
Terms for subject Consulting containing | all forms
中国化工建设总公China National Chemical Construction Corporation
中国建筑工程公China State Construction Engineering Corporation
中国石油工程建设公China Petroleum Engineering Construction Corporation
信托投资公investment and trust corporation
候选公名单short list of firms
标准company standard
章程the regulation of the company
职工养老金company pension
制造厂和贸易公manufacturer’s and trading companies
合伙公partnership firm
合营公joint association
合营公joint venture
咨询公consulting engineers
咨询顾问人员及咨询公consultants and consulting directory
国立注册公national company registers
国际经济联合公international economic association
室内环境工程设计的咨询公building services consulting engineers
工务土木工程public works department engineering works
布政government secretariat
德意志联邦共和国赫尔梅期公Hermes of Federal Republic of Germany
总公headquarter corporation
成立公登记费registration/incorporation fees
数字装备公digital equipment corporation
日内瓦通用鉴定公General Superintendence Geneva
清偿能力专业情报公specialized solvency information companies
环境the secretary for the environment
短期合伙公joint association
短期合伙公joint venture
管理顾问公management consulting firm
经济the secretary for economic services
美国钢铁公United States Steel Corporation
阿拉伯石油服务公Arab Petroleum Service Company
阿特金咨询公Atkins Group Consul tents
阿特金规划公Atkins Planning