
Terms for subject Surgery containing | all forms
白细胞抗human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
白细胞抗组织相容性系统human leukocyte antigen histocompatibility system
白细胞抗组织相容性系统HLA histocompatibility system
白细胞抗配型human leukocyte antigen matching
人类白细胞抗human leucocyte antigen
人类白细胞抗human leucocyte A
伤口愈合的胶代谢collagen metabolism in wound healing
全麻mechanism of general anesthesia
凝血酶复合物prothrombin complex
前列腺特异性抗prostatic specific antigen
前肠囊肿foregut origin cyst
十二指肠发肿瘤primary tumor of duodenum
位内分泌瘤orthoendocrine tumor
位多器官灌注in situ multiple organ perfusion
位小肠移植orthotopic small intestine transplantation
位心脏移植orthotopic cardiac transplantation
位旁肝移植paratopic liver transplantation
位旁胰腺移植paratopic pancreas transplantation
位肝移植orthotopic transplantation of liver
位肝移植orthotopic liver transplantation
性损primary injury
发伤道primary wound tract
发型房间隔孔缺损atrial septal defect of ostium primum type
发性乳房发育不良hypogenetic micromastia
发性低钠血症primary hyponatremia
发性出血primary hemorrhage
发性多源肉瘤primitive multipotential sarcoma
发性大网膜肿瘤primary omental tumor
发性小肠溃疡primary ulcer of small intestine
发性小肠结石primary enteroliths
发性心脏肿瘤primary tumors of heart
发性支气管肺癌primary bronchogenic carcinoma
发性淋巴水肿primary lymphedema
发性甲亢primary hyperthyroidism
发性甲状旁腺功能亢进primary hyperparathyroidism
发性甲状旁腺功能减退primary hypoparathyroidism
发性瘢痕挛缩intrinsic cicatricial contracture
发性硬化性胆管炎primary sclerosing cholangitis
发性移植肝无功能primary liver graft nonfunction
发性移植肾无功能primary renal graft nonfunction
发性系统性纤维变性primary systemic fibrosis
发性纵隔肿瘤primary tumors of mediastinum
发性缺水primary dehydration
发性肝癌liver primary carcinoma
发性肝细胞癌primary liver cell carcinoma
发性肠系膜肿瘤primary tumor of mesentery
发性肺动脉高压essential hypertension of pulmonary artery
发性肺肿瘤primary tumors of lung
发性肺高压primary pulmonary hypertension
发性胃食管反流primary gastro-esophageal reflux
发性胆管狭窄primary bile duct stricture
发性胆管结石primary bile duct stone
发性脑膜肉瘤primary meningeal sarcoma
发性脾功能亢进primary hypersplenism
发性腹膜肿瘤primary peritoneal tumor
发性醛固酮增多primary aldosteronism
发性阳痿primary impotence
发感染primary infection
发畸形primary deformity
发骨骺骨软骨病primary epiphyseal chondrosis
pharyngeal primordium
始口腔primitive oral cavity
始心管heart tube
始肺primitive lung
始骨痂primary callus
T 淋巴细胞pro-T lymphocyte
T 淋巴细胞pro-T cell
B 淋巴细胞pro-B lymphocyte
primary fissure
美洲商陆丝裂pokeweed mitogen
嗜异柱抗Forssman antigen
奇静脉azygos principle
尿流改道复urinary undiversion
尿素分解尿素ureaplasma urealyticum
急性发性腹膜炎acute primary peritonitis
theta antigen Thy
θ 抗Thy antigen
θ 抗theta antigen Thy
Rh 抗Rh antigen
一抗体复合体antigen-antibody complexes
性差异antigenic specificity
体性尿道炎mycoplasmal urethritis
放射性纤维蛋白摄取试验radioactive fibrinogen uptake test
真皮胶dermal collagen
睾丸精细胞瘤seminoma of testis
种族特异性抗racial specific antigens
移植肾病复发recurrence of original disease in transplanted kidney
移行性上皮细胞表面抗transitional cell surface antigen
病毒类特异抗基因viral group-specific antigen gene
贮积症 I avon Gierke disease
组织抗tissue antigen
T 淋巴细胞抗受体T lymphocyte antigen receptor
T 淋巴细胞抗特异性抑制因子T lymphocyte antigen-specific suppressor factor
T 淋巴细胞抗特异性辅助因子T lymphocyte anti gen-specific helper factor
网状始骨woven bone
肺内支气管囊肿intrapulmonary bronchogenic cyst
变性collagenous degeneration
束状收缩fasciculation of collagen
沉积collagen deposition
浸充移植物collagen impregnated graft
缝线collagen suture
腹壁发性恶性肿瘤primary malignant tumor of abdominal wall
膀胱位癌bladder carcinoma in situ
体性尿道炎chlamydial urethritis
一凯Monro-Kellie doctrine
阑尾发黏液囊腺癌primary mucous cystadenocarcinoma of appendix
*阴茎鳞状细胞位癌squamous cell carcinoma of penis in situ
非 T 细胞依赖性抗T independent antigen
非精细胞瘤non seminoma
颗粒性抗particulate antigen
发网状细胞肉瘤primary reticulum cell sarcoma of bone