
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
一到年底、 总公要查核各分公司的账目情况The parent company would audit the accounts of every subsidiary at the end of each year
上市公public corporation
不活动公dormant company
丰田汽车公Toyota Motor Corporation
乔的汽车被金融公收回了Joe's car was repossessed by the finance company
互惠基金公mutual fund corporation
产量的扩张看起来已经损害了公令人羡慕的可靠性记录The pursuit of volume seems to have dented the company's enviable record for reliability
他计划将公出售一事、 我们一直被蒙在鼓里We were completely in the dark about his plan to sell the company
付给A 公pay A Co.
代理公agent firm
代理收账公factoring company
以成本账原则组成的公cost-book company
伦敦劳埃德保险公Lloyd's of London
候选公名单short listed firms
借款公corporate borrower
全球公global corporations
全资拥有子公wholly owned subsidiary
全资附属公wholly owned subsidiary
之间的债项结余intercompany balance
企业corporate business
会员香港联合交易所有限公司corporate member
储备company's reserve
公布了几个浏览器的测试版本、但是用户界面一直都没公布The company has published several demo versions of the browser, but its user interface has never been shown to the public
利得税corporate profits tax
合并corporate merger
员工company personnel
客户corporate customer
式垂直营销系统corporate vertical marketing systems
总部corporate HQ
成立前合约pre-incorporation contract
投资顾问corporate investment adviser
控股权control of a company
提供基本医疗服务、 公司仅收取药品成本价Company only receives the medicine cost price for the supplying basic medical services
收购corporate acquisition
服务税corporate service tax
本部home office
本部费用home office cost
条例corporation regulation
检查员companies inspector
corporation act (law)
注册证书certificate of incorporation
注册费company registration fee
登记册company register
的控制权control of a company
税法corporation tax act (CT A)
章程memorandum of association
管治corporate governance
组织章程company's memorandum
股证corporation stock
经营范围corporate scope
计划corporate plan
重组reconstruction of company
间往来抵消账项inter-company elimination
间贷款inter-company loan
公众上市公public listed company
公众有限公public limited company
公共有限公public limited company
公开事业公public corporation
公开发行股份有限公public company
关联公related corporation
关联公associated company
具有法团地位的公incorporated company
再附属公sub-subsidiary company
出口管理公export management company
出让人公transferor company
分公总经理division general manager
分销公distribution company
列人短名单的公short listed firms
卡特彼勒公Caterpillar Tractor
受控制公controlled company
受让人公transferee company
可赎回公债券callable bond
可转换公信用债券convertible debenture
同集团附属公fellow subsidiary
咨询公consultant company (corporation)
哥伦比亚唱片公CBS Records
因为评估了公的所有资产、 所以去年杰克的生意才有了纸上盈利Jack's business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation
因此、 希腊公的投资者有正当理由保护自己免受希腊主权风险So investors in Greek companies have legitimate reasons to protect themselves against Greek sovereign risk
国泰航空公Cathay Airlines
国营公public corporation
土建公civil engineering firm
太阳微系统公Sun Microsystems
存托公depository trust company
它采用该公的第三代视频解码处理器和多总线应用架构It features the company's third-generation video codec processors and multibus architecture
宝洁公Procter & Gamble
家族公family-owned company
富高财务亚洲有限公Avco Financial Services Asia Limited
寿债券Sushi Bond
尼尔森市场研究公A. C. Nielson
已 停业的公defunct company
已倒闭公defunct company
已停止业务的公dormant company
1940 年投资公Investment Company Act of 1940
我们人事发展的目标是寻找和培养具有潜力的年青一代、 为公今后发展奠定基础Our policy in personnel development is to seek and promote young potentials that will be needed tomorrow
戴尔计算机公Dell Computers
技术咨询公technical consultancy firm
拥有过半数股权的附属公majority-owned subsidiary
持牌接受存款公licensed deposit-taking company
控股公存款amount due to holding companies
控股公欠款amount due from holding companies
提出要约公offeror company
收数公debt collection agency
斗上市公non-listed company
明尼苏达矿业和制造公3MMinnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
明年五月我要到新加坡的一家联合公当技术顾问Next May, I'm due to go to Singapore as a technical adviser to an associated company there
有 限公incorporation
有限公company Inc.
有限公company limited (ltd.)
有限公company incorporated
有限法律责任的公company with limited liability
放在公司名后有限责任公incorporated (Inc)
本公提供一站式网上服务、 让客户能够快速建立网站并开展业务We offer a One-Stop Online Service to help our clients set up their own website
本地注册接受存款公locally incorporated deposit-taking company
核准海外信托公approved overseas trust company
死者去世时转移的公资产assets of the company passing on the death
母公mother company
母公担保parent company guarantee
法团公incorporated company
法定公statutory corporation
注册公unregistered company
注册接受存款公registered deposit-taking company
海运公ocean carrier
消费者包装食品公consumer packaged-goods firms
牵头公leading company
特许公concession company
现在、 他正在一家电脑安全公供职He now works for a computer security company
由公众拥有相当权益的公company in which the public are substantially interested
MCI 电讯公前世界通信公司MCI
监事会的议事方式和表决程序由公章程规定The method for conducting business and voting procedure for the board of supervisors shall be prescribed by the articles of association
石油公宣称收取暴利所得税并不能达到预期的效果Oil industry analysts, however, say a wind fall pro fits tax might be counterproductive
穆迪投资者服务公Moody's Investors Services, Inc.
空壳公重新活动shell construction
红筹公red chip
纳贝斯克饼干公Nabisco Biscuit
美国国家半导体公National Semiconductor
美国美智管理顾问公Mercer Management Consulting
美国航空公American Airlines
美银亚洲有限公BA Asia Limited
美银财务香港有限公BA Finance Hong Kong Limited
联合股份公joint-stock company
联营公发行的证券securities issued by affiliated companies
股份不公开的公close company
股份不定的投资公open-ended investment corporation
股份公incorporated companies
股份固定的投资公closed-end investment corporation
股份有限公limited liability company
股份有限公public limited company
股份有限公Co. Ltd
股份有限公company limited by shares
股份有限责任公proprietary limited
若公提供附带福利给其雇员、是否须于该栏内包括有关款项?If the company provides some fringe benefit to its employees, do I have to include such amount in this box?
苹果公的文件系统Macintosh File System
获授权的基金公authorized fund house
行为扫描信息源公Behavior Scan Information Resources Inc.
认可基金公authorized fund house
财团公consortium company
财政司长宣布延长超低硫柴油优惠税率Financial Secretary announces extension of ultra low sulphur diesel concessionary rate
贸易公的资格trading company's qualification
跨国公multilateral corporation
达美航空公Delta Airlines
这个广告人和他的合伙人决裂了、 自己开了个公The advertiser split off from his partner and started a company of his own
这是我们作为金融中介的责任所在、 也是我们坚持诚信以及公商业准则的要求Our responsibility as a financial intermediary requires it and our commitment to integrity and the firm's business principles demand it
远程访问一个公的内部网可通过多种方法实现Remote access into a corporate intranet can be achieved through a variety of methods
重整公reconstruction of a company
金宝汤业公Campbell's Soup
金融财政公finance company
非本地注册的公non-resident corporation
项目与公资源的协调性project-company resource compatibility
马丁已让他成为公的普通合伙人Martin has taken him into general partnership in his company
高级猎头公executive recruiters