
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
万基煤矿公Wankie Colliery Co.
三菱重工业公Mitsubishi Heavy Industries
三菱金属矿业公Mitsubishi Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
不动产抵押投资公real estate mortgage investment company
不动产有限公合伙人real estate limited partnership
世界海洋测量公Worldwide Ocean Surveying Ltd.
世界贸易公World Trade Corporation
世界金融公World Finance Corporation
东亚银行有限公香港Bank of East Asia, Ltd.
东兰德金铀有限公East Rand Gold and Uranium Co., Ltd.
东北瑞士电力公瑞士North-East Swiss Power Company
东北电力公印度North Eastern Electric Power Corporation India
东南钻井公Southeastern Drilling Company
东德兰士瓦联合矿山公南非East Transvaal Consolidated Mines Ltd
东方兰德控股矿业公East Rand Proprietary Mines
东方氮气有限公Eastern Nitrogen, Ltd.
东洋工程公日本/Toyo Engineering Corp. Japan
东洋海洋开发与工程公日本Toyo Ocean Development and Engineering Co., Ltd.
东部地区开发公East Region Development Corporation
中国五金矿产品进出口总公China National Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation
中国冶金进岀口公China Metallurgical Import and Export
中国国家技术进口公China National Technical Import Corporation
中国国际水利电力公China International Water and Electric Corporation
中国国际经济咨询公China International Economic Consultants Inc.
中国机械设备出口公China National Machinery and Equipment Export Corporation
中国海洋石油平台工程公China Offshore Platform Engineering Corporation
中国海洋石油总公China National Offshore Oil Corp.
中国石油公Chinese Petroleum Company
中国租赁有限公China Leasing Company Limited
中太平洋矿产公Central Pacific Minerals Ltd.
中央矿业投资公Central Mining and Investment Corporation
丸善石油公Maruzen Oil Co., Ltd.
九州电力公日本Kyushu Electric Power Co. Inc. Japan
伊拉克国家矿产公Iraq National Minerals Corporation
伊拉克石油公集团Iraq Petroleum Companies Group
伊朗全国天然气公National Iranian Gas Company
伊朗-加拿大石油公Iran-Canada Oil Co.
伊朗国家石油公Iran National Oil Company
伊朗国家钢铁公Iranian National Steel Corp.
伊朗国家铜工业公National Iranian Copper Industries Corp.
伊朗国际海底石油公Iranian Marine International Oil Co.
伊朗-日本石油公Iran-Nippon Petroleum Company
伊朗泛美石油公Iran Pan-American Oil Co.
伊朗石油勘探与生产公Iranian Oil Exploration and Production Co.
伊朗石油勘探和生产公Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing Co.
波斯语 伊朗石油勘探开采公Iraanse aardolie exploratie en productie maatschappij
伊朗石油合资公Iranian Oil Participants, Ltd.
伊朗石油开发公Iran Oil Operation Co.
伊朗铝业公Iran Aluminum Co.
伦敦-罗得西亚采矿和地产公London-Rhodesia Mining and Land Co., Ltd.
住友化学工业公日本Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
住友原子能工业公Sumitomo Atomic Energy Industries Ltd.
住友金属矿业有限公Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.
先进技术公Advanced Technology Corp.
先进能源技术公advanced energy technology inc.
克鲁夫矿产勘探公津巴布韦Cluff Mineral Exploration Zimbabwe
全国核公National Nuclear Corporation
全国石油公National Petroleum Corporation
全球地球化学公Global Geochemistry Corporation
全球地球科学有限公World Geoscience Corporation Ltd.
全球天气动力学公Global Weather Dynamics Inc
全球工程文献资料服务公Global Engineering Documentation Services, Inc.
全球核服务和供应公Global Nuclear Services and Supply
全球矿产品公World Wide Minerals
EG &G 公gravity meter exploration
公共石油公苏丹Public Oil Co.
兰德公Research and Development Corporation
关西电力公日本Kansai Electric Power Company Japan
内盖夫陶瓷材料公巴勒Negev Ceramic Materials Ltd.
冈比亚矿产有限公Gambia Minerals Corporation, Ltd.
分析服务公Analytic Services, Inc.
利比里亚电力公Liberia Electricity Corporation
利比里亚矿业公非洲Liberia Mining Co.
利比里亚-美国-瑞典矿产公共同投资营业公司Liberian American-Swedish Minerals Co. Joint Venture Operating Co.
利比里亚钢铁公Liberian Iron and Steel Corp.
利比里亚铁矿石有限公Liberian Iron Ore, Ltd.
利通资源勘探仪器Litton Resources Systems
利通资源勘探仪器Litton resources systems
化学公chemical company
化学制品和磷酸盐有限公Chemicals and Phosphates Ltd
化学实验公Chemical Laboratory Company
化学微选矿公Chemical Micro Milling Co.
化工工程公Chemical Construction Corp.
北印第安纳公共服务公Northern Indiana Public Service Company
北碧勘探和采矿公Kanchanahuri Exploration and Mining Co.
北美碳公North American Carbon, Inc.
北美菲利普公North America Philips Corp.
北达沃矿业公菲律宾North Davao Mining Corp
北部勘测与工程公Northern Research and Engineering Corporation
北部工程业公印度Northern Engineering Industries India
匹兹堡冶金公Pittsburgh Metallurgical Company
华盛顿水力发电公Washington Water Power Company
南乌拉尔黄金公Southern Urals Gold Company
南加利福尼亚爱迪生公Southern California Edison Co.
南太平洋石油公Southern Pacific Petroleum NL
南方石油勘探有限公Southern dil Exploration Corp., Ltd.
南澳大利亚州矿业和能源公Mines and Energy South Australia
南澳电法测量信托投资公Electricity Trust of South Australia
南秘鲁铜业公Southern Peru Copper Co.
南美洲砂矿公South American Placers, Inc.
南美电力公South American Power Company
南部天然气公Southern Natural Gas Company
南部石油勘探公西南非Southern Oil Exploration Coip.
南非合成石油公South African Synthetic Oil, Limited
南非富碳油页岩开采与精炼公South African Torbanite Mining and Refining Company
南非核燃料公Nuclear Fuels Corp, of South Africa
南非煤炭、石油与天然气公South African Coal, Oil and Gas Corporation
南非金矿有限公Gold Field of South Africa, Ltd.
南非金矿田公Gold Field of South Africa, Ltd.
南非铝公Aluminium Company of South Africa
南非锌业有限公Zinc Corp, of South Africa Ltd.
南非锰矿山联合有限公Associated Manganese Mines of South Africa Ltd.
博斯沃思航空测量公Bosworth Aerial Surveys, Inc. US
博茨瓦纳 RSf 有限公Botswana RST, Ltd.
博茨瓦纳金刚石评价公Botswana Diamond Valuing Corporation
卡塔尔石油公Qatar Petroleum Co.
卡塔尔通用石油公Qatar General Petroleum Corp.
卡尔古利金矿有限公Gold Mines of Kalgoorlie Ltd
卡比托航空测量公Capitol Air Surveys US
瑞典卢奥萨-基律纳公瑞典Luosawara-Kiirunavaara AB
卫星定位公Satellite Positioning Corp
卫星电信公Satellite Telecommunications Company
印尼-美国独立石油公Independent Indonesian American Petroleum Company
印度国家卫星公Indian National Satellite
印度国营钢铁公State-owned Steel Authority of India, Ltd.
印度工程设计有限公Engineering Projects India Limited
印度斯坦钢铁公特立尼达和多巴哥Hindustan Steel, Ltd.
印度斯坦铜业有限公特立尼达和多巴哥Hindustan Copper Ltd.
印度斯坦锌公特立尼达和多巴哥Hindustan Zinc Ltd.
印度核电有限公Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Ltd.
印度海洋资源公Indian Ocean Resources, Ltd.
印度煤炭有限公Coal India Ltd.
印度石油有限公Oil India Limited
印度矿产品和金属贸易公India's Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation
印度稀土元素公Indian Rare Earth, Ltd.
印度航测公Air Survey Company of India Ltd.
印度航空测量公Air Survey Company of India Ltd.
印度钢铁公Indian Iron and Steel Company
印度钢铁管理有限公Steel Authority India, Ltd.
印度铜业公Indian Copper Corp.
印度铝业公Indian Aluminium Co.
印第安纳州标准石油公Standard Oil Company Indiana
印第安纳州美孚石油公Standard Oil of Indiana
印第安纳港口水道公Indiana Harbor Canal
印第安纳美孚石油公Standard Oil Co. Indiana
印第安纳美孚石油公Standard Oil Company of Indiana
厄瓜多尔石油公Ecuadorean Petroleum Corporation
合成金刚石公爱尔兰Synthetic Diamond Company Eire
喀拉拉矿业与金属公印度Kerala Minerals and Metals Corp.
喀麦隆铝业公Cameroon Aluminium Company
土地和水资源研究与开发公澳大利亚Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation Australia
土工技术公Geotechnical Corp.
土耳其石油公Turkish Petroleum Co.
地中海精炼公Mediterranean Refining Co.
地球卫星公Earth Satellite Corporation
地球物理勘探服务公Geophysical Service. Inc.
地球物理仪器供销公Geophysical Instruments and Supply Co.
地球物理测量系统公Geophysical Survey System Inc.
地球物理环境研究公Geophysical Environmental Research Corporation
地球物理环境研究公机载成像扫描仪Geophysical Environmental Research Corporation Airborne Imaging Scanner
地球物理研究公Geophysical Research Corp.
地球物理研究和开发公Geophysical Research and Development Corp.
地球空间公.Geo-Space Corporation
地球观测卫星公美,日Earth Observation Satellite Company
地电化学测量联营公geoelectrochemical survey partnership
地震仪服务公Seismograph Service Corporation
地震仪服务有限公Seismograph Service, Ltd.
地震勘探工程公Seismic Engineering Inc.
地震勘探服务有限公Seismograph Service, Ltd.
地震工程公Seismic Engineering Company
地震计算公Seismic Computing Corporation
地震计算有限公Seismic Computing Ltd.
坎贝尔科学有限公Campbell Scientific, Inc. UT
坦桑尼亚石油开发公Tanzanian Petroleum Development Corp.
垂直结合公vertically integrated companies
塔特钢铁公Tata Iron and Steel Co.
塞克特环境资源咨询公加拿大Secter Environmental Resource Consulting Canada
塞浦路斯矿业公Cyprus Mines Corp.
多米宁钢煤公加拿大Dominion Steel and Coal Corp.
大加拿大油砂有限公Great Canadian Oil Sands, Ltd.
大气和环境研究公atmospheric and environmental research, incorporated
大洋空间服务公Ocean Space Services Inc.
大湖动力有限公加拿大Great Lakes Power Limited Ontario
大湖勘测公Great Lakes Research Corp.
大盐湖矿产品和化学制品公Great Salt Lake Minerals & Chemical Corp.
大西洋共同体拉美开发集团投资公Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin American Investment Company
大西洋富矿田开发公Atlantic Richfield Co.
大西洋研究公Atlantic Research Corp.
大西洋研究公Atlantic Research Corporation US
大西洋航测公Atlantic Aerial Surveys, Inc.
大陆壳深部观测和取样公Observation and Sampling of the Earth's Continental Crust Inc.
大陆架联合有限公Continental Shelf Associates, Inc.
大陆海外石油公Continental Overseas Oil Co.
大陆石油公Continental Oil Co.
大陆石油公Continental Oil Company
天气服务国际公Weather Services International
太平洋国际工程顾问公Pacific Consultants International, Inc.
太平洋天然气和电力公Pacific Gas and Electric Co.
太平洋工业和船用发动机公Pacific Industrial & Marine Engine Company
太平洋海岸工程公Pacific Coast Engineering Co.
太平洋海岸工程公Pacific Coast Engineering Company
太平洋石油有限公Pacific Petroleum Ltd.
太平洋航测公日本Pacific Aero Survey Co., Ltd. Japan
太阳石油公Sun Oil Company
奥卡塔石油有限公Okalta Oils, Ltd.
奥林化学有限公Olin Chemical Co., Ltd.
威尔士钢业公Steel Company Of Wales
威尔科克斯石油公Wilcox Oil Company
威斯汀豪斯电气公Westinghouse Electric Corp.
孟加拉国国家石油公Bangladesh National Oil Company
宇宙油品公Universal Oil Products Co.
安大略水电公加拿大Ontario Hydro Canada
安大略水电公加拿大Ontario Hydro
安大略省废物管理公加拿大Ontario Waste Management Corporation Canada
安德拉邦矿业公印度Andhra-Pradesh Mining Corporation
安曼石油公约旦Amman Petroleum Co.
安第斯山开发公Andean Development Corporation
安第斯铜矿开采公Andes Copper Mining Company
尼尔布朗仪器有限公Neil Brown Instrument Systems, Inc.
尼尔布朗仪器有限公声学流速仪Neil Brown Instrument Systems Acoustic Current Meter
尼日利亚钢铁联合公United Nigerian Iron and Steel Co.
尼日利亚铀矿开采公Nigerian Uranium Mining Co.
尼泊尔水力发电有限公Nepal Hydro Electric Pty., Ltd.
布干维尔铜矿公巴布Bougainville Copper Corporation, Ltd.
布拉什铍公Brush Beryllium Co.
布里敦角岛开发公在加拿大东南部Cape Breton Development Corporation's
帕拉博纳矿业公南非Palaborna Mining Co.
帕那萨斯山铝土矿采矿公希腊Bauxites Parnasse Mining Co.
帝国石油有限公imperial oil limited
开发公development corporation
开发实验室公Development Laboratories, Inc.
恩昌加统一矿山公赞比亚Nchanga Consolidated Mines
恩昌加统一铜矿有限公赞比亚Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines Ltd.
技术测量公Technical Measurement Corporation
挪威地球物理公Geophysical Co. of Norway
挪威海洋公Oceanographic Company of Norway A/S
摩托罗拉航空遥感公Motorola Aerial Remote Sensing Inc.
摩苏尔石油公Mosul Petroleum Co.
政府所属工业开发公赞比亚Government-owned Industrial Development Corporation
政府石油计划咨询公伊拉克State Consulting Company for Oil Projects
散装石油公Bulk Petrol Co.
数字数据系统公Digital Data System, Inc.
数字通信公Digital Communications Corporation
数据处理服务公Data Processing Service Corporation
数据技术公Data Technology, Inc.
数据标绘服务公Data Plotting Services Inc.
数据流系统有限公Data Flow System, Inc.
昆士兰煤矿有限公澳大利亚Queensland Coal Mining Co., Ltd.
昆士兰矶土公澳大利亚Queensland Alumina, Ltd.
昆士兰联合煤田有限公Allied Queensland Coalfields Ltd.
明尼苏达矿业与制造业公Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co.
普林斯顿仪器公Princeton Instruments Inc.
普林斯顿应用研究公Princeton Applied Research, Co.
晶体特制品公Crystal Speciality Corp.
朝鲜水资源开发公Korea Water Resources Development Corp.
朝鲜电力公Korea Electric Power Corporation
朝鲜电气公Korea Electric Company
朝鲜石油公Korea Oil Corporation
未来资源公Resources for the Future, Inc.
材料研究公Material Research Corp.
核子工程总公General Nuclear Engineering Corp.
核科学和工程公Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation
格兰德岛生物公Grand Island Biological Company
楚梅布有限公纳米比亚Tsumeb Corp., Ltd.
欧洲元件服务公European Components Service
欧洲投资信托公European Investment Trust
欧洲石油公团体European Group Oil Co.
欧洲联合银行公Associated Banks of Europe Corporation
死海作业有限公Dead Sea Works, Ltd.
死海方镁石有限公Dead Sea Periclase Ltd.
死海镁公dead sea magnesium
气象服务公meteorological company
水力学研究公Hydraulic Research, Ltd.
水力资源和电气化公巴拿马Institute of Hydraulic Resources and Electrification Panama
水电系统咨询有限公Power & Water System Consultants Ltd.
水资源工程承包商公菲律宾Hydro Resources Contractors Corporation Philippines
水资源管理有限公Water Resources Management Inc.
汇丰商业银行有限公Shanghai Commercial Bank, Ltd.
污染控制设备公Pollution Control Systems, Inc.
沃尔特铝业有限公Volta Aluminum Co., Ltd.
洛克希德电子仪器公Lockheed Electronics Company
洛克韦尔国际公Rockwell International
津巴布韦克拉夫资源有限公Cluff for Resources Zimbabwe Ltd
津巴布韦矿业开发公Zimbabwe Mining Development Corp.
洪特国际资源公Hunt International Resource Co.
流体盎= 1.2 美国加仑fluid ounce
海上重力采集公Marine Gravity Acquisition Ltd.
海外石油和投资公oversea petroleum and investment coip.
海外矿产资源开发公日本Overseas Mineral Resources Development Corporation
海外私人投资公overseas private investment corporation
海外贸易公Overseas Trade Corporation
海外铀资源开发公日本Overseas Uranium Resources Development Company
海岸防污染联合有限公Coastal Anti-Pollution League Ltd.
海底装备联合有限公subsea equipment associates limited
海底金刚石有限公Marine Diamond Corp., Ltd.
海水淡化有限公以色列Desalination Plants, Limited Israel
海洋勘探有限公Marine Exploration, Ltd.
海洋声学系统与仪表服务公Ocean Acoustic Systems and Instrumentation Services
海洋声能学公Ocean Sonics, Inc.
海洋大气科学公ocean atmospheric science, incorporated
海洋工程公Oceanographic Engineering Corp.
海洋工程总公General Oceanic Inc.
海洋工程系统公Ocean Systems, Inc.
海洋开发公Oceanic Development Corporation
海洋总公Oceans General Inc.
海洋技术有限公Ocean Technology Inc.
海洋数据系统公Ocean Data Systems, Inc.
海洋数据记录仪器公Ocean Data Equipment Corporation
海洋服务公Oceanographic Service, Inc.
海洋矿业公ocean mining incorporation
海洋矿产公Ocean Minerals Company
海洋研究公Ocean Research Corporation
海洋研究装备公Ocean Research Equipment, Inc.
海洋科学和海洋工程公Ocean Science and Engineering Inc.
海洋管理公Ocean Management Inc.
海洋设备改进公Sea-equipment Advancement Corp.
海洋调查公ocean search, incorporation
海洋资源咨询公Marine Resource Consultants, Inc.
海洋钻井和勘测公Ocean Drilling and Exploration Company
海湾区石油公互助组织gulf area oil companies mutual aid organisation
海湾石油公Gulf Oil Corporation
海湾石油公Gulf on Corp.
海湾石油公炼油技术实验室Gulf Oil Corporation, Refinery Technical Laboratory
海湾石油化学工业公Gulf Petrochemical Industries Co.
海湾研究和开发公Gulf Research & Development Co.
海湾能源和矿产公Gulf Energy and Minerals Company
煤炭联合公Consolidation Coal Company
煤炭联合工业有限公Coal & Allied Industries Ltd.
爱尔兰费尔雷测量公Fairey Surveys Ltd.
爱尔兰费尔雷测量公Fairey Surveys of Ireland, Ltd.
爱达荷州动力公Idaho Power Company
牙买加铝矶土业协作有限公Alumina Partners of Jamaica. Ltd.
理查德湾矿产公南非Richard Bay Minerals
理查德钻探公Richards Drilling Company
瑞典地质公Swedish Geological Company
瑞典空间公Swedish Space Corporation
生物分析系统公Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
田纳西州煤炭和钢铁分公Tennessee Coal & Iron Division
电力公缅甸Electric Power Corporation Burma
电力开发公Generation Development Corporation
电子业投资公Electronics Investment Corporation
电子产品公Electronic Products Corporation
电子仪表公Electronic Instrument Co., Inc.
电子数据系统公Electronic Data Systems Corp.
电子机械研究公Electro-Mechanical Research Inc.
电机工程产品公Electro Engineering Products Inc.
电磁仪器公Electromagnetic Instruments Inc.
皇家化学工业公imperial chemical industries
皇家化学工业公Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
皇家金属有限公Imperial Metal Industries, Ltd.
皇家铝业公Imperial Aluminum Co.
研究和发展公Research and Development Corporation
硬岩采矿研究有限公Hard Rock Mining Research Ltd.
硼砂研究公Borax Research Corp.
空气污染管理air pollution division
索尔福土木工程有限公Salford Civil Engineering Ltd.
缅玛矿产开发公Myanma Minerals Development Corporation
缅甸石油公Burma Oil Co.
罗得西亚钢铁有限公Rhodesian Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
罗拉克服务公地震仪器服务公司,即SSC的子公司,美国Lorac Service Corporation
罗昂联合矿业公Roan Consolidated Mines, Ltd.
美国与国际电力公American & Foreign Power Company
美国大学实地考察研究公American Universities Field Staff Inc.
美国天然气公American Natural Gas Company
美国开发工程公Development Engineering Corporation
美国核公Nuclear Corporation
美国氨基氰公American Cyanamide Company
美国电力公American Electric Power Company
美国电力服务公American Electric Power Service Corporation
美国研究与开发公American Research & Development Corporation
美国考尔科化学公Calco Chemical Company
美国航测公Aero Service Company (US)
美国资源公American Resource Corp.
美国锆业公Zirconium Corporation of America
美孚真空石油公Standard Vacuum Oil Company
美孚石油公Standard Oil Company
美孚石油公Mobil Oil Corp.
美孚石油开发公Standard Oil Development Company
耶洛斯普林斯仪器公Yellow Springs Instrument Company
联合化学公Allied Chemical Corporation
联合化学公Allied Chemical Corporation
联合国开发公United Nations Development Corp.
联合地球物理公United Geophysical Co.
联合核公United Nuclear Corporation
联合电力合作公Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc.
联合石油公Union Oil Company
联合石油公Union Oil Co.
联合石油公Associated Oil Co.
联合矿业开发公Integrated Mining and Development Corporation
联合矿业总公General Mining Union Corp.
联合研究服务有限公United Research Services, Inc.
联合碳化物公Union Carbide Corp.
联合金刚石矿业公consolidated diamond mining
联合金刚石矿业公consolidated diamond mines
联合金属公Amalgamated Metal Corporation
联合钢铁公United Steel Companies
联邦天然气公Federal Oil-Gas Company
联邦石油提炼有限公Commonwealth Oil Refining Co., Inc.
联邦科学公Federal Scientific Corp.
航测数据处理联合公Aerial Data Reduction Associates, Inc. US
航测服务公Aero Service Corporation
美国航空总公海洋系统Aerojet General Corporation Oceanic System
航空数据公的扩展图像系统aerodata extended image system
艾伯塔地球物理电缆公Geophysical Cable Alberta Ltd.
艾利欧地球物理勘探公ELLIOT Geophysical Company
艾布拉姆斯航测公Abrams Aerial Survey Corp.
荷兰国家矿业公Dutch States Mines
萨斯喀彻温矿业开发公加拿大Saskatchewan Mining Development Corp.
萨斯喀彻温钾碱公加拿大Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan
萨米特维尔联合矿业公Summitville Consolidated Mining Company, Inc.
西加拿大水力实验有限公Western Canada Hydraulic Laboratories, Ltd.
西北制图有限公Northwest Cartography Inc.
西北电力联营公northwest power pool
西南非洲统一金刚石矿业公Consolidated Diamond Mines of South West Africa Co., Ltd.
西屋电气公Westinghouse Electric Corp.
西澳大利亚石油有限公澳大利亚Western Australian Petroleum Pty. Ltd.
西诺特克工程咨询公印度尼西亚Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. Indonesia
西部海上钻探公Western Offshore Drilling & Exploration Company
西部电气公Western Electric Co.
西部矿业公澳大利亚Western Mining Corporation Australia
西部矿业公控股有限公司Western Mining Corp Holding Ltd
西部科学服务有限公Western Science Services, Inc.
西非洲金刚石有限公Diamond Corporation of West Africa Ltd.
詹姆斯海湾开发公James Bay Development Corporation
谢拉金红石有限公Sierra Rutile, Ltd.
贝克曼仪器公Beckman Instruments, Inc. US
贝克能源公美国得克萨斯州Baker Energy Resources Corp. TX
贝尔福仪器公Belfort Instrument Co. US
贝特曼设计控股有限公Bateman Project Holdings Ltd.
贝茨环境工程公Betz Environmental Engineering, Inc.
贵金属矿产品销售公Precious Minerals Marketing Corp.
资源保护公美华盛顿Resource Conservation Company (Wash.)
资源开发公新西兰Resources Development, Ltd. New Zealand
资源管理公Resource Management Corp., Inc.
赛因德格金属有限公巴基斯坦Saindak Metals, Ltd.
赞比亚工矿业有限公Zambia Industrial and Mining Corp Ltd.
赞比亚铜矿联合有限公Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines, Ltd.
越南国家矿产品进出口公Vietnam National Minerals Export-Import Corporation
通用仪器公General Instrument Corporation
通用原子能公/国际通用原子能公司General Atomic Company/ General Atomic International
通用工程与信贷公Universal Engineering and Finance Co.
通用技术公General Technology Corporation
通用电力信息服务公General Electric Information Services Company
通用电气公General Electric Company
通用电气有限公General Electric Company Limited
通用研究公General Research Corp.
通用钻机公universal drill rigs
道氏化学公Dow Chemical Company
道-琼斯公Dow-Jones &Co.
道生地球物理公Dawson Geophysical Company
锡兰石油公斯里兰卡Ceylon Petroleum Co.
防污染技术服务公Pollution Technical Services Ltd.
阿塞拜疆共和国国家石油公State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic
阿富汗国家石油公Afghan National Petroleum Co.
阿尔戈石油公Argo Oil Company
阿布扎比海上石油经营公阿联酋Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Company
阿布扎比海洋区域有限公阿联酋Abu Dhabi Marine Areas, Ltd.
阿布扎比石油公阿联酋Abu Dhabi Oil Co.
阿布扎比石油有限公阿联酋Abu Dhabi Petroleum Co., Ltd.
阿布扎比陆上石油经营公阿联酋Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations
阿托克石油公巴勒斯坦Attock Oil Company
阿拉伯地球物理和测量有限公Arabian Geophysical and Surveying Co. Ltd.
阿拉伯工程与咨询公Arab Engineering and Consulting Company
阿拉伯投资公Arab Investment Company
阿拉伯海上作业公Arabian Marine Operating Company
阿拉伯湾石油公利比亚Arab Gulf Oil Co.
阿拉伯石油投资公Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation
阿拉伯石油有限公Arabian Oil Co., Ltd.
阿拉伯石油服务公Arab Company for Petroleum Services
阿拉伯美国石油公Arabian American Oil Company
阿拉伯美国石油公Arabian-American Oil Co.
阿拉伯联合石油公伊拉克Joint Arab Oil Co.
阿拉伯航测有限公Arabian Aero-Survey Company Ltd.
阿拉伯采掘公Arab Mining Company
阿拉伯钻探有限公Arabian Drilling Co., Ltd.
阿拉斯加联合钻井公Alaska United Drilling, Inc.
阿曼石油开发有限公Petroleum Development Oman, Ltd.
阿曼矿业公Oman Mining Co.
阿曼铬铁矿公Oman Chromite Co.
阿札德-加斯米尔矿产和工业开发公Azad Kashmir Mineral and Industrial Development Corporation
阿特拉斯联合矿业开发公Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation
阿默雷达石油公Amerada Petroleum Corporation
陆地和卫星系统公land & satellite systems
陆地、大气和海洋科学公中国台湾省terrestrial, atmospheric and oceanic sciences
非洲爆炸物和化学工业公African Explosives & Chemical Industries
非洲联合矿业公南非Consolidated African Mines
非洲金属公African Metals Corp.
马德拉斯铝公Madras Aluminium Co.
马拉松石油公Marathon Oil Company
马拉维石油有限公Oil Company of Malawi, Ltd.
马来亚海洋工业公马来西亚Malayan Marine Industries Limited Malaysia
马来亚海洋工业公马来西亚Malayan Marine Industries Limited
马来西亚冶炼公Malaysia Smelting Corporation
马来西亚矿业公Malaysian Mining Corporation
马林杜克矿业和工业公Marinduque Mining and Industrial Corporation
魁北克喀提矿业公加拿大Quebec Cartier Mining Company
魁北克铁和钛公加拿大Quebec Iron and Titanium Corporation
鲁宾逊航空测量公Robinson Aerial Surveys, Inc.
鲍尔特勘探公南非Boart Exploration Services
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