲裁arbitration aequo et bono
按日租船daily charter
按照as agreed (contracted)
按租船同装运ship under a charter party
按预算成本规定奖惩取费细则target estimate with penalty and incentive-fee contract
明确地认定为履行同的货物goods clearly identified to the contract
最适集装箱装运的货物prime containerizable cargoes
格担保品的贷款advance against approved collateral
格担保的贷款advances against approved collateral
格担保的贷款advance against approved collateral
有保证最高限额按单价结算方式的guaranteed maximum unit-price contract
有效valid or enforceable contract
有效的valid contract
有期terminable contract
有机organic synthesis
有约束力的binding contract
有股权的资经营equity joint venture
有选择权的option contract
有限special partnership
有限合资公司limited special partnership
有限责任的伙人limited partner
标准standard contract
标准model contracts
标准form contract
标准同格式standard contract form
标准同规定standard contract provision
标准同规定standard contract provisions
标准定期租船uniform time charter (BAL Time)
标准杂货租船金康uniform general charter Gen Con
标准的印就standard form contract
标准租船同格式standard charter party forms
民族经济综national economic complex
程租voyage charter party
考核格率successful tests (percent)
退出的伙人retired partner
储蓄率optimum rate of savings
商销品质merchantable quality
海运包装seaworthy packing
销售的质量marketable quality
集装箱货物suitable containerizable cargoes
集装箱货物container load cargo
递延补偿deferred compensation contracts
销售sale association
销售sale contract
销售seller's contract
销售contract of sale
销售员估计综salesman sales composite method
销售或购货sales or purchase contract
销售组sale mix
销货sales contract
销货组sales mix
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