
Terms for subject Technology containing 右侧 | all forms | in specified order only
书架右侧range end
右侧right hand
右侧right-lateral position
右侧发动机right-side engine
右侧发动机right engine
右侧数加法器right-hand adder
右侧断层right-lateral slip fault
右侧断层right-lateral fault
右侧断层right-slip fault
右侧断层dextral fault
右侧starboard hand mark
右侧right-hand mark
右侧浮标starboard hand buoy
右侧浮标right-hand buoy
右侧行车right-hand running
右侧行车driving on the right side
右侧调整right justify
右侧车道right lane
右侧道岔right-hand turnout
右侧道岔right-hand switch
右侧驾驶right-hand drive
右手侧流三通right-hand end side outlet tee
右手侧流肘管right-handed side outlet elbow
右手坐标分量右侧right-hand component
右舷侧浮标starboard hand buoy
图的右侧right side of the figure
教堂的右侧epistle side (面对教堂)
教堂祭台右侧epistle side
有左右侧台的舞台calliper stage
有左右侧台的舞台caliper stage
舞台右侧stage right (以演员面对观众时为准)
航道右侧starboard side of channel