
Terms for subject Environment containing | all forms
三位一体的trinity of principles trias of environmental policy principles: precautionary, originator (polluter-pays) and cooperation principle; Three fundamental principles of environmental policy: precautionary principle, polluter pays-principle and cooperation principle (环境政策的三个基本原则:预报原则、污染者付费原则和合作原则。)
共同体支付community-pays principle A tenet of environmental policy, according to which the costs of ecological challenges, environmental quality improvements and the removal of environmental hazards are allotted to community groups or local corporations and, thereby, to the general public (依据生态的挑战、环境品质的改善,和环境有害物质的去除等成本,专款拨给社区组织或当地政府,并借此拨给一般民众的环境政策原则。)
冲积平alluvial plain A level or gently sloping tract or a slightly undulating land surface produced by extensive deposition of alluvium, usually adjacent to a river that periodically overflows its banks; it may be situated on a flood plain, a delta, or an alluvial fan (由冲积土广泛沉淀而产生的水平或微倾斜的大片土地或微起伏的地表,通常与周期性泛滥的江河相连;可能位于洪泛平原、三角洲或冲积扇。)
勒夏特利埃氏Le Chatelier principle
化学还chemical reduction Chemical reaction in which an element gains an electron (有元素获得电子的化学反应。)
in situ In the natural or normal place (在自然或平常的地方。)
住民科技,本土科技indigenous technology Technologies employed by the native inhabitants of a country and which constitute an important part of its cultural heritage and should therefore be protected against exploitation by industrialized countries; the problem of indigenous knowledge has been discussed during the Rio Conference but it does not receive much protection under the Biodiversity Convention. Article 8 mandates that parties "respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional life styles... and promote their wider application with the approval and involvement of holders of such knowledge, innovations and practices and encourage the equitable sharing of benefits arising from them" (一个国家原住民所使用的科技,是其文化传统的重要组成部分,因此应该加以保护,使其免受工业化的影响。原住民知识的问题在里约大会中已有讨论,但在生物多元化会议之下并未受到多少保护。第8章要求各国应该尊重、保护和维持原住民的知识、发明及风俗和本土社区所表现的传统文化形态等。并在拥有这些知识、发明及风俗的所有者的同意及参与下推广其更广泛的应用,鼓励他们将所得利益公平分享。)
始变水气生藻类primarily poikilohydric aerial algae
始森林primary forest Forest which originally covered a region before changes in the environment brought about by people (不是由人种植的、原本的森林覆盖。)
始森林indigenous forest Forests which are native to a given area (在特定区域内的天然的原始森林。)
子能nuclear energy Energy released by nuclear fission or nuclear fusion (通过核裂变或核聚变释放能量。)
raw materials
材料raw material A crude, unprocessed or partially processed material used as feedstock for a processing operation (原始、没有加工过的或部分加工的材料,用作生产原料。)
材料保障raw material securing Measures used to ensure the provision of or the access to crude, unprocessed or partially processed materials used as feedstock for processing or manufacturing (保证能获得原始、没有加工过的或部分加工的,用作生产或制造原料的材料的方法。)
材料消费raw material consumption The developed countries depend on a stable supply of raw materials for their industries. Total resource requirements are increasing rapidly over the entire world. In developed countries, although population is increasing slowly, per capita use is increasing rapidly, while the opposite is happening in developing countries. Traditionally raw materials have been classified as non-renewable resources, but a distinction may be important between "loosable" resources, such as oil and coal, and "non-loosable" resources, such as metals, which can be used several times over by recycling processes (发达国家依靠原材料为它们的工业提供稳定的材料供给。整个世界总的资源需求增加很快。在发达国家,尽管人口增加很慢,人均使用增加却很快,这和发展中国家相反。传统的原材料属于不可再生资源,"松散的"资源,例如油和煤等和"非松散的"资源,例如金属等区别很大,"非松散的"资源能通过回收重用多次。)
核生物procaryote Organisms (i.e. prokaryotes) whose genetic material (filaments of DNA) is not enclosed by a nuclear membrane, and that do not possess mitochondria or plastids. Bacteria and cyanophyta are the only prokaryotic organisms (生物(即原核生物),其遗传物质(DNA的细丝)不是核膜封闭式的,不具备线粒体或质体。细菌和蓝藻是唯一的原核微生物。)
crude oil
crude oil A comparatively volatile liquid bitumen composed principally of hydrocarbon, with traces of sulphur, nitrogen or oxygen compounds; can be removed from the earth in a liquid state (一种具有较大挥发性的液态沥青,其基本组成是碳氢化合物,还含有少量的硫、氮和氧化物,可以在地下以液态的形式被移除。)
油泄漏服务中心Oil Spill Service Center
liquid concentrate
生动物protozoan A diverse phylum of eukaryotic microorganisms; the structure varies from a simple uninucleate protoplast to colonial forms, the body is either naked or covered by a test, locomotion is by means of pseudopodia or cilia or flagella, there is a tendency toward universal symmetry in floating species and radial symmetry in sessile types, and nutrition may be phagotrophic or autotrophic or saprozoic (真核微生物,结构简单的单核原生体。)
合作co-operation principle
renaturation A process of returning natural ecosystems or habitats to their original structure and species composition. Restoration requires a detailed knowledge of the original species, ecosystem functions and interacting processes involved (自然生态系统或生活环境恢复到原来的结构和物种构成的过程。实施该过程需要详细地了解原有的物种、生态系统的功能和这些物种之间交互的过程。)
工业industrial material No definition needed (无需定义。)
工业料作物industrial crop Any crop that provides materials for industrial processes and products such as soybeans, cotton (lint and seed), flax, and tobacco (任何一种可供工业生产和加工原料的作物,如大豆、棉花(棉絮及种子)、亚麻和烟草等。)
plain An extensive, broad tract of level or rolling, almost treeless land with a shrubby vegetation, usually at a low elevation (广袤的,绵延起伏的地带,几乎没有树木,有灌木植被,通常位于低海拔地区。)
废料作为料的利用use of waste as material
微生物、细菌;胚germ 1. A pathogenic micro-organism. 2. Living substance capable of developing into an organ, part, or organism as a whole; a primordium (1. 一种能引发疾病的微生物 2. 能够进化成一个器官,一部分或整个有机体的活性物质;一种原基)
显迹tracer element
欧洲子能组织Euratom A precursor to the European Community, the European Atomic Energy Community was founded in 1958 by the European Common Market to conduct research, develop nuclear energy, create a common market for nuclear fuels and supervise the nuclear industry so as to prevent abuse and protect health (欧洲共同体的先驱,欧洲原子能组织在1958年由欧洲公共市场建立,旨在组织研究,开发核能,建立核能燃料一个公共市场,并指导核工业,以避免乱用和保护健康。)
氧化还oxidation-reduction An oxidizing chemical change, where an element's positive valence is increased (electron loss), accompanied by a simultaneous reduction of an associated element (electron gain) (氧化的化学变化,元素的正化学价增加(电子损失),伴随着一个伴生的元素(电子获取)的减少。)
污染者付款简写为PPPpolluter-pays principle
污染者支付polluter-pays principle The principle that those causing pollution should meet the costs to which it gives rise (原则,由造成污染的一方来负责承担清除污染的责任。)
污染者-赔偿polluter-pays principle
海岸地带油泄漏coastal zone oil spill
渗透impregnation The forcing of a liquid substance into the spaces of a porous solid in order to change its properties, as the impregnation of wood with creosote to preserve its integrity against water damage; materials (对液体施压使其通过多孔固体的孔隙,从而改变固体的某些性能,如用木榴油浸渍过的木材可以免受水的侵蚀而保持自身的完整性。)
火灾causes of fires
火灾因确定fire cause determination
火灾因确定fire investigation
火灾因种类fire cause class
矿场复mining site restoration Mining is an intensive type of land use with potential for environmental impact over a limited area. When closure occurs, it should address both environmental and safety aspects. Mine reclamation is an ongoing program designed to restore to an acceptable state the physical, chemical and biological quality or potential of air, land and water regimes disturbed by mining. The objective of mine reclamation is to prevent or minimize adverse long-term environmental impacts, and create a self-sustaining ecosystem as near as practicable to what existed before the mining activity (矿业是超过有限的环境影响潜力的土地集约型使用。当关闭时,它应解决环境和安全方面的问题。矿山复垦是一项持续的计划,旨在恢复到物理、化学和生物质量或受开采干扰的空气、土地和水的潜能影响的可接收状态。矿山复垦的目的是防止或尽量减少不利的长期环境影响,创造一个尽可能接近存在采矿活动之前的自我维持的生态系统。)
示踪显迹tracer element
能源energy source material Sources from which energy can be obtained to provide heat, light, and power. Energy resources, including fossil and nuclear fuels as well as solar, water, tidal and geothermal energy, may be captured or recovered and converted into other energy forms for a variety of household, commercial, transportation, and industrial applications (可以获得能量以提供热、光、和力的来源。可作为能源物质包括石化燃料、核能、太阳能、水里、潮汐和地热,这些能源可以被转换为其他的形式以供应许多家庭、商业、交通和工业的使用。)
致病disease cause
地块barren patch
苏洛姆沃油泄漏咨询委员会Sullom Voe Oil Spills Advisory Committee
tundra An area supporting some vegetation (lichens, mosses, sedges and low shrubs) between the northern upper limit of trees and the lower limit of perennial snow on mountains, and on the fringes of the Antarctic continent and its neighbouring islands (在北部上限的树木和常年积雪的下限山区之间的,支持一些植被(如地衣,苔藓,莎草和低矮灌木)的一个地区,它位于南极大陆及邻近岛屿的边缘。)
英国油泄漏控制协会British Oil Spill Control Association
grassland Grassland cover nearly one-fifth of the Earth's land surface. They include savannah, the prairies of North America, and the steppes of Russia and Central Asia. Grassland ecosystems support thousands of different species, above and below the ground, and have a vital part to play maintaining the ecological balance of the world (草原大约覆盖了1,5的地球陆地表面。包括非洲的热带草原,北美大草原,俄罗斯和中亚草原。草原生态系统支援地表上下数以万计不同的生物,对维持地球的生态平衡至关重要。)
生态系统grassland ecosystem The interacting system of the biological communities located in biomes characterized by the dominance of indigenous grasses, grasslike plants and forbs, and their non-living environmental surroundings (生物群落与周围无机环境互动的系统。该系统坐落在以原生草、草样植物和草本植物为主的地区。)
要求退回物的债权、诉权claim for restitution A legal remedy in which a person or party may demand or assert the right to be restored to a former or original position prior to loss, damage or injury (一种法律补救法,一个人或一方当事人可以要求或维护恢复受到损失、损坏或损害之前的原始位置的权利。)
设施复installation restoration The process of repairing or reconstructing an edifice in order to return it to its original condition (为了使建筑物恢复原来面貌所进行的维修和重建的过程。)
辅助subsidiary principle The fundamental doctrine or tenet that policy making decisions should be made at the most decentralized level, in which a centralized governing body would not take action unless it it is more effective than action taken at a lower government level (最根本的原则或宗旨,决策的决定应在最分散的水平,其中一个集中的管理机构将不采取行动,除非它是在一个较低的多级政府才会采取较有效的行动。)
过敏allergen Any antigen, such as pollen, a drug, or food, that induces an allergic state in humans or animals (任何引起人类或动物过敏症状的抗原,如花粉、药物或食物。)
阿拉斯加波弗特海油泄漏响应船Alaska Beaufort sea oil spill res ponse body
预防precautionary principle Principle adopted by the UN Conference on Environment and Development (1992) that in order to protect the environment, a precautionary approach should be widely applied, meaning that where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage to the environment, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation (该原则在环境与发展(1992年)联合国会议上被采纳,为了保护环境,预防方法应得到广泛的应用。这意味着,如果有严重的或不可逆转的环境损害发生时,我们不能将缺乏足够的科学依据作为推迟对环境保护采取措施的借口。)
预防cause for concern principle Principle connected with the precautionary principle: it means that, if there are strong reasons for expecting serious or irreversible damage to the environment following a given project, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation. Critics of this approach are concerned about large commitments of resources to deal with vaguely defined problems (与预防原则相联系的原则:这意味着,如果有充足的理由来预见到在某个工程之后对环境有严重的或不可逆的损害,缺乏充分的科学依据肯定不应作为推迟防止环境退化的有效措施的理由。对这种方法的批评主要在于投入了大量的资源来处理未确定的问题。)