
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing 双杠 | all forms | in specified order only
双杠low parallel bar
双杠low parallel bars
双手握低杠站立stand both hands on LB
双杠men's bars
双杠chinning bar
双杠上倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bar
双杠上倒立转体handstand pirouette on parallel bars
双杠"后空翻撑"back salto on the parallel bars
双杠宽度space between parallel bars
双杠宽度space between the parallel bars
双杠底座base support of parallel bars
双杠立柱standards of parallel bars
双杠端铁座横梁lower supports of the parallel bar
双脚蹬低杠成高杠支撑uprise with leg support
双脚蹬低杠成高杠正撑uprise with leg support
杠端分腿跳上接双腿全旋straddle in on one end to double -leg circle
男子双杠men's parallel bars