
Terms for subject Automobiles containing 发运 | all forms | in specified order only
不均匀的发动机运转irregular engine running
不均匀的发动机运转irregular engine operation
且发动机运转key on engine running
但发动机不运转此术语常用于发动机诊断的静态测试上key on engine off
但发动机不运转key on engine off
使发动机怠速运转idling the engine
保持发动机运转keep the engine alive
发动机低噪声运转quiet engine running
发动机低噪声运转quiet engine operation
发动机平稳运转smooth engine operation
发动机无噪声运转silent engine operationrunning
发动机正常运转regular engine operation
发动机爆燃运行knocking engine operation
发动机空载运转功率zero engine outputpower
发动机超速运转racing of the engine
发动机超速运转racing of engine
发动机超速运转engine over revvingoverspeeding
发动机运行运转engine running
发动机运行驱动性能engine drive ability
诊断仪字符发动机运行时间从本次起动到检测时ENG RUN TIME
发动机运行稳定性传感器engine stability sensor
发动机运转engine running
测试发动机运转工作engine operating
发动机运转engine operation
发动机运转工作,着火engine fire
发动机运转工作,正常转速engine service speed
发动机运转不均匀irregular engine running
发动机运转不均匀irregular engine operation
发动机运转不稳rough engine operation
发动机运转不稳erratic engine running
发动机运转不稳erratic engine operation
发动机运转中断发生故障engine conk
燃油喷射发动机运转信号engine revolution signal
发动机运转剂工作液engine operating agent
发动机运转失常engine conk
发动机运转时猛地一动参阅 buckingbucking engine operation
发动机运转正常faultless engine operation
发动机运转粗爆engine roughness
发动机高速运转race the engine
货物发运predeparture operation
处于运转工作温度的发动机engine at service temperature
处于运转工作温度的发动机engine at operating temperature
开发燃油、润滑剂和其他液态物资运输特性测试的欧洲协调委员会Coordinating European Council for the development of performance tests for transportation fuels, lubricants and other fluids
按发动机曲轴转速运转的取力器engine-speed power take-off
瞬时发动机运转状态transient engine operating state
参数识别缩写NOx 警告模式被激活下发动机总运转时间total run time by the engine while NOx warning mode is activated
运转的发动机running engine
运转不均匀的发动机irregular-running engine
运转不稳工作粗暴的发动机rough engine