
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一级middling fair
一致有界principle of uniform boundness
一般控制General Guiding Principle
一贯性principle of consistency
一贯性doctrine of consistency
一阶点矩first moment about the origin
不偏性principle of unbiasedness
不可避免unavoidable cause
不均匀性source of nonhomogeneity
不定性uncertainty principle
不精确source of inaccuracy
不能复的成本irrevocable cost
不能指出的unassignable cause
不足定数额的销售sale minus
业务functional cause
业务function cause
中位区位median location principle
中位投票人median voter theorem
中立性neutrality doctrine
中间料消耗intermediate material consumption
主导环节leading links principle
主要major raw materials
主要料需要量amount needed by main raw and semiprocessed materials
主要材料main material
主要产品与材料目录list of selected products and materials
主观因误差human-caused error
乘数加速理模型multiplier acceleration principle model
乘法multiplication principle
买断bought-out raw (item)
compete for raw materials
争夺contend over raw materials
争端bone of contention
事故source of trouble
事故cause of trouble
事故发生因报告Failure cause data report
二对一two to one rule
互保principle of mutuality
企业公司会计corporate accounting principle
企业会计business accounting principles
企业会计accounting principles for business enterprise
企业会计基本basic principle of enterprise accounting
企业实体business entity principle
企业管理基本basic principle of enterprise management
企业营运business operation principle
企业财务基本basic principle of enterprise finance
优先dominance principle
优先购买priority of purchase
会计则和手续变更change in accounting principles and practice
会计则委员会的态度action by accounting principles board
会计则性错误errors of accounting principle
会计原则principle of accounting
会计理的演进evolution of accounting principle
会计健全principle of sound accounting
会计基本basic postulate of accounting
会计基本basic principle of accounting
估计模拟analogy principle of estimation
似然比likelihood ratio principle
似然比检验likelihood ratio test principle
例外管理exception principle of management
依据公平合理则作出的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
偿还性始业务reimbursable seeding operations
充分性principle of full disclosure
先例doctrine of precedent
先来先服务first-come first-served rule
免收复保险费即损失后恢复原保险金额时可免缴保险费waiver of restoration premium
全部成本full-cost principle
八十对二十eighty-twenty principle
公司会计corporate accounting principle
公平分担principle of equitable burden-sharing
公平分担的principle of equitable burden-sharing
公平经营fairness doctrine
公平计价arm's length principle
公开doctrine of disclosure
公开揭示disclosure principle
公认general accepted principle
公认accepted principles
公认acceptable principle
公认会计accounting principle generally accepted
公认会计general accepted accounting principle
公认会计accepted accounting principles
公认会计则的行为含义behavioral implication of generally accepted accounting principle
公认会计Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Departures
公认会计general accepted accounting principle
公认会计acceptable accounting principle
共同成本joint cost principle
共同承担责任principle of co-responsibility
共同承担责任的principle of co-responsibility
夫妻双方共同财产community property principle
共有财产community-property principle
关键critical raw material
关键性critical raw materials
内部一致性internal consistency criterion
再生材料reclaimable materials
分散料库存decentralized material storage
分析analytical principle
分解decomposition principle
分配allocation principle
利润profit principle
利润性principle of profitability
利润最大化principle of profit maximization
利润极大化profit maximization principle
利益benefit principle
剩余处置principle of surplus disposal
功能functional principle
功能始资料说明书functional baseline spec
化学chemical materials
化工chemical industrial materials
协调principle of co-ordination
单一产品principle of a single product
单一产品principle of the single products
单一利率law of one interest rate
单位产品材料消耗量consumption of raw materials per unit of product
单据严格符合doctrine of strict compliance
单据证明严格相符doctrine of strict compliance
政府将物价压低至来水平roll back
位土工试验in situ soil test
位置home position
位试验in situ testing
值法initial-value method
则上核准approval in principle
则分歧difference in principle
则变动change of principle
则错误error of principles
包装不足insufficiency in original packing
印条码指厂商印在包装上的商品条码source marking
合同无效override the original contract
告起诉理由causa of action
地货场交货ex point of origin
primitive model
型模型prototype model
大的full scale
子化热heat of atomization
子族nuclear family
子时代atomic time
子氢焊接atomic hydrogen weld
子爆炸atomic explosion
子状竞争atomic competition
子状竞争atomistic competition
无数小企业形成的子状竞争atomistic competition
子、生物和化学的atomic, biological and chemical (warfare)
子能发电站atomic-energy factory
子能和平利用peaceful utilization of atomic power
子能委员会Atomic Energy Commission
子能工业atomic industry
子能工业污染物atomic energy industry pollutants
子能工厂atomic-energy factory
子能开发利用development and utilization of atomic power
子能扩散机atomic diffusion machine
子能炼钢工序nuclear energy iron making process
子能研究atomic energy research
子能装置atomic energy apparatus
子装置atomic device
子质量单位atom mass unit
子量atomic wight
seal unbroken
封不动地接管产业take over the estate undivided
居地法院forum origins
正是如此totidem verbis
文如此so written
raw stores
originating material
crude materials
料与供应品material and supply
料优选optimal seeking of raw materials
料估计成本差额variation of estimated cost of materials
料储存storage of raw materials
料周转率turnover of raw materials
料和主要材料raw and primary materials
料和燃料控制control of raw materials and fuels
料型作业流程图material-type flow process chart
料处理treatment of raw materials
料库存与制造成本比率ratio of raw material inventory to cost of manufacture
料成本raw material cost
料成本cost of raw and processed material
料收益率差异material yield variance
料消耗成本cost of materials consumed
料消耗账户raw materials used a/c
料消耗量consumption of raw materials
料管理raw material control
料耗用成本cost of raw materials used
料规格raw material specification
料购进purchase of raw materials
料费用账户raw material's cost a/c
料资源raw material resources
料资源条件的适应能力adaptability to the condition or raw material resources
料选择feedstock selection
料配搭差异material mix variance
料销售收入raw materials incomes
有保险original insurance
有信贷original credit
有最优解primal optimal solution
有残损货物指货物本身造成的残损original damaged cargo
有股份转让assignment of original shares
有规定already existing provision
有设备original equipment
有资金old money
本号数original number
材料crude materials
材料raw materials
材料与加工材料检验inspection of raw and processed materials
材料与物料raw materials and supplies
材料代用品raw material substitute
材料价格material price
材料价格标准material price standard
材料分类账raw material ledger
材料和加工料raw and processed materials
材料和物料价格变动fluctuation in prices of raw materials and supplies
材料库存raw material inventory
材料库存inventory of raw materials
材料损失率loss rate for raw materials
材料日均耗用量average daily consumption of raw material
材料标准消耗量standard quantity of materials consumed
材料流动资金周转数current fund turnover of raw material
材料消耗指数index of consumption of raw materials
材料管理management of raw materials
材料缺乏scarcity of raw materials
材料耗费material consumption
材料购运成本delivered cost of raw materials purchases
材料输出export of materials
条款old terms
寄给买方的商品样品样品original sample
样本undisturbed sample
残货物original damage cargo
汁的juice packed
汁装罐的juice packed
版本source version
理图functional diagram
理错误error of principle
程序original procedure
税率initial rate
ancestral home
责任original responsibility
酬金original premium
预测original prediction
合作principle of co-operation
合同不涉及第三者指合同约束签约双方,不涉及第三方privity of contract
吉尔布雷斯动作经济Gilbreth principles of motion economy
同等效用principle of equal advantage
后进先出卖价还LIFO adaptation of retail inventory
告知推迟advice reason for delay
周转税的本源origin principle of turnover taxes
商业企业管理基本basic principle of commercial enterprise management
商业基本basic principle of commerce
商品自由流通principle of free movement of goods
在制料账material in process account
地址address principle
塑性plastic raw material
增值value additivity principle
增量incremental principle
赔偿restitutionary damage
货币复本位制补偿compensatory principle of bimetallism
外来external cause
外部external cause
多劳多得principle of "more pay for more work"
失效cause of failure
存货管理经营inventory control operation doctrine
存量调整stock adjustment principle
实质性principle of materiality
实质所得者课税principle of taxation based on real income earner
实质符合doctrine of substantial complainer
实际则改变change of practice principle
实际折旧cause of actual depreciation
料成本的增加转嫁给消费者pass through
居留地residence principle
岀口加工料进口许可证申请书application for import permit of materials for processing export goods
市价market price basis
市场market principle
布劳维尔不动点Brouwer's fixed point theorem
平坦松弛flat laxity principle
平等互利principles of equality and mutual benefit
平衡balance principle
并存concurrent causes
库存料盘存inventory of raw materials on hand
库存材料盘点inventory of raw material on hand
应计制accrual basis principle
弹性principle of flexibility
当事人自主party autonomy principle
怀疑cause of suspicion
意外accidental means
意愿自主principle of autonomy of will
意愿自主autonomy of will
成本与收益一致cost matching income principle
成本与收益相配cost matching income principle
成本会计基本basic principle of cost accounting
成本分配principle of allocation of costs
成本或低于成本cost or-less principle
成本或市价则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
成本控制cost control principle
成本最小化cost minimization principle
成本还cost restoration
成本降低cost reduction principle
我们准备了两份合同These are two originals of the contract we prepared
我们的经营则是"重合同,守信用"It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".
才能principle of merit
扰动disturbing cause
技术engineering philosophy
技术经济比较性研究principles of technoeconomic comparative study
技术项目消耗费用可比competitive principle of planned expenses on a technological project
折旧causa of depreciation
成本at prime cost
so written
按公平合理则处理decide ex aequo et hono
按成本或低于成本计算cost-or-less principle
按照会计accordance with the principle of accounting
按经济实益课税principle of taxation based on economic substance
损坏causa of damage
损益表income statement principles
支付则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付能力principle of capacity to pay
支配presiding principles
收入实现revenue realization principle
收益income principles
收益与成本匹配principle of matching cost with revenue
收益与成本配合principle of matching cost with revenues
收益第一profit-first principle
放弃forsake principles
政府采购优先priority in government procurement
政府间油交易government-to-government crude oil
故障cause of trouble
故障cause of failure
故障因与后果分析post accident effect
故障假定cause of suspicion
故障模式因分析failure model cause analysis
效用数学期望principle of mathematical expectation for utility
效用极大化principle of utility maximization
散装bulk raw materials
数学mathematical principle
数学归纳principle of mathematical induction
数据互换principle of interchangeable data
最优principle of optimality
最佳principle of optimization
最佳选择principle of best alternative
最小化minimization principle
最小平方least squares principle
最小平方极小化minimization principle of least squares
最小方差比least variance ratio principle
最小风险minima principle
最长工时优先longest work-time priority principle
有说服力的证据和始证据best evidence and primary evidence
服务成本课税cost of service taxation principle
未同意non-consent principle
未定undetermined cause
未提折旧价余额undepreciated balance of the cost
未收款始余额original balance
未知unknown cause
指数index of primitivity
机器和工作场地设计machine and work place design principle
机械化principle of mechanization
松弛relaxation principle
极大maximum principle
极大化principle of maximization
极大极小minimax principle
极大极小maximin rule
标准化standardization principle
根据保险费率as per original rates
根据accordance with the principle
根据公平合理则所作的仲裁award made ex aequo et bono
根据和解则作出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
根据平等协商accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing
概率论elementary theory of probability
模拟analogy principle
正统principle of legitimacy
汇票上义务限制limitation of liability on the bill
保单估价valued as in original policy
保险费率as per original
尺寸的复制品full-scale replica
in statu quo
特殊special cause
特殊因收入but-for income
生产料库存比率raw material inventory ratio to production
生存费subsistence principle
生活保证living document doctrine
用毕放回please return to the rack after use
产地装运运出shipment from point of origin
疏忽principle of negligence
白板clean slate principle
破产causa of bankruptcy
"确实"sure-thing principle
税收principle of taxation
稳健conservatism concept
稳健性principle of conservatism
等价交换principle of equal value exchange
等级scalar principle
等距离principle of equidistance
简单single cause
简单可指出single assignable cause
累计产地指实行普遍优惠关税国家,对于从某一地区,如东南亚地区的产品,可不受个别国家原产地规则限制可视为同一来源地,即累积原产地cumulative origin
累计产地待遇cumulative origin treatment
累计产地规则cumulative rules of origin
罗奇代尔经营即顾客按现金购货额,参与分配商店利润的合作经营原则Rochdal principles
耗用材料raw material consumed
职能functional cause
职能化principle of functionalization
职能管理functional management principle
聚积accumulation principle
节省economize raw materials
节约材料economize in raw material
节约材料消耗economy in raw material consumption
营业实体business entity principle
营销理应用application of marketing principle
营销基本fundamentals of marketing
营销学grammar of marketing
营销学基本basic principle of marketing
行销四" C" 即 1. consumer 消费者 2. cost 指消费者为购货所花精力 3. convenience 地点方便购买,包装便于使用 4. communication 与消费者的沟通four C's
要素还测试factor reversal test
调整adjusted original
调查损坏investigate the cause of damage
财务principle of finance
财务管理主要main guidelines for financial management
财务管理基本basic principle of financial management
货币monetary cost
货币发行平衡即纸币的发行额,不超过金, 银储备基金,两者保持平衡currency principle
货物产地origin of goods
货物产地country where the cargo originate
贬值causa of depreciation
购买行为动力dynamics of buying behavior
购进料合同material contract
购进材料交货成本delivered cost of raw material purchased
贴水agio theory
贸易principle of trade
资产负债表balance sheet principle
资本主义利润追求capitalist principle of profit-seeking
资本复capital recovery
资本维持的doctrine of capital maintenance
资本还因数capital recovery factor
资本还学说capitalization theory
资本还capitalized method
资本还capitalizing rate
並当 • 斯密赋税canons of taxation
起火causa of fire
较小方差principle of smaller variance
辛普森Simpson's rule
退回购买价款refund the purchase price
逆行retrogression principle
选择principle of selection
逐一因抽样sampling on successive occasions
通货currency principle
配合matching principle
配置材料allocation of raw materials
鉴定identity principle
鉴定用型产品prototype production for evaluation
阿拉伯中Arabian Medium Crude Oil
阿拉伯轻Arab light oil
阿拉伯轻Arabian light crude oil
阿拉伯重Arabian heavy crude oil
降低料消耗economize on raw material
降低料消耗cut down the number of raw materials
降低料消耗cut down the consumption of raw materials
降低料消耗定额cut down the norm for material consumed
降低成本cost minimization principle
降级cause of degradation
随机random cause
随机化principle of randomization
随机化basis of randomization
路来回票open jaw
非标准料产品items of nonstandard stock
非正式组织策略性利用principles of strategic use of informal organization
非歧视non-discriminatory principle
非歧视non-discriminating principle
非生产non-producing materials
革新innovating principle
预算会计基本basic principle of budget accounting
预算基本basic principle of budget
预算收支安排主要main guidelines for budgetary revenue
预算编制budget drafting principle
首要first cause
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