
Terms for subject Aviation containing | all forms
material一part list 材料--------- 零件细目表RM-PL (这是一份由波音公司提供的原材料零件细目表,旨在给原材料指定一个零件号,指出零件制造所需原材料的代码及更改字母,另外,还包含特殊的零件材料组成,也可以包含特定的制造工艺要求)
三余度triplex concept
不合格/因代码nonconforming/cause code
不能再现的non-recurring cause
不能去定备降场的点point of no alternate
不飞行的型机non-flying prototype (一切均按飞行的要求制作,但不能或不用于飞行,只做地面试验用)
与发动机有关的engine related cause
人为因素human factor principles (应用于航空设计、认证、训练、操作和维修的准则,以及通过适当地考虑人体机能而在人与其他系统间寻求安全界面的准则)
人机对话复interactive restoration
从属slaving principle
估价如保险单所载valued as in original policy
作战飞机型机combat aircraft prototype
假彩色还false-color rendition
光学投影optical projection master
全球子钟同步系统worldwide synchronization of atomic clocks
子氧monatomic oxygen
单组元推进器monopropellant thruster prototype
中队parent squadron
代码变换primary code modulation
位检查on-aircraft check
位维修on-site measurement
发性缺二氧化碳primary hypocapnia
因分析和决定cause analysis and resolution
地剩磁site remanence
地机动zero ground speed maneuver (地速为零)
军用飞机的型机development aircraft
型机样机规划办公室prototype program office
型机最初飞行等级试验prototype preliminary flight rating test
型机构型prototype configuration
型机生产审定prototype production evaluation
型机试飞prototype flight test
型系统prototype system
始出发点original departure point
始图像数据阵列original image data array
始图形交换标准initial graphics exchanges standard
始基本重量original baseline weigh
始备件表initial spare parts list
始应力virtual stress
始控制图source control drawing
始数据丢失datum dropout
始数据用户站primary data-user stations
始数据误差datum error
始机验证阶段prototype validation phase
始模型primary development model
始点original station
始生产型的core-configured (飞机)
始疲劳质量initial fatigue quality
始设备制造厂original equipment manufacturer
始资料评价委员会source evaluation board (英国)
子中外层电子extranuclear electron
子分子数据atomic molecular data
子发射atomic emission
子和分子氧atomic and molecular oxygen
子团扩散diffusion of radical
子地雷atomic mine
子弹爆心投影点surface zero
子弹爆炸时产生的蘑菇atomic mushroom (团)
子弹爆炸时的火球atomic fireball
子弹爆炸时的闪光atomic flash
子弹空中爆炸中心air zero
子弹空中爆炸中心定位器atomic bomb air zero locator
子撞击记录系统atomic strike recording system
子放射物沉降atomic fallout
子时间标度atomic time scale
子核分裂nuclear fission
子核燃料nuclear fuel
子武器爆炸时的冲击波atomic shock wave
子武器探测,识别和当量估计atomic weapon detection, recognition and estimation of yield
子武器爆炸的冲击波atomic blast
子武器爆炸试验atomic test
子武器的产量atomic weapon yield
子武器的破坏能力atomic destructive capability
子武器破坏atomic destruction
使用原子武器应遵守的子武器纪律atomic discipline
子氧流量atomic oxygen fluence
子氧流量模型atomic oxygen fluence model
子氧浓度atomic oxygen concentration
子注入atom injection
子浓度atom concentration
子炮atomic gun
子炮弹atomic projectile
子爆炸物atomic explosive
子爆炸示范演习atomic demonstration
子爆破器材atomic demolition munition
子爆破装置atomic demolition munition
子研究所institute for atomic research
子级加工atomic scale machining
子能保密局atomic security agency
子能委员会Atomic Energy Commission (美国)
子能学会Atomic Energy Institute
子能局Atomic Energy Bureau
子能研究中心Atomic Energy Research Establishment
子能研究中心Atomic Energy Establishment
子能科学工作者协会Atomic Scientists' Association
子能管理局Atomic Energy Authority
子能管理局Atomic Energy Control Board
子能管理局Atomic Energy Control Board
子能管理局Atomic Energy Authority
子装药atomic content
子试爆atomic test
子部分atomic component
子重量atomic weight
子防护antiatomic defence
子鱼雷atomic torpedo
定出发时间scheduled departure
定持续时间original duration
raw stock (raw copper 粗铜,raw cotton原棉,raw data 素材,raw edge 毛边,raw hand 新手,raw material 原材料,raw oil 原料油,raw ore 原矿石,raw water 生水,feed stock 原料)
料冶金硅metallurgical-grade silicon
料气air feedstock
材料偏差deviation of raw material
材料偏差报告raw material departure report
材料和采购零件raw material and purchase parts
材料库raw material stock
材料消耗consumption of raw materials
材料组件raw material assembly
材料补偿需求系统raw material offset requirements system
材料设计定义raw material design definition
材料零件细目表raw material-part list
材料项raw material item
材料项目raw material item
标准器primary standard
样使用use as is
样使用direct reuse
original station
point initiating
base point
理图表principle diagram
理方块图schematic block diagram
理方法图schematic block diagram
理检査员principle inspector
理结构元件principle structural element
理结构元件principle structural elements
理论证proof of principle
理运行检査员principle operations inspector
理飞机审定工程师principle aircraft certification engineer
生剩余磁化primary remanent magnetization
电池primary cell (一次性使用电池)
铝的大小virgin aluminum size
发动机始零备件因数engine initial spares factor
发动机始零备件因素engine initial spares factor
可飞行的型机flight flying prototype (样机)
回落fall back (弹道火箭垂直发射失败后的)
国防子支援局defense atomic support agency
国防子能支援局Defense Atomic Support Agency (美国)
国际子时间international atomic time
国际子能委员会International Atomic Energy Commission
声波能量守恒acoustic energy conservation principle
系数recovery coefficient
大地geodetic datum
大炮发射的子弹artillery fired atomic projectile
失效因/机理failure cause/mechanism
失败因、影响及纠正cause of failure, effect and correction
孤立体系㶲减decrease of exergy principal
孤立体系熵增increase of entropy principal
宇宙学cosmological principle
对比态principal of corresponding state
对比态law of corresponding state
小笠群岛Ogasawara (日本航天跟踪站)
展开的理图extended principle diagram
工作technical know-why
工程型样机engineering prototype
工艺technological principle
废液固化工程waste solidification engineering prototype
异常输人abnormal input cause
当量principle of equivalence
役使slaving principle
成本和设计控制系统cost and schedule control system criterial
技术technical reason
控制理图principle control diagram
故障failure causes
数据库还db reduction
最可能的most probable cause
最小值minimum principle
机旁始记录索引shipside originated quality records index
机载设备始数据component basic data
材料管理principles of material management
杰维茨基Drzewiecki theory (计算螺旋桨叶片用)
标准primary standard
标记图申请request for marker artwork
根本root causes (根据纠正措施程序《QP-3030-MG -006》定义,根本原因是指导致不符合状况的决定因素)
概率排列probability ranking principle
模拟子武器爆炸atomic blast simulation
欧洲子核理事会European Council for Nuclear Research
atomic hydrogen
子焊atomic hydrogen welding
子焊atomic hydrogen weld
子焊接atomic hydrogen weld
子保护atomic-oxygen protection
子密度atomic-oxygen density
子暴露atomic-oxygen exposure
子束atomic-oxygen beam
子通量atomic-oxygen flux
nitrogen atom
nitrogen feedstock
氮火炬nitrogen torch feedstock
沼气methane feedstock
海军型机性能初步鉴定navy preliminary evaluation
热力学law of thermodynamics
牛顿高newtonian plateau
电解还electrochemical reduction
相似similarity theory
相对运动瞄准sighting principle of relative motion
离子溅射sputter ion pump (一种真空泵)
科学技术厅子能局Atomic Energy Bureau of Science and Technics Agency
空中发射air launched concept
空间子反应堆atomic reaction in space
等效equivalence criterion
算法型机设计与分析试验台algorithm prototyping and analysis testbed
精绘hand-drawn original
系统理图system schematics
系统理图册system schematic manual
系统理图手册System Schematics Manual
系统安装设计system installation design principles
系统性system principle
系统电气理图system electrical schematic
系统设计理论文system concept paper
纯净材料virgin material
绝对运动瞄准sighting principle of absolute motion
美国子能博物馆American museum of atomic energy
能量energy theory
自动料传送系统automated stock transfer system
致死的子射线atomic lethal rays
航空电子型机与分析工具avionics prototype and analysis tool
航空电子仿真系统工程型机avionics virtual system engineering prototype
子弹头的导弹atom-tipped missile
设备运行theory of equipment operations
设计design rationale
设计design practice
设计design concept
试卷test master
诺尔斯子动力实验室Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory
资源/始文件评估委员会source evaluation board
超声速巡航与机动型机supersonic cruise and maneuver prototype
动作homing action
数据库db of reduction
通用子能航空系统公司general atomics aeronautical system Inc.
风切变探测和复制导系统windshear detection and recovery guidance system
飞行安全基本flight safety foundation
山区飞行plateau mountain area flying
机场high-altitude aero drome
机场试验high trial
条件试验high trial
边缘altitude margin
适应altitude acclimatization
高能中性子淀析实验energetic neutral atom precipitation experiment