
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一经通知即收还的债务debit at call
一般general licence
一阶马尔夫型式first-order Markov scheme
上好销品质good commercial quality
上好销商品good merchantable brand
上好销的good merchantable
保财产uninsurable property
信任的商业行动fly by night business operation
信的顾客shady customer
信赖的公司shady company
修废品nonrepairable defective work
兑换外汇制irredeemable foreign-exchange standard
兑换黄金的美元本位dollar only standard
兼折取exclusive disjunction
再生的有形资产non-reproducible tangible assets
再用纸币non-reusable note
分割份额undivided share
分割权利undivided right
分割的利益undivided interest
分割的房地产impartible estate
分因素indivisible factor
分图nonseparable graph
分图nonseparable chart
分生产因数lumpy factor
分解矩阵nondecomposable matrix
分配准备金undistributable reserve
划拨基金nontransferable fund
删文字insuppressible literal
利用non availability
利用标志notice on nonavailability
取消的权利indefeasible right
取消的转让irrevocable assignment
变现的成本non-convertible cost
变现的资产unrealizable assets
否认的代理agency by estoppel
废除的所有权indefeasible title
弥补挽回的损失irrecoverable losses
弥补错误unrecoverable error
强制执行的合同如时效已过的合同等unenforceable contract
征税的资产inadmissible assets
承保的危险uninsurable risk
抑制冲动irresistible impulse
抗力除外条款acts of God clause
抗拒事件irresistible incident
抗拒免责即意外事故免除责任条款force majore exception
挽回的折旧incurable depreciation
挽回的损失irredeemable loss
接受平均寿命unacceptable mean life
接受条件unacceptable conditions
撤销、不可转让的无息期票irrevocable, non-negotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note
撤销信托irrevocable trust
撤销信用证irrevocable letter of credit
撤销无追索权信用证irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
撤销无追索权的信用证irrevocable without recourse letter of credit
撤销期票irrevocable promissory note
撤销的代理指代理人按约取得佣金,此种代理依法是不可撤销的agency coupled with an interest
撤销的保兑信用证irrevocable confirmed credit
撤销的信托irrevocable trust
撤销的、可转让和可分割的信用证irrevocable transferable and divisible L/C
撤销的合同indissoluble contract
撤销的合同契约firm contract
撤销的承兑交单信用证irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
撤销的承诺irrevocable commitment
撤销的拨付承诺irrevocable commitment to disburse
撤销的无追索权信用证irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit
撤销的期票irrevocable promissory note
撤销的跟单信用证irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached
撤销的银行保兑信用证irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
撤销银行保兑信用证irrevocable confirmed banker's credit
放置重货下包装用语not to be stowed under heavy cargo
替代弹性生产函数模型model of constant elasticity of substitution production function
替代设备structure with no replacement
比产品non-comparable products
比产品价值incomparable product value
比产品成本incomparable product cost
比产品非工业企业经营non-comparable product nonindustrial business operation
比因素noncomparable factor
比成本incomparable cost
比集incomparable sets
比集incomparable aggregates
流通的收据non-negotiable receipt
"不用钩""use no hook"
约判别法irreducibility test
缺少的因素integral element
could not
合同能履行impossible to perform
能收回的贷款bad loan
行形式infeasibility form
观测值unobservable value
观测变数nonobservable variable
观测变量unobservable variable
观测随机变量unobservable random variable
观测随机因子unobservable chance factor
观测随机扰动unobservable random disturbance
解释偏差unexplained deviation
解释的扰动unexplainable disturbance
解除注销的租赁non-cancellable lease
计算函数uncomputable function
议付not negotiable
议付信用证non-negotiable letter of credit
议付副本non-negotiable copy
议付票据not negotiable bill
访问区域inaccessible field
转移财产nontransferable property
转让crossing: not negotiable
转让 让与untransferable
转让产品nontransferable product
转让仓单nonnegotiable warehouse receipt
转让信用证nontransferable L/C
转让信用证nontransferable credit
转让债券nontransferable bond
转让国库券non-negotiable treasury bond
转让技术non-transferable technology
转让提单non negotiable bill of lading
转让支票nonnegotiable check
转让期票non-negotiable promissory note
转让期票non-negotiable note
转让汇票nontransferable bill
转让的支票not negotiable cheque
转让的期票non-negotiable promissory note
转让的期票non-negotiable note
转让的证券non-negotiable security
转让票据nonnegotiable instrument
转让票据not negotiable note
转让票据nontransferable note
转让票据non-negotiable instrument
转让租赁权non-assignment tenancy
转让股票nontransferable stock
转让股票nontransferable share
转让背书non-negotiable endorsement
转让证券not negotiable security
转让证券nontransferable security
转让财产not negotiable property
转让货物nontransferable goods
转让资产nontransferable asset
达状态unreachable state
过户转让的信用证unassignable letter of credit
追溯的资金供应与 retroactive back 对称back financing
退回的特许证licence by stopped
逆控制irreversible control
逆链irreversible chain
通约数incommensurable numbers
通线段incommensurable line segments
逾越的障碍insuperable barrier
避免危险unavoidable hazard
避免原因unavoidable cause
避免成本inevitable cost
避免成本unescapable cost
避免成本inescapable cost
避免损失inevitable loss
避免的延误unavoidable delay
避免的成本unavoidable cost
避免耽延unavoidable stoppage
避免迟延unavoidable delay
避免风险unavoidable risk
靠交易shady transaction
靠价值dubious value
靠企业wildcat enterprise
靠估计unreliable estimate
靠估计式unreliable estimator
靠信道unreliable channel
靠元件unreliable component
靠准则unreliable criteria
靠区间interval of uncertainty
靠度degree of unreliability
靠度degree of uncertainty
靠度函数unreliability function
靠性损耗费expense of unreliability
靠性曲线unreliability curve
靠性能unreliable performance
靠性费用cost of unreliability
靠投资unauthorized investment
靠拟合unreliable fit
靠收益检验blue sky earning test
靠服务员unreliable server
靠的含义implication of unreliability
靠的股票wildcat stock
靠的递延费用fallacious deferred charges
靠线性规划linear programming under uncertainty
靠账款doubtful accounts
靠零件unreliable part
靠项目unreliable item
预测的损失incalculable loss
预测的故障undetectable failure
预见的费用因素unpredictable cost element
不变与变资本比例proportion of constant to variable capital
不变马尔夫过程invariant Markov process
不合格靠性unsatisfactory reliability
不合格靠性unacceptable reliability
不合格靠性水平unacceptable reliability level
不定股息的靠有价证券Good Ordinary Bond
不结汇进口许证申请书application for import permit without foreign exchange settlement
专利许patent license
情况borderline case
个人用所得personal disposable income
个人随意支配的收入discretionary personal income
个别许individual licence
临时许进口admission temporary
主管靠性工程师staff reliability engineer
企业获得的最大利益jack pot
企业间靠性系数interfirm reliability coefficient
会计的靠性accounting reliability
估计变现价值estimated realizable value
估计成本回收能性estimating cost recoverability
估计成本收回能性estimating cost recoverability
估计最大能损失maximum foreseeable loss
估计最大能损失estimated maximum probable loss
估计的靠性estimation reliability
决系数partial coefficient of determination
偏好的分解性decomposability of preferences
元件靠度component reliability
元件寿命评价和靠性计划components life evaluation and reliability (program)
海关的入库许permit for warehousing
经过检疫入港许certificate of pratique
全国质量靠性协会national council for quality and reliability
全面行性报告full feasibility report
全面行性研究full feasibility study
全面的行性研究full-scale feasibility study
公共交通运输业许certificate of public convenience and necessity
公司市场上能达到的需求量company market potential
分批认抽样lot acceptance sampling
分批输入许进口签证银行签发的输入许可证Subcovering license
分批进口许subcovering license
分时增编译程序time sharing incremental compiler
分组马尔夫编码block Markov encoding
切实行的计划practicable plan
初始行解initial feasible solution
初始整数行解initial feasible integer solution
初步行性研究elementary feasibility study
判决认confession of judgement
利息与股息的扣除性deductibility of interest and dividend
到工但无工做工作日工资call-in pay
制定行方案formulate alternative
制造靠性控制manufacturing reliability control
制造许manufacturing license
变成本semivariable cost
变费用semivariable expense
变费用semi-variable charge
半马尔夫分析semi-Markov analysis
半马尔夫模型semi-Markov model
半马尔夫过程semi-Markovian process
半马尔夫过程semi-Markov process
单项工程许individual project permit
合同的分割性sever ability of the contract
合同认contractual acknowledgement
合格靠性标准acceptable reliability level
合法得权益legitimate expectation
同意与许leave and license
启动许release for shipment
启运许release for shipment
售出外汇认authorization sheet for sales of exchange
商业流通票据commercial negotiable instrument
商业流通票据commercial negotiable bill
商业转让票据commercial negotiable instrument
商品出口许commodity export permit
商品口许制度commodity export licensing system
商品启运许authorization for shipment of goods
商品库存供销售日数number of days' sale in merchandise inventory
商品起运许authorization for shipment of goods
在商务上commercially viable
在计算所得税时予以扣除的tax deductible
地域海运许part cargo charter
坏账与不靠账准备provide for bad and doubtful debt
坏账和疑账bad and doubtful account
外国船员上岸许landing card
外汇许exchange licensing
多元马尔夫链multiple Markov chain
契约性许contractual license
子系统靠度subsystem reliability
存在定义的existentially definable
存在定义集existential definable set
存货供销售日数days to sell inventory
争辩的条件issuable terms
尺码变批batches of variable size
能地as much as possible
能快地fast as can
尽一切do all possible
嵌入马尔夫链imbedded Markov chain
市场预测的靠性dependability of market forecast
帕累托自由的不能性impossibility of Paretian liberal
开业许certificate to commerce business
开具进口许issuance of the import licence
开放式进口许open and licence
强制性许指获得专利权的发明人自己不愿实施,又不给别人专利权,为了社会利益,政府部门可强制发明人授予愿意实施人专利许可compulsory licensing
强制性颁发许证制度mandatory licensing system
强制许compulsory licence
当地资本用性availability of local capital
当天用资金like funds
当年扣除数currently deductible
形式间靠性系数inter-form reliability coefficient
性能、靠性、价格performance, dependability, cost
总体行性研究total feasibility study
总效用能线grand utility-possibility frontier
意外开支许contingency authorization
成本变性variability of cost
成本变性cost variability
成本溯性traceability of cost
成本的控性controllability of cost
我们现在以签合同了We can get the contract finalized now
我方希望您以接受付款交单的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
扣押许distress warrant
执照与许licence and permit bond
指数靠度exponential reliability
指数靠度函数exponential reliability function
比价格计算in comparable prices
比口径计算calculated the comparable basis
比口径计算calculated in terms of comparable items
挫折引起攻击frustration may lead to aggression
保险损失变性loss conversion factor
收益认income recognition
政策性容亏损losses permitted by policy
数据采纳结构data admissible structure
数据靠性reliability of data
数据的不靠性unreliability of data
最低接受收益率lowest acceptable rate of return
最低收费金额minimum charge collectable
最佳能估计best possible estimate
最佳能估计量best possible estimator
最大容许周期时间maximum allowance cycle time
最大能产量maximum possible output
最大能估计most-likely estimation
最大能性maximum likelihood estimate
最大能损失额maximum possible loss
最大能时间most-likely time
最大能负荷maximum possible load
最大获利价格most profitable price
最大靠性ultimate reliability
最小能值minimum possible value
最小觉差别least perceptible difference
最小容许靠性minimum acceptance reliability
最迟许完成时间latest allowable finish time
最迟许开始时间latest allowable start time
最迟许日期latest allowable date
最高能价highest possible price
最高能频率highest possible frequency
最高许maximum authorization rate
能稀释冲减每股收益的证券potentially dilutive securities
有利be profitable
有利at a profit
有利图的买卖remunerative business
有利图的投资profitable investment
有名无实的信赖程度nominal confidence level
有效的用于购买的收入effective buy income
有案on the book
有案be on record
有界平方积函数bounded square integrable function
有许with warrants
有限finitely additive
有限能集finite possibility set
有限预测性limited predictability
有限许restricted license
期限比性comparability of life
未经许不得驶入no entry for unauthorized vehicles
未认债务unadmitted debts
未许费用unallowable expense
未许费用unallowable cost
未销退on sale or return
本质不判定性essential undecidability
机器读信息machine-sensible information
机器读数据machine script
机器读数据machine-readable data
机器零件靠性中心mechanical components reliability center
权利的不转让性non-assignability of right
权利许license of right
权利许licence of right
材料替代认authority for material substitution
条约规定的分性separability of treaty provisions
来自公众的用收入applicable receipt from the public
标准变成本standard variable cost
标准化靠性曲线standardized reliability curve
标准许协议model licensing agreement
欧洲兑换债券Euro Convertible Bonds
正合识别性exact identifiability
汇款许remittance permit
测验的接受性acceptability of test
清理程序中债权证据的认和驳回liquidation: admission and rejection proofs
渠道靠性channel reliability
潜在能性latent possibility
理论取性theoretical plausibility
生产能范围production-possibility boundary
生产靠性production reliability
生产许证制system of state license for the manufacture
生成传类generated hereditary class
用地许land license
电子元件靠性手册handbook of electronic parts reliability
真实靠性true reliability
确立靠性established reliability
税收的接受性acceptability of taxes
税款抵免额allowable tax credit
稳健靠的人sound man
稳定调整票面价值stable but adjustable par value
稳定点达性steady-state point availability
第一数性公理first countability axiom
第二行解second feasible solution
能结果equally likely outcomes
策略靠性tactical reliability
紧急许管制规则emergency permit control regulation
缺乏能性shortage probability
而宁not, seldom, hardly,... but rather
而宁说是but rather
营业许Business Permit Act
营业许excise license
营业许business license
衡平法许的救济equitable remedy
财产说明性property accountability
财产转让性transferability of property
账款收回性collectibility of accounts
货币的兑换性currency convertibility
质量疑商品goods forming the subject matter in dispute
质量靠年Quality and Reliability Year
质量保证与靠性助理assistant for quality assurance and reliability
质量保证和靠性助理assistance for quality assurance and reliability
质量和靠性经理director of quality and reliability
质量控制与靠性quality control and reliability
质量管理靠性quality control reliability
质量管理与靠性quality control and reliability
购买许purchasing license
购入外汇认authorization sheet for purchases of exchange
贷款实际上不偿还或能不偿还actual or threatened default on loan
贸易许制条例licence to trade ordinance
贸易许证条例licence to trade ordinance
资本供性capital availability
资本损失的扣除性deductibility of capital loss
资源靠性resource availability
车间更换装置Shop-Replaceable Unit
转换认changeback acknowledgement
退化基本行解degenerate basic feasible solution
逐批认抽验lot by lot acceptance sampling
逐项核发的许license on a case-by-case basis
通知供情况advise availability
通货的不兑换性inconvertibility of currency
酌发许discretionary licensing
镀锌锻铸铁galvanized malleable iron
阶跃马尔夫过程jump Markov process
需求扩大性expansibility of demand
需要即得到on tap
比产品成本cost of non-comparable product
比元素noncomparable elements
比数据noncomparable data
比数据non-comparable data
非保兑不撤销信用证unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit
非居民外汇兑换性non-resident convertibility
非自愿许non-voluntary license
非连续马尔夫过程discontinuous Markov process
非退化基本行解nondegeneracy basic feasible solution
马尔夫估计Markov estimation
马尔夫值机构Markovian value mechanism
马尔夫决策Markov decision
马尔夫决策规划Markovian decision programming
马尔夫决策过程Markovian decision process
马尔夫分析Markovian analysis
马尔夫分枝过程Markov branching process
马尔夫序列Markov sequence
马尔夫效应Markov effect
马尔夫联列表Markovian contingency table
马尔夫自回归型式Markov autoregressive scheme
马尔夫过程Markovian process
马尔夫过程分析'Markovian process analysis
马尔夫链Markovian chain
马尔夫链并合grouping in Markov chains
马尔夫链过程Markovian chain process
马尔夫预测链forecasting by Markov chain
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