
Terms for subject International Monetary Fund containing | all forms
上市公会计监督委员会Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
专属公captive company
中介公conduit company
优等公票据prime corporate paper
全球公治理论坛Global Corporate Governance Forum
全资子公fully owned subsidiary
全资子公wholly owned subsidiary
business corporation
会计准则corporate accounting standards
债券corporate bond
债务解决方案corporate workout
债务解决方案corporate sector workout
国家corporate state
型企业corporate enterprise
型企业incorporated enterprise
型公共企业incorporated public corporation s
所得税corporate income tax
治理corporate governance
股本corporate equity
财产净值税taxes on corporate net wealth
部门corporate sector
部门债务解决方案corporate workout
部门债务解决方案corporate sector workout
重组corporate restructuring
银行业务corporate banking
风险利差corporate risk spreads
公共公state enterprise
公共公state-owned corporation
公共公state-owned enterprise
公共公public corporation
公共公government corporation
公共公government enterprise
公共公public enterprise
其他存款公other depository corporations
准公quasi-corporate enterprise
准公企业quasi-corporate enterprise
出让子公股权divestiture of public enterprises
美国千年挑战公Millenium Challenge Corporation
法豁免immunity from judicial process
国有公state-owned enterprise
国有公state enterprise
国有公public corporation
国有公state-owned corporation
国有公government corporation
国有公government enterprise
国有公public enterprise
国有资产管理公state-owned asset management company
外资公foreign-owned corporation
子公subsidiary company
子公incorporated branch
子公subsidiary enterprise
存款性公depository institution
存款性公depository corporation
封闭型投资公investment trust
封闭型投资公closed-end investment company
封闭型投资公closed-end investment fund
封闭型投资公closed-end investment trust
"幌子"公dormant company
"幌子"公front company
"幌子"公shell company
开放型投资公mutual fund
开放型投资公open-end investment company
开放型投资公open-end investment fund
开放型投资公open-end investment trust
开放型投资公unit trust
开放型投资公open-end mutual fund
投资公investment company
控股公holding corporation
控股公holding company
有限合伙公limited liability partnership
有限合伙公limited partnership
标准普尔公Standard & Poor's Corporation
母公parent enterprise
母公parent corporation
母公parent company
泛美投资公Inter-American Investment Corporation
清债信托公Resolution Trust Corporation
现成公off-the-shelf company
现成公ready-made company
现成公shelf company
空壳公off-the-shelf company
空壳公ready-made company
"空壳"公dormant company
"空壳"公front company
"空壳"公shell company
空壳公shelf company
精金的金衡盎金衡制fine ounce
精金的金衡盎金衡制fine troy ounce
精金的金衡盎金衡制troy ounce of fine gold
经合组织的公治理原则OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
联合国跨国公中心United Nations Centre on Transnational Corporations
美国联邦住房抵押贷款公Freddie Mac
美国联邦住房抵押贷款公Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
联邦存款保险公Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
股份公joint stock company
财务公finance house
财务公finance company
金融公finance house
金融公finance company
银行控股公bank holding company
长期资本管理公Long Term Capital Management
阿拉伯投资担保公Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
阿拉伯投资担保公Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
非公型企业unincorporated business
非公型企业unincorporated enterprise
非公型政府企业unincorporated government enterprise
非公型政府企业unincorporated public enterprise
非金融公与准公司企业部门nonfinancial corporate and quasi-corporate enterprise sector