
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
与具体经营的合伙人sleeping partner
加分红优先股non-participating preference share
加分红的保险单non-participating policy
加管理的合伙人silent partner
加经营的合伙人silent partner
不充分的外部weak external reference
不知是否有幸能邀请你来加我们的展览会?May we have the honor to invite you to attend our exhibition?
丝绸手巾现在新加坡市场上颇受青睐,兹供你方For your guidance n., we would inform you that the silk handkerchiefs are now preferred in the Singapore markets
为使你方熟悉我方经营的各种轻工产品,另封航邮寄上商品目录,供你To acquaint you with all manner of the light industrial products we handle, we are sending you, by separate airmail, a commodity list for your reference
主要key parameter
人口demographic parameter
仅供工程for engineering information
与管理这家工厂以后,承担了许多调査工作He took on a lot of investigation after he had participated in the management of the factory
他们从敝国驻伦敦使馆的商务赞那儿获悉敝公司的地址They have obtained our address from the Commercial Counsellor of our Embassy in London
他对工程造价的约略估计,提出来仅供His approximate estimate of the construction cost is supplied as a guide only
他将加即将和你方代表举行的谈判He will participate in the upcoming negotiations with your representative
他指派我加委员会He coopts me onto a committee
任意arbitrary parameter
你们的地址是从你们国家驻东京大使馆,商务赞处得到的Your address was obtained from the Commercial counsellor of your Embassy in Tokyo
供我们for our information
供某人for one's reference
供随时for ready reference
与分红优先股fully participating preferred stock
全员加的生产维修制total productive maintenance
共同体考数量Community reference amount
决策的participation in decision of making
初始地区initial participating area
制度或方案的与者participant in a system or scheme
劳动管理labour force participation rate
劳工加企业经常共同决定政策code termination
bear a part in
participative approach
participatory approach
与使用权条款intervening right provision
与决策participation in decision of making
与分红优先股profit-participating preferred stock
与分红股利a participating dividend
与分红股利participating dividend
与分配盈利的公司债券participating bonds
与协议a participation agreement
与和磋商式领土开发Participatory and Negotiated Territorial Development
与地区participating area
与契约participating bond
与工作的on the job
与式反应机制participatory response mechanism
与式监测participatory monitoring
与式计划编制participatory programming
与性优先股participating preference (share)
与性的改变周期participative change cycle
与性评价participatory evaluation
与投资capital participation
与方法participative approach
与方法participatory approach
与权益证明participation certificate
与率participation rate
与率age-specific participation rate
与秘密in the secret
与管理collaborative management
与管理participatory management
与经营管理the management participation
与者participant in a system or scheme
与融通资金the participation in financing
与该项建议评审的双方不得透露此建议的一切信息及文件Both parties involved in the evaluation of this proposal are not allowed to disclose all information and documents under the proposal
与贷款a participation loan
与赛作业competing activities
与赠款grant participation
与途径a participative approach
take a hand in
加…go in for
加人交款contribution by participants
加付款人payor for honour
加付款人payer for honour
加分红优先股participating preference stock
加已被拒付汇票的承兑acceptance supra protest
第三者为保全拒付出票人的名誉而作的加承兑payment for honour supraprotest
汇票的加承兑intervention for honor
加承兑the acceptance by intervention
加承兑人the acceptor for honour
票据的加承兑人the acceptor by intervention
加日期date of admission
加易货贸易每一方each of the participants in barter
加管理the management participation (经营)
加管理的优先股participating preference share
加经济活动的人口active population (economically active population)
加经济活动的活跃分子economically activist
加股份的协议a participation agreement
加诉讼third party claim
加诉讼人third party claimant
加运费同盟的船公司associated member
加运输participation traffic
Sampson (《圣经》中人物,以身强力壮著称)
数估计the parameter estimation
数卡a parameter card
数合成parameter synthesis
数成本模型parametric cost model
数标准误差standard error of parameters
数的估计estimate of parameter
数的坚定性parameter robustness
数转换parameter transformation
数预算parametric budget
reference (符号)
cross reference
照号碍cross reference number
照工作负荷reference workload
reference (书目)
考书book reference
考价格price indication
考依据the frame of reference
考依据reference fi^me
考基点reference datum
考数字reference number
考数据reference data (资料)
考样品the sample for reference
考订单contingency order
考资料reference fi^me
考资料附件information annex
考银行a reference bank
股原油participation crude
见上文vide suppa
见账目folio reference
go on a tour
观展览会pay a visit to an exhibition
观工地visit the worksite
量估计the parameter estimation
量估计parameter estimation
阅我方信函refer to our letter
阅我方电传refer to our telex
阅贵方信函referring to your letter
阅贵方电传referring to your telex
阅附注see remarks
各做负责和谋体制line and staff organization
合同的直接principal to the contract
员工与管理employee participation
商务专员commercial attache
国家与的商业银行机构State-partnered commercial banking institutions
国家规划考量national projected reference amount
基本key parameter
外股未与管理的合伙人dormant partners
外股未与管理的合伙人dormant partner
多余nuisance parameters
如果你方寄给我们一些样品作考,不胜感激If you send some samples for our reference n., we shall appreciate it
季节调整的回归parametric regression method, seasonal adjustment
实地country visit
工人与管理自治workers' participation management
工作operating variables
工艺制造manufacturing parameter
10年前他在伦敦商务赞处工作过He worked in the Commercial Counsellor's Office in London ten years ago
当设备有新的改进时,公司可以要求有关人员加培训课程When new improvements occur in the equipment, the company may require that the persons involved attend training courses
德国代表团于上月观我厂The German delegation visit-ed our factory last month
总供给行为aggregate supply behavioral parameters
总经理带美国客人观我公司The general manager showed the American visitors round our company
总需求行为aggregate demand behavioral parameters
成本cost parameters
成本表列的parameter of cost schedules
成长growth parameters
我们付了保证加到底的保证金We paid the earnest money to guarantee our participation to the very end
我们将派史密斯先生为代表加谈判We will send Mr. Smith as delegate to the negotiations
我们有些子公司不愿意加投标Some of our affiliates refuse to tender a bid
我方将下面的信息传达给你方供We passed on the below information to you just for your reference
扩大的社会the enlarged community participation
扩大的社会enlarged community participation
技术technical staff
技术应用technical application reference
拒不加会议boycott a conference
指数化考价格indexed reference price
据悉,这一笔数量大的订货是三家公司共同预的This large order is known to involve the participation of the three companies
控制期望control anticipation parameter
提及或make reference to (discount, 折扣)
操作数表operating parameters list
政府government participation
政策policy parameter
加的合伙人incoming partner
族的family parameter
无量纲度量nondimensional scaling paramenter
是否加投资insistence upon equity participation
是否加经营insistence upon participation in management
普通加条款general participation clause
最佳与性做法best participatory practices
最初initial parameters
与…,与…不相干heave neither part nor lot in
加经济活动的人口inactive population
加职业活动的人a non-active person
如经济活动的人口economically inactive population
样品仅供a referential sample
欢迎你们直接或间接地加我们的研究工作You are welcome to directly or indirectly take part in our research work
正则性parameter of regularity
正式加者full participant
比较人或考人comparison person or reference person
特别special participation
汇票加承兑intervention for (honour)
相对relative parameter
社会经济social-economic variable
税收考价格tax reference prices
稳定的经济stable economic parameter
立即与保证immediate participation guarantee
策略strategic parameters
经济事处office of economic counsellor
结构parameters -structural
结构parameter -structural
维护考计划maintenance reference plan
股份资本的国家State participation in share capital
自发autonomous parameter
观测考价格observed reference price
计划考价格简写为PRPprojected reference price
阅你方5月10日来信和我方同月20 日对该信的答复We refer you to your letter of the 10th May and our reply thereto of the 20th idem
请开列一份存货清单供我们Please inventory the goods in stock for our reference
资产组成portfolio parameters
运行operating variables
速度考值speed reference
部分partially participating
间接indirect stake
需求demand parameter
与投资the non-participating investment
加性公司债券a non-participating bond
加性股non-participating stock
数法nonparametric methods
量检验法non-parametric tests
非全额与人的身份associate participant status
风险selection parameter