
Terms containing 参谋 | all forms | in specified order only
avia.主管科研的空军副参谋Deputy Chief of Staff for Research and Development
el.九十年代联合参谋部自动化joint staff automation for nineties
USA, space人事行政参谋adjutant
avia.人事行政参谋adjutant (美国)
manag.企业参谋部门staff department
mil., air.def.动态情报参谋current intelligence staff
gen.助理参谋Assistant Chief of Staff
mil.参谋general staff officer
gen.参谋staff officer
UN, tech.参谋人员staff officers
busin.参谋人员staff members
consult.参谋会议staff meeting
consult.参谋分析家staff analyst
manag.参谋分部branch staff
gen.参谋导航教官课程staff officer navigation instructor course
busin.参谋工作staff work
busin.参谋本部general staff
busin.参谋机构staff organization
busin.参谋活动staff activities
tech.参谋部门目标staff objective
busin.参谋chief of staff
UK, space参谋adjutant
avia.参谋adjutant (英国)
avia.参谋长联合会议joint chiefs of staff
gen.参谋长联席会议Joint Chiefs of Staff
avia.参谋长联席会议combined chiefs of staff
space参谋长联席会议Joint Chiefs of Staff
el.参谋长联席会议美国Joint Chiefs of Staff
gen.参谋长联席会议Combined Chiefs of Staff
spaceСША.参谋长联席会议主席Chairman, Joint Chiefs of staff
avia.参谋长联席会议主席chairman of the joint chiefs of staff
avia.参谋长联席会议主席指令chairman of the joint chiefs of staff instruction
USA, space参谋长联席会议办公室Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
econ.各做负责和参谋体制line and staff organization
manag.国家目标研究参谋National Goals Research Staff
busin.国家目标研究参谋National Goals Research Staff
avia.国防部参谋chief of defense staff
avia.国防部助理参谋assistant chief of defense staff
avia.在更改机构中的参谋官员staff officer in change of administration
busin.垂直参谋line and staff system
busin.垂直参谋组织line and staff organization
busin.垂直参谋组织系统line and staff organization system
busin.垂直参谋组织结构line and staff organization structure
tech.幕后参谋主管staff executive
avia.参谋general staff corps
UN参谋general staff
gen.参谋全体人员general staff
space参谋部情报总局GRU (俄罗斯,俄文缩写词英译)
avia.参谋部要求general staff requirement
avia.参谋secretary of the general staff (general staff 总参谋部‘general staff corps 参谋团 general staff officer 参谋军官,secretary of defense国防部长,secretary of the air force 空军部长, secretary of the army 陆军部长,secretary of the navy 海军部长)
el.情报参谋intelligence community staff
avia.战略目标计划联合参谋joint strategic target planning staff
econ.技术参谋technical staff
gen.指挥及参谋学院Command and Staff College
China, polit.更好地发挥集体参谋助手和服务保障作用more fully play their role as a collective adviser and assistant to the Standing Committee and their role in providing services to deputies
gen.海军副参谋Vice-Chief of the Naval Staff
textile特殊参谋special staff
mil., air.def.电子战参谋electronic warfare staff officer
proj.manag.直线参谋关系line-staff relationship
busin.直线参谋关系line staff relationship
busin.直线参谋管理line and staff control
busin.直线参谋系统line staff system
busin.直线参谋组织line staff organization
busin.直线职能参谋line and functional staff
busin.直线职能参谋和委员会制line function staff and committee
corp.gov.直线、职能参谋和委员会组织line functional staff and committee organization
busin.直线、职能参谋和委员会组织line, functional staff and committee organization
labor.org.直线领导与参谋人员line and staff
avia.空中指令和参谋学院air command and staff college
avia.空军参谋机构副科长deputy senior air staff officer
avia.空军参谋机构副科长Deputy Senior Air Staff Officer
avia.空军参谋air force staff
gen.空军参谋air staff
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管飞行和检验assistant chief of air staff flight safety and inspection
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长作业参谋长assistant chief of air staff operations
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管检验assistant chief of air staff inspection
avia.空军参谋部助理参谋长主管工程assistant chief of air staff engineering
avia.空军参谋部指令air staff order
avia.空军参谋部指令air staff instruction
avia.空军参谋部指标air staff target
avia.空军参谋部指示air staff instructions
avia.空军参谋部目标air staff target
avia.空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
avia.空军参谋部要求air staff requirement
avia.空军参谋部训练大纲air staff training programme
avia.空军参谋美国空军chief of staff USAF
avia.空军参谋chief of the air staff
mil., air.def.空军参谋chief of staff, US air force
avia.空军参谋chief of staff, air force
gen.空军参谋Chief of the Air Staff
avia.空军副参谋Deputy Chief of Air Staff (英国)
gen.空军副参谋Vice-Chief of the Air Staff
avia.空军副总参谋vice chief of the air staff
avia.空军副总参谋deputy chief of the air staff
gen.空军助理参谋Assistant Chief of the Air Staff
gen.空军指挥与参谋学院Air Command and Staff College
avia.空军资深参谋senior air staff officer
gen.空军高级参谋senior air staff officer
gen.美国空军参谋Chief of United States Air Staff
gen.美国空军参谋Chief of Staff, US Air Force
avia.美国空军参谋长办公室Office of the Chief of Staff, USAF
gen.美国空军助理参谋Assistant Chief of United States Air Staff
mil., air.def.美国空军总部情报参谋长助理assistant chief of staff intelligence (HQ USAF)
gen.美国陆军参谋Chief of Staff, US Army
busin.职工参谋议事employee counseling
gen.联合参谋joint staff
el.联合参谋部末来作战能力joint staff future warfighting capability
avia.联合勤务参谋学院Joint Services Staff College
USA, space联合战略目标规划参谋Joint Strategic Targets Planning Staff
space联合演习规划参谋Joint Exercise Planning Staff (北约组织)
space联合防卫参谋Joint Defence Staff (北约组织)
gen.英国皇家空军参谋学校Royal Air Force Staff College
earth.sc.英国总参谋部地理部geographical section, general staff
manag.行政参谋人员administrative staff
gen.负责作战物资供应的空军助理参谋ACAS Operational Requirements
gen.负责作战的空军助理参谋ACAS Operations
gen.负责情报的空军助理参谋ACAS Intelligence
gen.负责政策的空军助理参谋ACAS Policy
gen.负责空军参谋部的航空部副部长助理Assistant Undersecretary of State Air Staff
gen.负责训练的空军助理参谋ACAS Training
gen.负责训练的空军助理参谋ACAS (Training)
gen.负责通信的空军助理参谋ACAS Signals
avia.陆军参谋chief of staff
China, polit.常委会集体参谋助手a collective adviser and assistant to the Standing Committee