
Terms for subject China containing | all forms
不低于来的标准no less favourable than before
具体行政行为基本相同的具体行政行为concrete administrative action basically similar to the original one
严格控制的principle of strict control
中止时效的因消除reason for suspending end
中止诉讼的causes of the suspension
临时占用草occupy a piece of grasslands temporarily
临时占用草的期限time limit for temporary occupation of grasslands
主权平等the principle of sovereign equality
事故cause of incident
人道humanitarian reasons
从哪里来、回哪里去的principle of returning to the place where they came from
料利用为名under the pretext of using something as raw material
以量入为出为principle of keeping expenditure within the limits of revenues in drawing up its budget
传染病infectious pathogen
传染病病infectious disease pathogens
传染病病携带者pathogen carrier of an infectious disease
侵占草take illegal possession of the grasslands
便民的principle of facilitating people
保持同选举单位密切的联系maintain close contact with the electoral units which elected deputies
先规划后建设的principles of planning before construction
全国草监督管理工作supervision over the grassland nationwide
全国草等级评定标准national standard for grassland grading
公平principle of fairness
公平、合理的principles of fairness and rationality
公开、公平、公正的principles of openness, fairness and impartiality
关于各国探索和利用包括月球和其它天体在内外层空间活动的则条约Treaty on Principles Concerning the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies
再次通过pass the original bill again
分级分类指导guiding principle for the work in different areas and at different administrative level
占用草occupy a piece of grasslands
original owner
买受人original buyer
产地标记marks of origin
产地管理rules of origin
产地规则协定Agreement on Rules of Origin
产地证明certificate of country of origin
件形式form of the original copy
件所有人owner of original copy
作品的著作权copyright in the original work
保证担保的范围内within the scope of the original suretyship guaranty
保险的受益人beneficiary in the original insurance
保险的投保人original insurance applicant
保险的被保险人insurant in the original insurance
保险责任original insurance liability
关押监狱prison that originally held the prisoner in custody
则上in principle
则规定make stipulations in principle (on)
判决original judgment
判刑罚original sentence
判刑罚original punishment
动物饲养人original keeper
劳动合同original labour contract
受托人former trustee
受托人original trustee
合伙人initial partner
合伙人existing partner
在香港适用的原则principles previously applied in Hong Kong
址保护original site protected
处理机关organ which handled the case
始目录original directory
始记录制度original record system
original surname
first trial
first instance
审人民法院people's court which originally tried the case
居民indigenous inhabitants
工作original work
批准original approval
承包合同剩余的期限remaining period of the original contract
拍卖价款original auction price
料或者配剂raw materials or elixir
有乡村居民resident of an established village
有宅基地original house site
有法律laws previously in force
有法律制度和原则legal system and principle previously in force
有股票original shares
材料raw and semi-processed materials
材料加工业the raw material processing industry
来的法律the old law (on)
original item
original condition
生效法律文书legal document which was originally effective
租赁关系previously established leasing relation
籍地的选举elections conducted in their ancestral home town
股东former shareholder
船舶登记国original country of registry of a ship
被保险人original insured
讼法庭Court of First Instance
选举单位original electoral unit
选举单位unit which elected
选举单位the bodies that selected deputies
选举单位的人民代表大会会议sessions of the people's congresses of the units which elected deputies
选区选民voters in the electoral district
发回审人民法院重审remand the case to the people's court that originally tried it for a new trial
发展草develop the grassland
发生经过和cause and the process of development
选举单位的监督subject to supervision by the unit which elected
选举单位的监督be subject to supervision by the units which elected them (deputies)
变更裁定revise the original order
各尽所能,按劳分配的principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work"
"各尽所能、按劳分配"的the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work"
和平共处五项the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
回收materials reclaimed
国家子能机构China Atomic Energy Authority
国际子能机构规约Statute of the International atomic Energy Agency
国际红十字和红新月运动确立的基本Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent Movement
土地的用途original purpose of use of land
坚持adhere to the principle
坚持... 的adhere to the principle
坚持一个中国uphold the principle of one China
坚持一个中国则决不动摇will not waver on the one-China principle
坚持四项基本adhere to the four cardinal principles
坚持民主立法、科学立法的adhere to the principle of democratic and scientific legislation
坚持民主集中制、集体行使职权、集体决定问题、依法按程序办事的uphold the principles of democratic centralism, collective exercise of functions and powers, collective decision making and acting in accordance with the law and prescribed procedures
基本fundamental principles
基本草essential grassland
基本草保护制度system for protection of essential grassland
安全性principle of safety
宗旨和purpose and principles
定价principle of pricing
实行各尽所能、按劳分配的apply the principle of "from each according to his ability, to each according to his work"
实行平等保护的apply the principle of equal protection (to)
实行民主集中制的apply the principle of democratic centralism
实行民主集中制的act on the principle of democratic centralism
实行精简的carry out the principle of simple and efficient administration
审慎监管principle of prudent supervision
客观realistic reasons
对等reciprocal principle
少数服从多数的principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority
履行保护草的义务fulfil duty of protecting the grasslands
已垦草reclaimed grassland
常规种种种子original seeds of conventional varieties
平等互惠principle of equality and reciprocity
应当不占或者少占草no grasslands, or as little grasslands as possible, may be occupied
开垦草reclaim grasslands
强行遣回send someone back by force to one's place of residence
微利principle of minimum profits
总的general principles (for)
恢复级别、原职务reinstatement in the former rank or post
恢复土地put the land back to its original state
所争议的original bill in dispute
把握好政策closely adhere to policies and principles
提交submit the originals
撤销quash the original judgment
撤销批准withdraw the original approval
改变具体行政行为change the original concrete administrative action
政治political reasons
教育与处罚相结合的principle of combining education with penalty
文物cultural relies in the original state
有害hazardous materials
査明ascertain the cause
根据循序渐进的in accordance with the principle of gradual and orderly progress
根本first principles
毒品植物mother plant of narcotic drugs
毒品植物替代种植substitute the cultivation of the mother plant of narcotic drugs
毒品植物种子seeds of the mother plant of narcotic drugs
毒品植物种子或者幼苗seeds or seedlings of the mother plant of narcotic drugs
民主、开放的principle of democracy and openness
民主集中制the principle of democratic centralism
民主集中制的principle of democratic centralism
法律制度和legal system and principles
法律的基本the law's basic principles
特殊special reasons
独立交易principle of arm's-length transaction
生态脆弱区的草grasslands in ecologically fragile areas
由于上级机关的on account of a higher authority
由于特殊because of special reasons
携带者pathogen carrier
破坏草植被detriment of grassland vegetation
确认草使用权establish the right to use such grasslands
种种许多a whole host of reasons
积极倡导和模范遵行和平共处五项actively advocate and earnestly adhere to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence
突发cause for the outbreak
立法工作中必须把握好的重大the major principles that must be observed in the formulation work
精干、效能的principle of compact and high efficiency
精干的principle of compact and efficient organization
精简principle of simplified and efficient administration
精简、统一、效能的principle of simplification, unification and efficiency
经济合理的principle of economy and rationality
维护法制统一的principle of safeguarding uniformity of law
维持具体行政行为maintain the original concrete administrative action
维持affirm the original judgment
编造虚假的cook up the cause
编造虚假的事故fabricate the cause of incident
《联合国宪章》宗旨和purpose and principles of UN Charter
自愿principle of voluntariness
自愿principle of free will
自愿voluntary principal
自愿voluntary basis
自愿、互利的principles of voluntariness and mutual benefit
自愿和合法的voluntary and lawful basis
自愿、平等、公平、诚实信用principle of free will, equality, fairness and good faith
自愿、有偿、诚实信用的principle of free will, compensation and integrity and creditworthy
自然natural cause
使用权的争议dispute over the right to use grasslands
使用权证certificate of the right to use grasslands
使用者user of the grassland
利用use of grasslands
功能分区functional division of grasslands
建设development of grassland
所有权right of ownership of the grassland
所有者grassland owner
承包经营期term of contractual management of the grasslands
承包经营权转让transfer of the right to contractual management of grasslands
权属ownership of grasslands
权属争议dispute over ownership of grasslands
权属证书certificate for ownership of the grasslands
植被vegetation of the grasslands
植被恢复费fees for restoring grassland vegetation
沙化aridity grasslands
沙化sandy grasslands
沙化grasslands desertification
沙化sand encroachment grasslands
the Grassland Law
生产、生态监测预警系统early warning system for grassland yielding and ecological monitoring
生产能力yielding capacity of the grassland
畜牧业animal husbandry on the grasslands
的可持续利用sustainable use of grasslands
的质量quality of the grassland
监督检查人员grassland supervisors and inspector
监督管理机构institution for grassland supervision and control
管理grasslands management
统计制度statistics system for grasslands
自然保护区grassland nature reserves
行政主管部门competent administrative department for grasslands
调查survey of the grassland
资源普查general surveys of grassland resources
载畜量标准standard for grassland stock-carrying capacity
防火grassland fire protection
防火责任制responsibility system for protection against grassland fire
鼠虫害grassland pests and mice
药用植物mother plant for medical use
虚假cause of falsity
谁投资、谁受益的principle that whoever invests benefits
货银对付的principle of delivery versus payment (DVP)
跨县临时调剂使用草temporarily readjust the use of grasslands between counties
返还return the original item
适用、经济的principle of usefulness and economy
通过passe the original bill
遣回send back to the place of residence
遵循.... 的be guided by the principle (of)
遵循宪法的基本in compliance with the basic principles laid down in the Constitution
采取则立场take a principled stand (against)
防止草沙化prevent the grasslands from sand encroachment
非公务for non-official purpose
非法储存传染病病illegally store infectious disease pathogen
非法开垦草illegally reclaim grasslands
非法种植毒品植物illegal cultivation of the mother plant of narcotic drugs
非法转让草illegally transfer grasslands
香港有法律制度和原则legal system and principles previously in force in Hong Kong
麻醉药品药用植物mother plant of narcotic drugs for medical use