
Terms for subject International trade containing 原则 | all forms | in specified order only
互惠原则basis of reciprocity
代位原则subrogation principle
依公平合理的原则处理decide ex aequo et bono
依据公平合理原则作成的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
公平分担原则principle of equitable burden sharing
公认的原则recognized principle
共同分担原则pooling principle
共同海损理算原则principle of adjusting general average
利益均等原则principle of equal advantage
劳务成本之原则cost of service principle
协商一致的指导原则philosophy of consensus
单一责任赔偿原则single liability principle
原产地原则资格origin rule status
反垄断法指导原则anti-monopoly act guidelines
合同关系不涉及第三人原则privity of contract
合同关系不涉及第三者原则privity of contract
合同的无效与仲裁条款无效不是一件事的原则美、法判例承认的原则principle of separability
国民平均最高限额原则per capita ceiling principle
国民待遇原则principle of national treatment
奥卡姆的原则界限Occam Raxor (Ockham Razor)
委托人对受托人行为应负责的原则principle of respondeat superior
委托人就受托的行为应负责的原则respondent superior
审理案件时被告应能答辩的原则principle of audiatur et altera pars
对外援助八项原则eight principles in providing aid to other countries
平等互利和互通有无的原则principle of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other needs
合同当事人意愿自主原则principle of autonomy of will
成本原则cost principle
按公平合理原则ex aequo et bono
按边际成本订价的原则marginal cost pricing principles
授权原则principles of delegation
排他原则exclusion principle
无合同规定时支付合理价格原则quantum meruit
最小最大原则minimax principle
有效需求原则principle of effective demand
机率均等原则insufficient reason rule
权益转让原则subrogation principle
生产原则production basis
相对有利条件原则principle of comparative advantage
相配原则matching principle
社会福利的课税原则social welfare principle of taxation
类似情况也适用的原则ejusdem generis
纳税的支付能力原则ability-to-pay principle of taxation
经济原则economic doctrine
经营原则business principle
经营原则operating principle
经营原则business principles
统一原则uniform principles
继续经营原则continuity principle
联系的原则principle of the link
合同当事人自主原则autonomy of will (of parties to a contract)
订立合同的当事人意思自主原则principle of autonomy of will
诚信原则principle of good faith
课税原则canons of taxation
购买力平价原则purchasing-power parity doctrine
重要会计原则及有关原则概述summary of significant accounting and related policies
限于汇票上义务的原则limitation of liability on the bill
集中原则principle of convergency
非互惠原则principle of non-reciprocity