
Terms for subject International trade containing 合同条款 | all forms | in specified order only
严格遵守合同条款strict performance of contract
信托合同条款terms of trust
合同中止条款劳资合同中规定一方在某种条件下有权提出提前中止合同severability clause
合同条款tenns of the contract
合同条款contractual terms and conditions
合同条款treaty articles
合同条款contract terms
合同滑动条款escalation clause
合同的保留条款reservation in the contract
合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
合同附加条款additional clause to an agreement
托管财产合同条款terms of trust
租船合同删除条款charter party deletions