
Terms for subject Economy containing 发现 | all forms | in specified order only
一旦发现有人占用你的财产,你可以控告他犯有非法扣押罪You may proceed against any person found in occupation of your property as guilty of unlawful detainer
一旦亲临交易会,你将发现有很多品种可供选择Once you come to the fair personally, you'll find there is a large variety for selection
上述船货经检查后发现缺少3箱After inspecting the above shipment we found three boxes missing
不久你方将发现我方新产品有许多优点Soon you will find that our new product possesses a lot of merits
买方收到供方提交的发票后立即用现金支付The purchaser shall pay down promptly after submission of an invoice by the supplier
他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs
他们发现他在叙述中有很多前后矛盾的地方They found a lot of inconsistencies in his account
他们未发现有任何质量低劣的证据They did not find any evidence of inferior quality
他已经发现了将这种材料用于建筑的方法He has found a way to utilize this material for the purpose of construction
你方8月20日发票所列机器现已安全抵达The machines invoiced by you on August 20 have now safely arrived
偶然的发现accidental discovery
原料的新来源是在这个地区发现The new source of raw materials was found in this area
发挥现有和潜在的优越性give full play to available and laten superiorities of
发现think out
发现与开发费用finding and development cost
发现价值法discovery value method
发现信号catch a signal
发现和开发费用finding and development costs
发现和开发费用cost of finding and development
发现程序eureka process
发现缺陷detection of defect
发现问题detection of problems
发行随时可换成现款的股票的投资公司open-end investment company
发行随时可换成现款的股票的投资公司open-end investment trust
在该船 1992 年 9月6日到达目的地时,发现有一箱短少8 打Upon the arrival of the ship at the destination on September 6th, 1992 one carton was found short of 8 dozen
在谈判开始阶段我方已强调了准时发货的重要性,现在不再复述We stressed in the initial stage of negotiation the importance of punctual shipment and won't repeat it
发现任何第三方对专利造成任何侵犯时,我们立即向你方通报We shall make an immediate report to you when we find any infringement of the patent by any third party
发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable
如买方发现运来的货物与样品有差异,应在货到后15天内通知卖方If the purchaser finds that the delivered goods are at variance with the sample, he should notify the seller within 15 days after the arrival of the goods
如卖方判断买方的财务能力已削弱时卖方可要求发货之前先行支付现款The seller can require cash payment before shipment if he judges that the buyer's financial responsibility becomes impaired
如果发现你方在业务报告中弄虚作假,我们将立即停止贷款If we find out any false statements in your report of business, we will stop providing loans
如果你看一下价格单,你会发现它的价格已经上涨了If you have a look at the price list you will find that its price has appreciated
建筑师须仔细研究这些施工图,并且对可能发现的差错或相互矛盾之处予以更正The architect should carefully study the working drawings and correct any error or inconsistency he may discover in them
开包之后,发现质量不能使人满意When unpacking the bale we found that the quality is unsatisfactory
开箱之后,发现抛光不能使人满意When unpacking the case, we found that the finish is unsatisfactory
彳艮遗憾,经检査发现,5架摄像机由于包装马虎而损坏We regret to say that on examination, 5 movie cameras were found to be damaged, owing to negligent packing
很明显,在运输中此货物发生短重,所以我方现向贵方索赔一万美元It is evident that the goods were short in weight during transit, so we are now filing a claim against you for $10000
我们发现合同草案中有些漏洞,应在签署之前加以消除There are some loopholes in the draft contract, we should close them before signing
我们发现箱子上的标记难以辨认We find it very difficult to identify the markings on the cases
我们发现这些器械有很多用途We found many uses for the machine
我们发现这些账目有的地方相互对不上We found there were discrepancies in the accounts
我们任意挑出20袋取样检验,发现质量完全合乎要求We sampled 20 sacks at random and found the quality answered the purpose very well
我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽管包装完好无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
我们应尽快地改正在检査中发现的有关设备的全部毛病We should rectify all the faults with respect to the equipment discovered on inspection as soon as possible
我们打开包时,发现短衫与样品不一样When we unwrap ped the parcel, we found the blouse is not the same as the sample
我们相信,你们会发现所报之货完全适合你们的用途We trust you will find the goods offered quite suitable for your purpose
我方第 1434 号订单项下你方运来货物发现短重800公斤,为此将提出索赔218英镑,另加检验费With your shipment of our Order No. 1434 there has been found a shortweight by 800 kilos., for which we must file a claim amounting to £ 218 plus inspection fee
打开纸板箱后,他们发现颜色不能令人满意Unpacking the carton, they found the colour is unsatisfactory
最大经济发现成本maximum economic finding cost
5月15日发出的货物现已完好到达The goods shipped on May 15 have arrived intact
发现的损失undiscovered losses
现送上我公司最近发行的塑料厨房用品目录,贵公司对此可能感兴趣We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue of plastic kitchenware which may possibly interest you
现金结算发货仓库cash-and-carry, warehouse
经再次査阅你方定单,发现那些看上去像"o"的字母实际上是"e"On looking at your order again we see that what looks like an "o" is indeed "e"
经检査未发现你方的样品有任何质量低劣的迹象In making our examination n., we do not find any evidence of inferior quality of your samples
经过审讯后发现承包商曾提供过贿赂It is found, after hearing n., that gratuities were offered by the contractor
计划表如发现有错误,则不能使用The schedule can not be used, if it is found to be in error
该公司在这个地区勘探金矿,发现这些矿大有开采前途The company prospect-ed the area for gold, and found the mines prospect very well
货物抵达时,他们发现短重共达 255 千克They noticed a shortage in weight totalling 255kg. when the goods arrived
资源发现discovery period
这些问题应从发现时起3天之内由技术人员解决Such problems should be solved by the technicians within 3 days from the discovery
耗资产的发现价值discovery value for Wasting assets
递耗资产的发现价值discovery value of wasting asset
通过复查,我们发现这座建筑物有缺陷We found the building defective by means of reexamination
遗失的那一箱后来发现被遗留在码头上The missing box was found left behind on the pier
重大发现许可证Significant Discovery Licence