
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
上等质、道地质、装质real thing
不论因的一切险all risks whatsoever
不论任何因的一切险all risks whatsoever
中型油油船medium size crude carrier
主要primary data
举证责任在于actori incumbit onus probandi
乘数凯恩斯主义的一种原理theory of multiplier
互惠basis of reciprocity
五金及metal ware & raw materials
代位subrogation principle
以新证据推翻告所控事实的抗辩.affirmative defense
估价与产地联合证明书combined certificate of value and origin
依公平合理的则处理decide ex aequo et bono
依据公平合理则作成的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
保险金额复reinstatement of the sum insured
免收复保险费waiver of restoration
公平分担principle of equitable burden sharing
公认的recognized principle
共同分担pooling principle
共同海损理算principle of adjusting general average
关于讼事事项的告或被告的陈述statement of claim or defense relating to the substance of the dispute
农产agricultural raw material
分割split pattern
利息还capitalization of interests
利润还资本capitalized profits
利益均等principle of equal advantage
劳务成本之cost of service principle
协商一致的指导philosophy of consensus
单一责任赔偿single liability principle
交保证金original margin
交易交保证金original margin
交押金original margin
产国家证明条例country of origin identification regulations
产国规定rules of origin
产地place of origin
产地原则资格origin rule status
产地标准origin criteria
产地标志origin marking
产地规则rules of origin
产地规则rule of origin
产地记号mark of origin
产地证明书费fee for certificate of origin
产地运出shipment from point of origin
original price
old price
价格O. P., o.p.
信用状original credit
信用状master credit
信用证original credit
信用证master credit
偿债基金old sinking fund
动力prime mover
卖方first seller
发票original invoice
受益人original beneficiary
告应向被告的管辖法院提出控告actori sequitur forum rei
告负举证的责任actori incumbit probatio
causa remota
因律law of causality
型项目prototype project
始价值original value
始保险primary insurance
始净费率original net rate
始凭单单据orginal bill
始凭证original evidences
始凭证original voucher
始凭证original vouchers
始凭证original documents
始出生率crude birth rate
始分录prime entry
始分录original entry
始分录簿book of original entry
始单据文件supporting document
始单据original documents
始市场direct market
始市场primary market
始开价original quotation
始成本prime cost
始成本aboriginal cost
始成本定率折旧depreciation percentage of original cost
始押金original margin
始损坏primary damage
始数据形式raw data form
始样品original sample
始毛费率original gross rate
始活动率crude activity rate
始流动性primary liquidity
始清单source list
始租船合同original charter party
始积累primitive accumulation
始股本original capital
始证明original certificate
始责任original responsibility
始账簿book of first record
始资料primary data
始资料primary material
始资料original date
子核装置发生故障breakdown of nuclear installation
定偿还期或延长的偿还期original or extended maturity
定到期时间original expiration date
定零售价original retail
审法院lower court
承诺款额original commitment
承运人original carrier
投资本original capital
投资额original investment
捷克斯洛伐克克朗币名Czechoslovak Koruna
支票original check
original text
raw materials
料价格差异material price variance
制造业在料供应和产品销售方面的一体化backward and forward integration
料分类账raw materials ledger
料卡store card
料及供应品materials and supplies
料周转turnover of raw materials
料基地raw materials sites
料存货material inventory
料存货指数inventory index of raw materials
料差异material variances
料市场commodity market
料成分差异material mix variance
料成本material cost
料成本差异material cost variance
料成本法material cost method
料控制material control
料搭配差异material mix variance
料效率差异material yield variance
料明细分类账material ledger
料流程material flow
料消耗material consumption
料生产production of material
料用量差异material quantity variance
料盘存material inventory
料订购ordering of raw materials
料预算material budget
有公司consolidated company
有资本invested capital
材料primary material
材料价格差异material price variance
材料估价material valuation
材料和备件采购buying of raw materials and spare parts
材料差异material variance
来号数original number
original sample
base oil
油价格crude price
油转运站crude oil transshipment station
生产成本cost of original production
盈余old surplus
rude ore cotton
股份发行总额original issue stock
装进口imported with original packaging
费率original premium rate
运送人original carrier
condition weight
commercial weight
反垄断法指导anti-monopoly act guidelines
合同关系不涉及第三人privity of contract
合同关系不涉及第三者privity of contract
合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
商业mercantile theory
善意bona fide claimant
国民平均最高限额per capita ceiling principle
国民待遇principle of national treatment
国际子能总署international atomic energy agency
in situ
在制materials in process
坚持sit on price quotations
基本维持virtual standstill
保险费restoration premium
外来external causes
奥卡姆的则界限Occam Raxor (Ockham Razor)
保险as original
as original
委托人对受托人行为应负责的principle of respondeat superior
委托人就受托的行为应负责的respondent superior
完全wholly originated
审理案件时被告应能答辩的principle of audiatur et altera pars
对外援助八项eight principles in providing aid to other countries
已加工processed material
已加工的processed material
已接受accepted principles
平等互利和互通有无的principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs
开发overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital
恢复保险额条款reinstatement clause
恢复restoration to the original state
恢复航线resume original course
合同当事人意愿自主principle of autonomy of will
成本cost principle
成本cost crude
折余成本depreciated original cost
拼对match-plate pattern
in statu quo
按公平合理ex aequo et bono
按边际成本订价的marginal cost pricing principles
损坏spoiled material
授权principles of delegation
排他exclusion principle
无合同规定时支付合理价格quantum meruit
政府间交易的government to government crude oil
整体loose patterns
更改reason for amendment
最小最大minimax principle
有效需求principle of effective demand
机率均等insufficient reason rule
权益转让subrogation principle
标高价格的original mark up
价偿还refund the price
ad litteram
特殊因的收益but-for income
特许concession crude
环院基naphthenic base crude
生产production basis
用本国资本开发外国overseas crude oil developed by domestic capital
产地运出shipment from point of origin
留置权lien theory
盈利经营going concern theory
直接causa proxima
直接immediate cause
直接causa causans
直接direct material
直接料成本direct material cost
直接发生效果的efficient cause
相对有利条件principle of comparative advantage
相配matching principle
真正causa vera
矿区租用费用原油交纳矿区租用费royalty crude
确切的ipsissima verba
社会福利的课税social welfare principle of taxation
类似情况也适用的ejusdem generis
累积产地cumulative origin
累计产地cumulative origin
纳税的支付能力ability-to-pay principle of taxation
经济economic doctrine
经济economic principle
经济复economic recovery
经营business principle
经营operating principle
经营business principles
统一uniform principles
继续经营continuity principle
继续营业going concern theory
维持in statu quo
"老"old crude
old crudes
联合王国子能管理局United kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
联系的principle of the link
股份由外国石油公司掌握的equity oil equity crude
合同当事人自主autonomy of will (of parties to a contract)
致损因.cause of damage
致损cause of damage
要求退回物的债权、诉权claim for restitution
要求退回物的诉讼action for restitution
订立合同的当事人意思自主principle of autonomy of will
许可证接受方不得推翻licensee estoppel
证明产地单据documentary evidence of origin
证明产地文件documentary evidence of origin
诚信principle of good faith
课税canons of taxation
货物产国country of origin
货物产地证original certificate
购买力平价purchasing-power parity doctrine
购入buying cost
资本还比率capitalized ratio
赔款后保险金额复条款loss reinstatement clause
起火cause of fire
近因保险,主要国际贸易用语proximate cause
分录reversing entry
试验reversal test
重复订货单repetition of the order
重要会计则及有关原则概述summary of significant accounting and related policies
间接manufacturing supplies
限于汇票上义务的limitation of liability on the bill
集中principle of convergency
非互惠principle of non-reciprocity
非国内non-domestic origin