
Terms containing 合同条款 | all forms | in specified order only
econ.合同条款相符,供货商必须在7月前交货The supplier, coincident with the stipulations of the contract, has to deliver the goods before July
proj.manag.专用合同条款particular conditions of contract
tech.专用合同条款special conditions of contract
interntl.trade.严格遵守合同条款strict performance of contract
tech.严格遵守合同条款keep strictly to the terms of the contract
proj.manag.合同条款main contract clauses
econ.他们对合同条款作了几处更改They made several changes in the specifications of the contract
commer.任何对合同条款的背离将引起争议Any departure from the terms of the contract will create disputes
econ.任何对合同条款的违反都将引起纠纷Any violation against the terms of the contract will create complication
interntl.trade.信托合同条款terms of trust
econ.修改合同条款modify the contract clauses
exhib.借款合同条例regulations on loan contracts
tech.分包合同条款clastic in subcontract
securit.加价合同条款up price clause
China, law劳动合同必备条款requisite terms of a labor contract
busin.单方制定合同条款内容unilateral fixing of the terms of contract
econ.双方公司应履行一切合法生效的合同下的条款和条件The two companies, under all lawful executory contracts, shall fulfil the terms and conditions
econ.双方同意在合同中增加适当的追加条款Both sides agree to add appropriate riders to the contract
econ.双方同意如期履行本合同的所有条款Both parties agree to meet all the terms of the contract punctually
commer.双方均受合同条款约束The both parties are bound by the terms of the contract
econ.双方已同意在本合同中加插这一条款The two parties have agreed to insert this clause into the contract
securit.变动合同条款variation of contract
econ.合同上的仲裁条款arbitral clause
commer.合同中列有不可抗力条款The force majeure clause is embodied in the contract
textile合同中止条款severability clause
interntl.trade.合同中止条款劳资合同中规定一方在某种条件下有权提出提前中止合同severability clause
busin.合同中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in contract
busin.合同中的保留条款reservation in the contract
textile合同主要条款main terms of contract
proj.manag.合同主要条款main contract clause
tech.合同主要条款main contract clauses
textile合同保留条款reservation in the contract
busin.合同变动条款escalation clause
busin.合同支付条款payment terms of contract
tech.合同条款contract condition
econ.合同条款the contract stipulation
econ.合同条款term of contract
econ.合同条款contract specification
el.合同条款terms and conditions of a contract
logist.合同条款conditions of con tract
hydroel.st.合同条款contract clause
eng.geol.合同条款condition of contract
exhib.合同条款contract terms
proj.manag.合同条款terms and conditions of the contract
proj.manag.合同条款conditions of contract
proj.manag.合同条款terms of the contract
textile合同条款item of contract
textile合同条款terms of contract
textile合同条款contract item
tech.合同条款contract particulars
interntl.trade.合同条款contractual terms and conditions
interntl.trade.合同条款treaty articles
interntl.trade.合同条款tenns of the contract
interntl.trade.合同条款contract terms
archit.合同条款contract term
busin.船运合同条款articles of agreement
busin.合同条款contractual terms
busin.合同条款provision in the contract
busin.合同条款article of contract
commer.合同条款contract clauses
tech.合同条款contract provision
tech.合同条款provisions of contract
racing合同条款terms of agreement
econ.合同条款与条件contractual terms and condition
commer.合同条款使我方大受约束The terms of the contract bound us hand and foot
tech.合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
tech.合同条款及条件contractual terms and conditions
tech.合同条款合同条件conditions of contract
commer.合同条款对双方具有约束力The terms of the contract are binding upon the both parties
space合同条款拟订阶段contract-definition phase
tech.合同条款的变更amendment of the agreement
proj.manag.合同条款的可分割性severability of the contract
commer.合同条款的解释construction of contractual clauses
busin.合同条款磋商negotiation of contract terms
interntl.trade.合同滑动条款escalation clause
proj.manag.合同的一般条款general condition of contract
interntl.trade.合同的保留条款reservation in the contract
interntl.trade.合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
econ.合同的明示条款express terms of the contract
econ.合同的条款将在明日开始执行The terms of the contract will begin to be enforced tomorrow
tech.合同终止条款severability clause
commer.合同落空条款frustration clause
proj.manag.合同补充条款additional contract clauses
tech.合同补充条款additional contract clause
logist.合同补遗条款addendum clause
commer.合同规定付款条件为即期信用证The contract stipulates payment by sight L/C
interntl.trade.合同附加条款additional clause to an agreement
logist.合同附后的条款back letter
el.国家合同条款national point of contract
busin.国际合同条款谈判international negotiation of contract clauses
textile国际合同条款谈判,国际合约条款磋商international negotiation of contract terms
textile国际合同条款谈判,国际合约条款磋商international negotiation of contract clauses
econ., construct.土木工程合同条款国际版conditions of contract for works of civil engineering construction
econ., construct.土木工程合同条款国际版condition of contract for works of civil engineering construction
commer.在合同中规定保险条款specify the insurance clause in a contract
commer.在合同中规定惯例条款stipulate a customary clause in a contract
busin.在合同中附加一项条款annex a condition to a contract
shipb.在这儿是不是应该加上这样一句:如果一方未按合同条款执行,另一方有权终止合同Don't you think we should add this sentence here? If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.
econ., construct.地方政府工程合同条款local authorities edition
econ.如你方能够接受出售土地的全部条款和条件时,业主就与你方签订合同The proprietor will sign the contract with you if you can accept all terms and conditions of the sale of the land
econ.如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable
commer.如果货物不符合销售合同条款,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款If the goods are not in conformity with the terms of the sales contract, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price
commer.如果货物与合同条款不符,买方可以撤销合同并追回货款If the goods are not in accordance with the terms of the contract of sale, the buyer may rescind the contract and recover the purchase price
commer.合同条款的轻微违背minor deviation from the terms of contract
econ.对本合同各项条款的解释不得与国家的法律相矛盾The interpretation of the provisions of the contract shall not be inconsistent with the laws of the country
econ.将来我们一定严格按照条款执行合同For the future, we will be sure to execute the orders strictly in accordance with the clauses
eng.geol.香港工程合同特别条款special conditions of contract
econ., construct.建筑工程标准合同条款standard form of building contract formulae rules
econ.很遗憾,本合同有两个条款在现行法律下属不合法,不能加以实施We regret to say that two provisions of this contract are illegal and unenforceable under the current laws
econ.我们对这份合同中的一些条款作了些更改We made some alterations to the terms of the contract
busin.我们已经就所有讨论过的条款达成一致,那现在就签合同吧We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sign the contract
econ.我们很高兴,终于达成了合同条款的协议We are glad that we have finally reached an agreement over the terms for the contract
econ.我们想提醒你要重视合同的此项条款We would like to remind you of respecting this clause in the agreement
econ.我们的合同条款只是一般条款,一点也不苛刻Our provisions of contract are only ordinary terms, and they are not harsh at all
econ.我方将把根据合同条款提出的一切单证邮寄到你方的主要营业地点We shall send all documents under the terms of the contract to your principal place of business by post
econ.我方强烈反对本合同中的一项条款We strongly object to a clause in the contract
econ., construct.房屋建筑用合同条款building contract forms
interntl.trade.托管财产合同条款terms of trust
econ.托管合同条款terms of trust
commer.执行合同的条款carry out the provisions of a contract
econ.承包商应尽力不使自己违反本合同的各项条款The contractor shall try his best not to fail to act in accordance with the provisions of this agreement
econ.承销证券合同的中止条款market out-clause
busin.承销证券合同的中止条款market-out clause
busin.技术转让合同中的保密条款confidentiality clauses in technology transfer contract
busin.合同条款办理comply with the terms of contract
econ.按合同中第五条条款的规定,合同价格将用外币支付Payments of the contract price shall be made in foreign currency as specified in clause five
econ., construct.政府工程合同条款government edition
commer.无权修改合同条款no right to modify the terms of the contract
commer.有义务履行合同的规定条款be bound to carry out the terms and conditions stipulated in the contract
tech.有付款条件的合同deed money escrow
econ.有机制限制条款的合同a requirement contract
commer.有限制条款的买卖或租赁合同requirement contract
textile有限制条款的合同requirement contract
exhib.服务合同条款service contract terms
econ.本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
econ.本合同中的两个条款被声明无效Two provisions of this contract have been declared invalid
econ.本合同中的条款应加以缩减和限制Provisions of this contract shall be curtailed and limited
textile标准合同条款standard contract clauses
tech.标准合同条款standard contract provisions
tech.标准承包合同条款general conditions of contract
econ.根据合同罚款条款,该公司超期后每天受罚1%According to the penalty clause in the contract, the company was fined 1% for every day after the deadline
econ.根据本合同的条款,该公司的经理授予他的代理商在该地区独家销售产品的权利According to the terms of the contract, the manager of the company grants to his agent the exclusive right to sell the products in this region
consult.特殊的合同条款special conditions
econ.甲方须提供足够证据以证实其遵守合同条款The first party shall provide sufficient evidence to verify compliance with terms of the contract
busin.确定合同条款determining the clauses of contract
busin.磋商合同条款negotiation of contract terms
econ., construct.私人投资工程合同条款private edition
interntl.trade.租船合同删除条款charter party deletions
textile终止合同条款stop clause
proj.manag.终止合同的条款stop clause
econ.若要修改条款,必须征得合同所有签署人的同意In the event of changing any terms, one should get the permission of all the signatories to the contract
econ.董事们将有权更改合同中的某些条款The Directors shall have power to alter the terms of the contract
econ.董事会批准的修订条款与合同中原来印的条款有同等效力The amendments to the clauses approved by the board of directors are as effective as those originally printed in the contract
tech.解除合同条款cancelling clause
avia.设备合同最终条款facility contractor end item
commer.请将你方信用证中的保险条款与销售合同中的一致起来Please bring the insurance clause in your L/C into correspondence with that in the S/C
tech.谈判合同条款negotiation of contract terms
law购料合同条款material contract terms
IMF.贷款合同中的限制性条款debt covenant
busin.违反合同条款deviation from the terms of the contract
econ.违反本条款中的任何规定,都可能成为终止合同的原因A breach of any stipulation of this article can be a cause of the termination of the contract
econ.违反本章条款的过户将构成对本合同的违约The transfer in contravention of the terms of this chapter shall form a default under this contract
tech.通用合同条款general conditions of contract
securit.重大合同控制权改变条款change of control clause in major contract
tech.附有限制条款的合同requirement contract