
Terms for subject Business containing 合同的 | all forms | in specified order only
不受法定约束的合同contract not subject to legal jurisdiction
不受约束的合同uncommitted contract
不可强制执行的合同如时效已过的合同等unenforceable contract
不可撤销的合同indissoluble contract
不可撤销的合同契约firm contract
不能撤销的合同indissoluble contract
不附条件的合同absolute contract
与合同相符的货物goods which conform with the contract
为履行合同指定的货物goods identified for the performance of the contract
事实上默认的合同implied in fact contract
事实上默许的合同contract implied in fact
仅凭信用约束的合同contract binding in honour only
以不参加工会为条件的雇工合同"黄狗合同"yellow dog contract
作废的合同voided contract
你觉得这份合同基本涵盖了我们在谈判过程中谈到的所有内容吗?Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?
依据合同的诉讼action ex contract
关于货物与合同规定不符的补偿remedy for lack of conforming
加入他人已订合同的行为act of accession
发货人与承运人签订的合同shipper's contract
可以取消的合同即此合同给予一方任意终止合同权利,但终止前有效,与作废合同不同voidable contract
可分开执行的合同sever able contract
可撤销的合同contract voidable
可续订的合同renewal contract
可转让的定期交货合同transferable delivery contract
合同上的争议contractual dispute
合同中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in contract
合同中的保留条款reservation in the contract
合同到期前的违约breach of contract before performance is due
合同所列的损害contractual damage
合同标的物subject matter of contract
合同标的物的灭失destruction of subject matter
合同的可分割性sever ability of the contract
合同的坚定履行实施contract substantial performance
合同的废除abrogation of contract
合同的撤销revocability of contract
合同的法律效力legal effect of contract
合同的直接参与者principal to the contract
合同规定的义务contractual liability
合同规定的付款约定付款contractual payment
合同规定的价格contractual value
合同规定的价格contract stipulated price
合同规定的债务偿付contractual debt service
合同规定的债权contractual claim
合同规定的准备金contractual reserve
合同规定的利率contracted interest rate
合同规定的劳务contractual service
合同规定的包装contractual packing
合同规定的工资约定工资contract wages
合同规定的承运人contracting carrier
合同规定的收益约定收益contractual income
合同规定的期限contractual limit of time
合同规定的权利contractual right
合同规定的津贴contractual allowance
合同规定的航次约定航次contract voyage
合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
合同规定的货物即合同规定,买方不能向其它供货人购买本合同规定的货物goods of the specified description
合同规定的远期汇率contracted forward rate
合同责任的保证security of contract obligation
合同载明的说明书contractual specification
合同载明的货明contract goods
同意加入的合同或称标准化合同,指企业将合同印刷成统一格式的契约, 同意合同条款,即可签约adhesive contract
因货物不符合同而产生的诉权claim based on lack of conformity of the goods
在签订正式合同之前,我们再重申一下协议中的重点内容Before the formal contract is drawn up we'd like to restate the main points of the agreement
基于合同的诉讼action found in contract
土地契约形式的合同contract by deed
妻子代理丈夫签订的合同contract by wife as husband's agent
履行合同的证明proof of performance
进出口贸易履行合同的风险performance risk
工会头目与资方勾结订的合同sweetheart contract
已加盖印鉴的合同under seal contract
已履行的合同executed contract
已履行的合同义务past consideration
已签署的合同executed contract
巴尔的摩 C 式租船合同即此种合同适用于美国和加拿大至世界各地的整船谷物运输Baltimore Form C
年海牙关于订立国际货物销售合同的统一法Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964 1964
当事人签字或立据蜡封的合同contract under seal or deed
待酉斗酌的合同ad referendum contract
很有利的合同nice fat contract
必须接受的分保合同obligatory treaty
我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
我们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".
所签合同的有效期effective term of a signed contract
承销证券合同的中止条款market-out clause
技术转让合同中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in technology transfer contract
投机性的合同如保险单等aleatory contract
按合同拨给的货物goods appropriated to the contract
按合同支付的保证金caution money paid on contract
明确的合同express contract
The Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合同统一法的公约海牙,1964年Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods
有选择权的合同optional contract
有选择的合同option contract
未完成的合同pending contract
未完成的合同outstanding contract
未执行的合同outstanding contract
保险未经投保人同意不得擅改保费率的合同closed contract
根据合同的赔偿要求诉权claim in contract
法律默许的合同contract implied in law
目的地交货合同to arrive contract
立即生效的合同self-executing contract
第三方所开的货物符合合同的证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
签订合同的能力capacity to contract
经纪人与业主之间的合同exclusive-right-to-sell listing
背弃合同的根据warrant for backing of the contract
背弃合同的证据warrant for backing out of the contract
解除合同的诉讼action of recession
让我们来说一下交货期的问题。你方在合同签订后的6个月内交货Let's discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing
议定成交的合同negotiated contract
诚实无欺的合同契约bona fide contract
货物符合合同的第三方鉴定人证明书expert in third party certificate of confirmation of the goods
买方在卖方限定期内购买卖方指定商品的合同requirement contract
达到合同规定的标准measure up to contracted standard
附条件如搭配的买卖合同tying contract
黄色工头与资方勾结的合同sweeping heart contract