
Terms for subject Aviation containing 参谋 | all forms | in specified order only
主管科研的空军副参谋Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development
人事行政参谋adjutant (美国)
参谋adjutant (英国)
参谋长联合会议joint chiefs of staff
参谋长联席会议combined chiefs of staff
参谋长联席会议主席chairman of the joint chiefs of staff
参谋长联席会议主席指令chairman of the joint chiefs of staff instruction
国防部参谋chief of defense staff
国防部助理参谋assistant chief of defense staff
在更改机构中的参谋官员staff officer in change of administration
参谋general staff corps
参谋部要求general staff requirement
参谋secretary of the general staff (general staff 总参谋部‘general staff corps 参谋团 general staff officer 参谋军官,secretary of defense国防部长,secretary of the air force 空军部长, secretary of the army 陆军部长,secretary of the navy 海军部长)
战略目标计划联合参谋joint strategic target planning staff
空中指令和参谋学院air command and staff college
空军参谋机构副科长deputy senior air staff officer
空军参谋机构副科长Deputy Senior Air Staff Officer
空军参谋air force staff
空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验assistant chief of air staff inspection
空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长assistant chief of air staff operations
空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection
空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程assistant chief of air staff engineering
空军参谋部指令air staff order
空军参谋部指令air staff instruction
空军参谋部指标air staff target
空军参谋部指示air staff instructions
空军参谋部目标air staff target
空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
空军参谋部训练大纲air staff training programme
空军参谋chief of staff, air force
空军参谋美国空军chief of staff USAF
空军参谋chief of the air staff
空军副参谋Deputy Chief of Air Staff (英国)
空军副总参谋vice chief of the air staff
空军副总参谋deputy chief of the air staff
空军资深参谋senior air staff officer
美国空军参谋长办公室Office of the Chief of Staff, USAF
联合勤务参谋学院Joint Services Staff College
陆军参谋chief of staff