
Terms for subject Commerce containing | all forms
不加调配的麦轧制的面粉straight-run flour
不可避unavoidable cause
不同different principle
不论因全险all loss risks
两侧带气孔底部有槽的皮集装箱hide container
严格执行doctrine of strict performance
单证严格符合doctrine of strict compliance
compete for materials
代替principle of substitution
仲裁裁决对告不利The award was adverse to the plaintiff
价值参照保险单value as in original policy
价值及产地联合证明书combined certificate of value and origin
企业始收入primary income of enterprise
企业合并principle of consolidation
会计企业本位entity concept
优质材料quality raw materials
传统管理traditional principles of management
保险估价如保险单所载valued as in orginal policy
例外事件处理exception principle
供你方作为指导for your guidance
偶然的occasional cause
充足的材料raw materials in abundance
先到先处理principle of first-in-first-served
全包principle of all-inclusiveness
技术贸易公开principle of disclosure
公认会计generally accepted accounting principles (包括:一致性原则 (consistency principles)、对应性原则 (matching principles)、客观性原则(objectivity principles)、稳定性原则 (principles of conservation)、 充分性原则 (principles of full disclosure) 、重要性原则 (principles of materiality))
公认会计accepted accounting principle
再生reclaimed raw materials
判定告胜诉的判决judgement for the plaintiff (与判定原告败诉的判决(judgement against the plaintiff) 相对)
半成品材料semimanufactured materials
卖主降低要价The seller made an abatement from the price asked
产地亦缩为 OGN, ORGNorigin
产地名称appellation of origin
普惠制产地规则rules of origin
产地证明origin certificate
保费率original premium rate
信用证primary credit
former value
general principles
协议已予以取消The original agreement has been rescinded
厂委托制造original equipment manufactures
厂委托制造original equipment manufacture
厂委托制造出口OEM export
厂报价OEM price
亦缩为 plff, plitff, pltf, pltffplaintiff
plaintiff (与被告 (defendant) 相对)
告起诉理由cause of action
商号original house
causa (拉丁语,= cause)
art of work
始产业primary industry
始价initial price
始信用证original letter of credit (指国外开来的主信用证 (master credit),与国内开岀的背对背信用证 (back-to-back credit)、国内信用证 (domestic credit)、本国信用证 (local credit) 相对)
始信用证original credit (指国外开来的主信用证 (master credit),与国内开岀的背对背信用证 (back-to-back credit)、国内信用证 (domestic credit)、本国信用证 (local credit) 相对)
始净值费率original net rate
始凭证original document 原始单据,原始文件
始分配original allocation
始加价率original mark-up
始单据primary documents
始参考资料source reference
始变量original variable
始成本primary cost
始成本original cost (指购置成本 (acquisition cost))
始成本值original cost value
始收入original income
始数字original figure
始数据或资料original data
始数据自动化缩为 SDAsource data automation (指以机械可读形式收集原始数据,一般的媒体有磁带 (magnetic tape)、打卡片 (punched card)、穿孔带 (punched tape))
始文件说明source documentation specifications
始满期日original maturity
始观测值original observed value
始观测变量original observed variable
始证件primary documents
始账本book of original entry
始资本original capital (组建公司投入的资本)
尺寸original size
投资金额original investment
报价单original quotation
报盘original offer
亦缩为 matl.material
producer's stock
料与投入物研究raw material and input study
料分类账materials ledger
料基地source of raw materials
料成本cost of material
料生产国组织raw materials producers' organization
日期original date
材料与供应品materials and supplies
材料供应availability of raw materials
材料储存storage of raw materials
材料分类账raw materials ledger
材料周转量turnover of raw materials
材料基地raw materials sites
材料库存stock of materials
材料库存raw materials inventory
材料库存指数inventory index of raw material
材料成本raw materials costs
材料成本差异materials cost variance
材料成本预算materials cost budget
材料消耗consumption of raw material
材料的有效性validity of raw materials
材料综合利用率rate of comprehensive use of raw materials
材料要用完了Raw materials are running out
材料资源raw materials resources
果汁single strength juice
样买卖"as is" sale
样复制reproduce with complete fidelity
油生产国petroleum production country
original state
生矿物primary minerals
green ore (未选过的矿)
股权转让assignment of original shares
色布cotton cloth
设计生产能力designed productive capacity
英国双重障碍doctrine of the double barrier (指协议必须符合本国与欧共体法律)
发展development prototype
受保护产地名称protected designation of origin
可回收的reclaimable raw materials
商业上有价值commercial identity (指受损货物)
回复到谈判的话题revert to the original topic of negotiation
回收的reclaimed raw materials
国际礼让rules of international comity
坚持来立场stand firm on one's original position
坚持平等互利adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit
基本basic principles
基本材料basic materials (包括:原料 (raw materials), 半加工产品 (semi-processed products),外购物 (bought-out items))
基本生产料经常可取数量constant availability of basic production material
recovery value
大陆架doctrine of continental shelf
奉行平等互利carry out the principle of equality and mutual benefit
威克赛尔税收Wicksell principle of taxation
会计客观性objectivity principle
客观的objective principle
文加以适当解释place the proper interpretation on the text
工作理图functional chart
差别difference principle
已加工fabricated materials
平等互利,互通有无principles of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs
库存复rebuilding of stocks
延误的因是无直达轮可供The delay is due to the fact that direct vessels have not been available
当地材料local raw material
必要causa sine qua non
必须提供产地证明书Certificate of Origin is required
急需材料in instant need of raw materials
成本cost principle (按历史成本或购置成本 (historical cost or acquisition cost)计列)
我们从不拿则作交易We never haggle about principles
我们决不可忽视引进技术的Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition
我们绝不拿则作交易we never haggle about principles
战略strategic principles
承保不论何种因所引起的一切灭失或损坏to cover all loss and or damage however caused irrespective of percentage
承办向一*工程提供材料contract for supply of raw materials to a project
把该理贯彻应用到设计工作中去pursue the principle to the design
把颜色分为色与和色distinguish colours into primary and secondary
拨定材料appropriated raw materials
按劳分配principle of distribution according to work
损坏的直接immediate cause of damage
损坏的直接proximate cause of damage
提出购买料定单put in orders for materials
收支对应matching principle
政治经济学与赋税principles of political economy and taxation
美国埃默森效率+二twelve principles of efficiency (管理人员有明确目标 (managerial personnel having definite targets), 有丰富常识 (having rich common knowledge), 提供优质咨询 (offering first-rate advisory services), 有严格纪律 (observing strict disciplines), 经营交易公平 (doing business fairly), 作业有可靠及时记录 (having reliable and timely job records), 按计划安排工作(scheduling organization of the work), 作业标准化 (carrying out job standardization), 有日历进度表 (having calendar progress schedules), 保持工作环境良好 (keeping a good working environment), 使用书面工作任务单 (using written work sheets), 实行效率奖励 (implementing the efficiency premium system))
散装bulk material
时间研究time study principle
普通general principles
曲解协议pervert the text of an agreement
最大风险principle of maximum risk
本案the complainant of the case
标准材料成本standard material cost
根据on principle
根据…原理on the principle of (原则)
根据平等互利in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit
残损货物仅可变卖价值的一半These damaged cargoes are realizable for only half of the original value
先预定的日期提前well ahead of the original target date
定日期提前了许多well ahead of the original target date
比较利益principle of comparative advantages
比较成本principle of comparative cost
汇票始当事人original parties to a bill of exchange (指受票人 (drawee), 岀票人(drawer),受款人 (payee))
满足对材料的需求meet a demand for raw materials
生产production materials
真正causa verea
纺织品料实行配给Textile materials were put on allocation
经济合作与发展组织组织DECD Guideline
经营management principle
获取料途径access to raw materials
营业地principle of business premises
解释拖延交货account for the delay in delivery
解释货物延误到达的in explanation of the delay arrival of the goods
评价principle of valuation
诚信principle of honesty and good faith
购入的材料purchased materials
贷款与征信四four Cs (即生产能力 (capacity)、 资金(capital)、品格(character)、担保品(collateral))
资本始积累primitive accumulation of capital
资本的始积累primitive accumulation of capital
料产地与产品市场近reasonable proximity to raw materials and markets
过错责任principle of liability for fault
这使估计增加1,000美元This brought an addition of US $1,000 to the original estimate
银行授信五five P's (包括:还款来源 (payment),借款人 (people),借款户展望 (perspective),债权确保 (protection), 资金用途 (purpose))
限制于当地提供的材料localized raw material