
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一切争端通常遵照互谅互让的则加以处理Disputes are usually to be disposed of in accordance with the principle of mutual understanding and accommodation
一年one year rule
一致的unanimity principle
一般general principles
一般会计general accounting principles
不可避免的an unavoidable cause
不可避免的unavoidable cause
不增长the zero-growth principle
不增长zero-growth principle
不明因的失踪the mysterious disappearance
不能复的成本irrevocable costs
预期相反by contraries
业务the function cause
中国子能工业公司China Atomic Energy Industrial Corporation
中性货币neutral money principle
主导presiding principles
主权doctrine of sovereign
主要first cause
乘数principle of multiplier
买主已对料价格大幅下降不再抱有希望The buyers have relinquish-ed their hope for a sharp fall in the price of material
事故因报告failure cause data report
企业个体business-entity principle
企业会计accounting principles for business enterprises
伊朗中质Iranian Medium
伊朗轻质Iranian light
伊朗重质Iranian heavy
优质quality raw materials
会计则和手续的变更change in accounting principles and practice
会计则委员会的态度the action by accounting principles board
会计理推荐书Recommendations on Accounting Principles
会计基本postulate of account
会计学fundamentals of accounting
估价the principle of valuation
估计的油储量estimated original oil in place
作些试验,找出破裂的因,这样做是可取的It would be advisable to have tests made to locate the cause of the breaking
你方挂号件中必须封入发票及始的或类似的装运单据Your registered letter should enclose invoice and original or comparable shipping document
例外exception principles
例外exception principle
例外exception principles
例外exception principle
假定起点或arbitrary origin
假想的补偿principle of hypothetical compensation
停止做来的工作go out of business
偶然an occasional cause
偶然发生的chance cause
偿还始业务reimbursable seeding operations
免收复保险费the waiver of restoration
公共海损理算principle of adjusting general average
公司会计corporate accounting principles
公开揭示的disclosure principle
公有财产community-property principle
公认general recognized principle
公认generally accepted principles
公认generally accepted principles
公认会计accounting principle generally accepted
公认风险generally accepted risk principles
共有财产community property principle
关键critical materials
农业integration raw material
分析性analytical principles
分歧the bifurcation theory
分配rule for distribution
判决有利告还是被告?Is the sentence in favour of the complaint or respondent n.?
利息还!capitalization of interests
利润均等principle of equal advantage
利润还资本capitalized profit
制衡cheek and balance
单位产品料消耗consumption per unit product of raw materials
单证严格符合的doctrine of strict compliance with the document
卡尔渥这是一条有关国际投资争议的司法裁判权原则,它以阿根廷的一位律师命名Calvo Doctrine
印度尼西亚油价格Indonesian crude price
产国country of origin
产地native of origin
产地价值申报home value declaration
产地原则rule of origin
产地申报declaration of origin
产地规则an origin rule
产地规则origin rule
产地规则的协调计划harmonization of rules of origin
产地规则简编Compendium of Rules of Origin
产地证书表格Acertificate of origin form A
产地证书费fee for certificate of origin
产地证明书表格 ACertificate of Origin Form A
产地证明文件documentary evidence of origin
primitive men
假设original hypothesis
偿还期或延长的偿还期the original or extended maturity
keep in simple system (指预算表格和程序力求简便的原则)
则上核准the approval in principle
则协定a framework agreement
则性问题question of principle
则错误error of principle
original sentence
original judgement
包装original packing
卖主first seller
合同中止prime contract termination
告将承担与此案有关的所有费用The prosecution will bear all the costs relating to the case
地作业work in place
型项目a prototype project
始位置initial position
始假设initial hypothesis
始公社primitive communes
始公社制度primitive communal system
始创办人original founder
始创办人发起人original founder
始利息original interest
始协议an original agreement
始单据underlying document
始单据supporting documents
可缩写为 OEM 始器材制造商original equipment manufacturer
始成本法historical cost
始成本法original cost method
始成本百分率折旧法depreciation-percentage of original cost method
始效用original utility
始效用elementary utility
始数据资料firsthand material
始数据raw data (form, 形式)
始材料raw data
始来源primary sources
始清单a source list
始生产original production
始社会primitive society
始表original table
始调査primary investigation
始账目original entry
始货币primitive money
始费用baseline cost
始资料source document
始资料base line
始资料first-hand information data
始资料original data
始资本the seed capital
始资本initial capital (original capital)
始资额original investment
始静止油储量initial balance oil reserves
始面值original face value
子工业atomic industry
子弹nuclear power
子时代atomic age
子状竞争the atomistic competition (无数小企业集合起来形成的竞争)
瑞典子能公司Atomenergi AB
子能反应堆atomic reactor
子能工业the atomic energy industry
美国子能开发局Atomic Development Authority
子能扩散机an atomic diffusion machine
子能法Atomic Energy Act
英国子能管理局Atomic Energy Authority
寄出局office of origin
the seal unbroken
封不动seal unbroken
封不动keep intact
居住国home country
first order
执行仲裁裁决的通知notice of compliance with the award
投资资本original capital
抵押original mortgage
raw store
producers stock
料产地国a source nation
料代用物a raw material substitute
料代用物raw material substitute
料价格成本差异material price cost variance
料价格上涨使该国贸易衰退The rise in the price of raw materials caused a recession in trade in that country
制造业在料供应和产品销售方向的一体化backward and forward integration
料免税exemption from tax on raw material
料分析the material analysis
料危机raw material crisis
料品总账store ledger
料商品goods of raw materials
料基地a raw material site
料基地raw material base
料基地raw material site
料定额管理material standards control
料平均每日耗用量average daily consumption of raw material
料成本the material cost
料搭配差material mix variance
料消耗耗用账户raw materials used a/c
料消耗定额material consumption norm
料消耗量大的生产raw material-intensive production
料生产国primary producing country
料生产国组织raw material producer's organizations
料用料差异material quantity usage variance
料的处理treatment of raw materials
料的存货指数inventory index of raw materials
料的新来源是在这个地区发现的The new source of raw materials was found in this area
料管理material control
料经济raw material economics
料缺乏material shortage
料耗用率material rate
料表material standard
料订单material valuation
料、设备和人力的不足不能解释为不可抗拒的力量The shortage of materials, devices and manpower can't be construed as the force majeure
料账material account
料费差异material variance
有规定already existing provisions
有质量initial quality
blue prints
材料价格波动fluctuation in prices of raw materials
材料供应不足the scant supply of raw materials
材料出口export of raw material
材料和物料的价格变动fluctuations in prices of raw material and supplies
材料基地raw materials site
材料工业raw material industry
材料平均每日耗用量the average daily consumption of raw material
材料消耗指数consumption index of raw materials
材料消费价格差异material usage price valuation
材料消费价格差异material usage price variance
材料的缺乏将造成20天左右的延误The lack of raw materials will cause a delay of about 20 days
材料的购买和产品的销售方式ways and means of purchasing raw materials and selling finished products
材料短缺和艰难的贸易条件共同导致了公司的破产A combination of raw materials shortage and difficult trading conditions led to the company's bankruptcy
材料进货指数purchased materials index
条件old terms
来所得original income
来的埋入的建设费用original sunk construction cost
original sample (品)
as received
棉等级grades of raw cotton
original damage
油加工程度level of crude oil processing
美国内务部油和天然气局Office of Oil and Gas
油当量crude oil equivalent
油替换成本replacement costs of crude oil
油转运站crude oil transhipment station
油采购crude oil purchasing
unprocessed coal
master printing
ground work
理性分析fundamental analysis
生产关系primary productive relations
生收入primary benefits
皮集装箱a hide container
籍国法庭forum origins
unprocessed food grain
装货real thing
装货real stuff
计划生产能力designing capacity
设备制造商original equipment maker
设备制造商original equipment manufacturer
original suit
first record
original premium
费率an ordinary rate
各种支配的presiding principles
合同关系不涉及第三者the privity of contract
合同当事人,意思自主an autonomy of will of parties to a contract
合同当事人意愿自主the autonomy of will of parties to a contract
合理principle of rationalization
合理化the principle of rationalization
同业合并horizontal merger guidelines
同工同酬principle of equal pay for equal work
同等纳税人同等待遇equal-treatment-for-equals principle
告知推迟advise reason for delay
周转税的目的地征收destination principle of turnover taxes
和平共处五项five principles of peaceful coexistence
和平共处五项five principles of peaceful co-existence
售价与始价值之间的差额acquisition adjustment
善意a bona-fide claimant
土地复land reinstatement
在此情况下,董事会不得不取消从那家外国公司进口料的决定Tn this case the board of directors has to reverse its decision on importing materials from that foreign company
在谈判开始阶段我们提到过我们的We mentioned our principle in the initial stage of the negotiations
地租principle of rent
坚持upgrading the principle
坚持社会主义道路的the principle of persisting along the socialist road
塑胶plastic raw material
增殖theory of multiplier
处理材料treat raw materials
价值recoverable values
保险费the restoration premium
外部external causes
多劳多得的principle of "more pay for more work"
奥卡姆的则界限Occam’s Razor (Ockham’s Razor)
如果损坏的主要因不是由于他们的疏忽,他们对损坏不负主要责任They will bear no major responsibility for the damage if the primary cause of the damage isn't due to their negligence
如遇材料缺乏,制造商将有权否认对延误负有责任The manufacturer has the right to disclaim the responsibility for delay in the event that the raw materials are lacking
实现realization principle
实质性doctrine of materiality
实际折旧的effective depreciation cause
尽管作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape
布鲁塞尔估价Brussels Principles of Valuation
希望贵方调査机器故障You are expected to look into the cause of the breakdown of the machine
帕累托Pareto principle
常规例外law of exception to routine
常规例外law of exception to routine
常规例外law of exception
平等equal rule
平等互利policy of equality and mutual benefit
平等互利和互通有无的principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs
平等互利的principle of equality and mutual benefit
平衡principle of equilibrium
开设银行的一州one state rule
弃权doctrine of waiver
弱肉强食的jungle law
形式formal cause
彼得作家 William Peter 提出的有关人人均能级级晋升的"俏皮原则"Peter's Principle
彼得Peter's Principle
征税general principles of taxation
征税conons of taxation
总括an all-inclusive basis
恢复保险额条款restatement clause
恢复保险额条款a reinstatement clause
恢复restoration to the orginal state
意愿自主the autonomy of will
成本分配allocation cost principle
成本回收cost recovery basis
成本回收cost recovery crude
成本补偿均等homogeneity of cost
成本配合收益的cost-matching-income principle
我们一定调査造成损失的We will be sure to investigate the cause of the loss
我们同来的代理人签订一项法律合同,禁止他出售上述货物We concluded a legal contract with the original agent prohibiting him from selling the above-mentioned goods
我们在长城饭店为你们接风洗尘有特定的We arrange the banquet in your honor here in Great Wall Hotel for a specific purpose
我们将向轮船公司询问此批货损失的We will make inquiries at the shipping company regarding the reason for loss of the goods
我们已试验过这些钢管并找出了破裂的We have tested the steel pipes and discovered the cause of the breaking
我们最好不要经营在产地方面会引起混乱的任何产品We'd better not handle any products which may cause confusion as to source of origin
我们正在调査造成损失的We are inquiring about the reason of the loss
我们觉得这批货物的售价不会超过货价的65%We feel that the present consignment will not fetch over 65 percent of the sum charged for it
我们进口材料而后出口成品We import raw materials and export the finished products
我们选用最优质量的We shall select the raw material of the finest quality
我方的互利则是不变的Our principle of mutual benefit is inflexible
房地产principle of real estate
技术technical reasons
技术an engineering philosophy
技术经济比较principles of techno-economic comparative study
投资加速accelerator principle of investment
投资的基本atoms of investment
投资还成本capital recovery costs (annual cost of depreciation plus interest on investment)
折余始成本depreciated original cost
持久principle of duration
指导guiding principle
指标收益target return principle
按例外则管理management by exception
按公平合理的ex aequo et boro
按能力征税taxes by ability principle
收集始资料the primary acquisition (数据)
政府采购的优先priority in government procurement
政府间交易的government-to-~ crude oil
政治经济学principles of political economy
政治经济学principle of political economy
故障因排除error cause removal
效度的普遍validity generalization
效用最大化principles of utility maximization
效益benefit principle
普通价格费率ordinary rate
普遍优惠制产地证general system of preference certificate of origin
普遍性principles of universality
普遍性principle of universality
普遍性principle of universality
最低效用principle of least utility
最低限度minimum principle
最大限度maximum principle
最小牺牲principle of least sacrifice
纳税人体现的最少最迟least and latest rule
有效需求principles of effective demand
有效需求理.the principle of effective demand
有效需求principle of effective demand
付过款的始余额original balance
未整理的始记录unwrought original records
权益转让a subrogation principle
极大极大的the maximax rule
极大极小的the maximin rule
极小极大minimax principle
根据合同on the principle of (the contract)
根据有资料进行预测benchmark forecast
根本fundamental principle
根本underlying cause
根本ultimate principle
档案master copy of a file
档案master copy of a file
横向兼并horizontal merger guidelines
活动选择principle of activity choice
at cost
利率as per original rates
物质利益principle of pecuniary self-interest
物质利益principle of material interests
物质利益principle of material benefits
物质刺激principle of material incentive
生产manufacturing supplies
生产raw material for production
生产力递减principle of diminishing productivity
产国运出shipment from country of origin
由于不可抗拒的因所造成的事实act of God
由于外部因造成的停工时间external idle time
由于技术因造成的停工时间standby unattended time
由于组织或技术因造成停工waiting time
由于缺乏料,工厂里的许多机器被闲置Owing to the lack of raw materials a lot of machines in the factory were made idle
国际法白板clean slate principle
白板国际法clean slate principle
可耗尽材料exhaustible raw and processed material
真实causa causans
真正的难题是扩大始市场,而不是仅在规模已经确定的市场中抢占较大份额The real challenge is to expand the primary market rather than simply fight for a larger share in a fixed size market
破产cause of bankruptcy
确定营业收入的历史成本historical cost-rule for revenue recognition
社会主义socialist principle
社会福利的课税social welfare principle taxation
税收的受益人负担compensation principle of taxation
稳健性principle of conservation
符合生态则的管理ecological management
符合经济则的大规模生产economic mass production
签过字的signed original
罗査旦尔Rochdale principles
耗用材料成本cost of raw materials used
职能管理的functional management principle
节省economize in raw material
节省economize in raw materials
董事会批准的修订条款与合同中来印的条款有同等效力The amendments to the clauses approved by the board of directors are as effective as those originally printed in the contract
补偿compensation principle
补偿compensating principle
补偿性关税compensating tariff
美国西得克萨斯中质West Texas intermediate crude oil
要求退回物的债权claim for the restitution (诉权)
调整principle of co-ordination
调査延误investigate the cause of delay
贝斯决策the Bayesian decision theory
货币金融monetary principle
货币的经济发行issuing currency in line with economic principles
货物产国标志country of origin mark
质量差是该公司利润低的一个重要Poor quality is an important factor in the firm's lower profits
购人buying cost
购进材料的到货成本delivered cost of raw material purchased
贴水the agio theory
费用与收入对应cost-matching-income principle
费用收益对应principle of matching costs with revenues
资本始积累proto-accumulation of capital
资本存量调整the capital stock adjustment principle
资本汇交the repatriation of capital
资本维持doctrine of capital maintenance
资本货物包括制造其他商品所用的机器、建筑物和Capital goods consist of machinery, buildings and raw materials used to make other goods
资本还capitalise (to)
资本还capitalization of interest
资本还价值capitalised value
资本还价值capitalized value
资本还capitalized value
资本还因素capitalization factor
资本还成本the capital recovery cost
资本还收益capitalized yield
资本还比率a capitalized ratio
资本还capitalization rate
工业6要素资金、材料、经营、机器、人力与市场money, material, management, machine, manpower & market
赋税学principles of taxation
超过工资半倍的加班工资time and a half
超过自己有的水平outdo oneself
退回in case of non-delivery return to the sender
逐日过账还reverse posting system
造成价格下跌的因有可能是数量过剩或款式变更Price markdowns may be caused by excessive quantities or fashion fads
销售额极大化sales maximization principle
阿拉伯中质Arabian medium crude oil
阿拉伯的油价格已上涨The price for Arabian crude has gone up
阿拉伯超轻质Arab super light
阿拉伯轻质Arabian light crude oil
阿拉伯重质Arab heavy oil
美国阿拉斯加北坡Alaska North Slope oil
产地含量non-originating content
地含量the non-originating content
来内容容量non-originating content
设备制造厂家non-original equipment manufacturers
非国内the non-domestic origin
非歧视rule of non-discrimination
非通货膨胀性工资增长指导guidelines for non-inflation wage increase
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