
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
一惯性principle of continuity
一般general principles
一长制principle of man management
三日离开three-day-away rule
上诉grounds of appeal
不合法的unlawful original document
专营国库券bill-only doctrine
东京糖交易所Tokyo Sugar Exchange
中签认购始股win the lot for IPO
"买家自负"caveat subscriptor
"买家自负"let the buyer beware
买方自负let the buyer beware principle
买方谨慎caveat subscriptor
买方谨慎let the buyer beware (caveat emptor)
互惠reciprocal basis
价格优先和时间优先的principle of price precedence and time precedence
企业权益归属corporate interests attribution rule
优先权priority principle
保持独立则、公正原则arm's length rule
债权清偿分配顺序equitable doctrine of the marshalling of assets
公开、公平、公正的principles of publicity, fairness and justice
共同承担pooling principle
典当证券投资的一个原则,即低价买人然后以满意价格卖出principle of pawn
净资本还net capitalization rate
创收动力revenue generating power
利息还capitalization of interest
包退包换caveat venditor
单独stand alone principle
卖方自负caveat venditor
卖方谨慎caveat venditor
占有attribution rule
产地证明书certificate of origin (CO)
regular price
美国地方政府债券判定的准则,债券发行金额超过政府征税资产评价的 10 %时,该债券被判过度发行ten percent guideline 10%
则监管principle-based regulation
发行贴现债original issue discount debt
发行贴现规则original issue discount rules
发行贴现证券original issue discount securities
始交易商primary dealer
始人账Prime entry
始人账original entry
始估计original estimate
始余额original balance
始内幕人primary insider
始分录册book of original entry
始分录册book of first entry
始单据supporting document
始发行original issue
证券始发行primary offering
始发行initial issue
始发行折扣original issue discount
始发行折扣债券original issue discount bond
始发行折扣规则和分期付款交易OID rules and installment sales transaction
始发行贴现original issue discount
始垫付、原始预付original advances
始成本abnormal cost
始成本百分比贬值depreciation by percentage of original cost
始投人primary input
始投资initial investment
始报价initial offer
始押金initial equity
始指令码source code
始指数机制original index mechanism
始收据original receipt
始期货合约underlying futures contract
始汇票original bill
始汇票ordinary bill
始申报initial filing
始盈利primary earnings
始票据ordinary bill
始票据利率initial note rate
始管理股东initial management shareholder
始股primary share
创办企业时所发行的始股original issue stock
始股东信用升级originator credit enhancement
始股市场primary stock market
始股投资stake-out investment
始股本initial equity
始计划毒丸original plan poison pill
始记账凭证records of original entry
始记载Prime entry
始证券original security
始财富initial wealth
始账册book of original entry
始账册book of first entry
始账册记录book of first record
始资产original asset
始资产initial equity
始资料historical data series
始资料historical data
始资本primary capital
始银行的确认confirmation of originating bank
始销售primary distribution
始随机值row stochastic value
子股东atomistic shareholders
定期限original maturity
审判决original judgment
按揭人original mortgagee
文件source document
有证券original security
有资本original capital
original copy
本报价stale quote
材料供应合约raw material supply agreement
来估算original estimate
来估算original entry
面值original face value
反向选择theory of contrary option
合并财务报表的combined reporting principle
合理rational principle
国家行为act of state doctrine
国际监管international regulatory principle
基本ground rules
基本foundational principle
到原来的持股量position unwind
多样化principle of diversification
安全资本还safe capitalization rate
完全披露principle of full disclose
审慎prudential standards
审慎管理人prudent man rule
审慎者prudent man rule
客户为先的client priority
对市场则的承诺commitment to pro-market principles
对应matching principle
层次scalar principle
山森防止企业合并时避税的一项规则Sansome doctrine
差别difference principle
市场机制的则、纪律discipline of the market mechanism
强制有股东卖股的权力drag along rights
归属attribution rule
general principles
总资本还overall capitalization rate
成本与市价孰低the lower of cost and market
成本或低于成本的cost-or-less principle
成本收人配比principle of matching cost with revenue
投资reasons for investment
投资人自负investor beware
投资者的investors' principle
报告reporting principles
持续经营going concern principle
持续经营going concern theory
持续经营企业going concern concept
按最佳条件执行交易的principle of best execution
按最佳条件执行的best execution standards
按比例则/方式pro rata basis
损失发生的losses occurring basis
提前与延后principle of leads and lags
"揭开公司面纱"股东对公司债务直接承担责任piercing the corporate veil
撤销reversal of judgement
撮合matching principle
支付合理报酬quantum merit
收人与市价孰高higher of proceeds and market
收人中立revenue neutral
无义务纽约交易所制定的交易步骤negative obligation
无风险套期保值riskless hedge principle
替代principle of substitute
收购中的最佳价格best-price rule
最佳执行principle of best execution
期限结构变现清偿liquidity theory of the term structure
标的股票的本价格price of underlying stock
根据"平均成本加利润"则制定的价格rule-of-thumb pricing
根本因条款proximate clause
普通始收益primary earnings per common share
法律上的legal consideration
生存共同基金竞争淘汰原理survivorship bias
用者自付user pay principle
直接proximate clause
直接causa causans
私人起诉private cause of action
第二次始公开上市发行secondary initial public offering
等效principle of equal effect
筹资funding principle
签字signed original
系统风险systematic risk principle
美国一般公认会计US GAAP
股东同时拥有contemporaneous ownership rule
股价反弹回到bounce back
股利利得dividend within gain principle
股票一致性stock consistency rule
股票的发行价格original issue price of shares
致性consistency principle
行政定价administrative pricing rule
调整后的成本adjusted original cost
调查延误investigate the cause of delay
谨慎conservatism principle
谨慎prudent concept
谨慎conservatism concept
谨慎者prudent man rule
货币抵偿compensatory principle of money
贷款偏好loan preference principle
资本存量调整capital stock adjustment principle
资本损耗capital impairment rule
资本收益计算的principle of capital-income calculation
资本维持的principle of capital maintenance
过度公债融资和充分资金overfunding and full fund rule
近似cy-pres doctrine
连续性principle of continuity
避免亲密arm's length rule
配比matching principle
重要materiality principle
集资funding principle
非流通始股original non-floating shares
风险中性化定价risk-neutrality principle
首次公开上市禁售期、始股锁定期IPO lock-up
高收益率始发行的债券original issue high-yield bonds