
Terms containing 只好 | all forms | in specified order only
gen.不好意思,能帮忙拍个照吗?只要按这个按键就好Excuse me. Do you mind taking us pictures? You can just press the button here
cosmet.专家表示,无论你的皮肤是干性、中性或是油性的,如果你只买得起一种皮肤护理用品,将钱花在品质好的润肤霜上将是最划算的Whether your skin is dry, normal, or even oily, if you can only afford one skin care product, experts say, your dollars will be well spent on a good moisturizer
gen.两趟航班之间只间隔20分钟,您最好待在中转处Since there are only 20 minutes during the two flights, you'd better stay in the transfer correspondence
econ.买主声称短缺20件,我们只好作出是你方过错的结论The buyers claimed a shortage of 20 pieces, and we are forced to the conclusion that it was your fault
econ.你方拒签合同,订单只好取消Your refusal to sign the contract caused the cancellation of the order
commer.假如在本月三十日或其前不能收到你方信用证,我方只好取消销售合同If your L/C fails to arrive here on or before the 30th inst., we shall be obliged to cancel the S/C
gen.劳驾,请你照看一下我的手提箱,好吗?我只是去打个电话,马上就来Excuse me. Will you please keep an eye on my suitcase? I just want to make a phone call for a short time
econ.厂家只把这种产品卖给那些信誉良好的承销人The manufacturer shall sell such products only to such consignors with goods credit
gen.只好only alternative is to
gen.只好have no choice but to + inf.
gen.只好can not do other than to (+ inf.)
gen.只好这么做can do no otherwise than
gen.只好这么做can not do otherwise than
gen.只好can do no other than to (+ inf.)
gen.只好have no option but to (+ inf.)
gen.只好have to
gen.只好没有do without
econ.只有上好可销品质才容易在那里销售GMQ only is easily saleable there
econ.只要你方检査一下样品,你方会认为该货品质量好、价格合理When you have a chance to examine the samples, you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price
gen.只要…就好了if only
gen.只要把质量保修卡和收据的复印件寄过去就好了Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt
expl.因为缺乏成熟的机械破碎模型、爆破行业只好依赖经验方法The blasting industry has had to rely on empirical approaches in the absence of a proven mechanistic fragmentation model
econ.在这种情况下,本公司别无选择,只好拒绝贵方善意的报价Under such circumstances, we have no choice but to decline your kind offer
econ.大米到货时即由公证行过磅,他们只好承认重量不足Since the rice was weighed by a public surveyor upon arrival they cannot but admit the shortage
gen.好啊,只要有苏格兰苏打Sure, if there is Scotch and Soda
gen.好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out
commer.如果不能在五月装运,我们只好撤回订单去他处采购If the goods are not shipped in May, we shall be compelled to purchase elsewhere and may have to countermand our order
shipb.如果贵方仍坚持这个价格,我们就只好放弃这笔交易I'm afraid we have to call the whole deal off, if you still insist on this price.
proj.manag.很抱歉、这是我们的最低价。如果你们认为不能接受、那么我们没有办法、生意只好告吹Sorry, This is our rock-bottom price. If you find it unworkable, we have no other choice but to call the deal off
gen.必须先掺水而后只好再把它滤掉water must be mixed only to be filtered out again
econ.我们的货用牢固的新木箱包装,每箱2台,各用塑料小口袋一只包好Our goods are packed in new strong wooden boxes, each box containing 2 sets in individual small plastic wrapper
gen.我只是觉得把剩菜打包带回家会更好I just think it would make more sense to take the leftovers home
econ.我方只好要求你方承担由于贵方违约造成的全部损失的责任We have to hold you are responsible for all the loss resulting from your default in the agreement
expl.有条狗横过马路、司机只好急刹车A dog ran across the road, cause-ing the driver to stop in time
econ.由于计算机出了故障,你只好手工制作保险单You have to make the insurance policy manually because the computer has broken down
econ.货物短重,我们只好向你方提出5000英镑的索赔The cargo was short-weighted. We have to lodge a claim against you to the amount of £5000
econ.这只盆子不好,搪瓷多处破裂This basin is not good and the enamel has cracked in some places