
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
伍德-韦克曼Wood-Werkman reaction
光化学photochemical reaction Chemical reaction which is initiated by light of a specific wavelength. In an environmental context an example is the potential action of ultraviolet light on CFCs which may bring about the detrimental degradation of the ozone layer. Photochemical reactions initiate the process of photosynthesis in which plants convert carbon dioxide into sugars, which are incorporated into cell materials (该化学反应由一种特定波长的光产生。特定环境下的例子是紫外线照射可能导致含氯氟烃有损臭氧层退化。光化学反应在光合作用的过程中,使植物细胞转化成糖,而二氧化碳是输入细胞的材料。)
公共意识与应急community awareness and emergency response
冠层射能力指树冠canopy reflectance
化学chemical reaction A change in which a substance is transformed into one or more new substances (一种物质转变成一个或多个新的物质的变化。)
reflection The return of waves or particles from surfaces on which they are incident (把波或微粒子返回给产生它们的表面。)
射测定法reflectometry The study of the reflectance of light or other radiant energy (对光的反射或其它辐射能量反射的研究。)
应动力学reaction kinetics That branch of physical chemistry concerned with the mechanisms and rates of chemical reactions (物理化学的一个分支,涉及化学反应的机制和比率。)
应堆reactor A device that introduces either inductive or capacitive reactance into a circuit, such as a coil or capacitor (在电路中产生电感性或电容性电抗的设备,例如线圈或电容。)
应堆安全reactor safety Those studies and activities that seek to minimise the risk of a nuclear reactor accident (寻求最小化核反应堆事故风险的研究活动。)
应速度- 温度定律reaction rate-temperature rule
渗透作用reverse osmosis
渗透reverse osmosis A method of obtaining pure water from water containing a salt, as in desalination. Pure water and the salt water are separated by a semipermeable membrane and the pressure of the salt water is raised above the osmotic pressure, causing water from the brine to pass through the membrane into the pure water. This process requires a pressure of some 25 atmospheres, which makes it difficult to apply on a large scale (从含盐的水中获得纯水的方法,即脱盐。纯水和盐水用半渗透性的薄膜分开并且盐水的压强高于渗透压强,这使盐水中的水通过薄膜进入纯水。这个过程需要25个气压的压强,这使得这个方法很难大规模应用。)
inversion A reversal in the usual direction of a process, as in the change of density of water at 4° C (惯常的发展方向的逆转,如在水在4°C时的密度变化。)
对药品的不良side effects of pharmaceutical drugs
快速应堆fast reactor Nuclear reactor which produces more fissile material than it consumes, using fast-moving neutrons and making plutonium-239 from uranium-238, thereby increasing the reactor's efficiency (其产生可裂变材料的量比其消耗量大的核反应堆,使用快速移动的中子,用铀-238产生钚239,从而提高反应堆的效率。)
nuclear reaction A reaction involving a change in an atomic nucleus, such as fission, fusion, neutron capture, or radioactive decay, as distinct from a chemical reaction, which is limited to changes in the electron structure surrounding the nucleus (涉及原子核的变化如裂变、聚变、中子俘获或放射性衰变的反应,区别于化学反应,仅限于环绕原子核的电子结构变化。)
应堆nuclear reactor
应堆nuclear reactor Device which creates heat and energy by starting and controlling atomic fission (启动和控制原子裂变以产生热量和能量的装置。)
植物plant response
生物应器bioreactor A container, such as a large fermentation chamber, for growing living organisms that are used in the industrial production of substances such as pharmaceuticals, antibodies, or vaccines (一个供生物体生长的容器,如大型发酵室,用于工业生产制药,抗体或疫苗等。)
范特霍夫应速度-温度定律Van't Hoffs reaction rate-temperature rule
饥饿生存starvation-survival response