
Terms for subject Commerce containing 原则 | all forms | in specified order only
不同原则different principle
严格执行原则doctrine of strict performance
单证严格符合原则doctrine of strict compliance
代替原则principle of substitution
企业合并原则principle of consolidation
会计企业本位原则entity concept
传统管理原则traditional principles of management
例外事件处理原则exception principle
供你方作为指导原则for your guidance
先到先处理原则principle of first-in-first-served
全包原则principle of all-inclusiveness
技术贸易公开原则principle of disclosure
公认会计原则generally accepted accounting principles (包括:一致性原则 (consistency principles)、对应性原则 (matching principles)、客观性原则(objectivity principles)、稳定性原则 (principles of conservation)、 充分性原则 (principles of full disclosure) 、重要性原则 (principles of materiality))
公认会计原则accepted accounting principle
原则general principles
英国双重障碍原则doctrine of the double barrier (指协议必须符合本国与欧共体法律)
国际礼让原则rules of international comity
坚持平等互利原则adhere to the principle of equality and mutual benefit
基本原则basic principles
大陆架原则doctrine of continental shelf
奉行平等互利原则carry out the principle of equality and mutual benefit
威克赛尔税收原则Wicksell principle of taxation
会计客观性原则objectivity principle
客观的原则objective principle
差别原则difference principle
平等互利,互通有无原则principles of equality, mutual benefit and help to meet each other's needs
成本原则cost principle (按历史成本或购置成本 (historical cost or acquisition cost)计列)
我们从不拿原则作交易We never haggle about principles
我们决不可忽视引进技术的原则Under no circumstances shall we neglect the principle of technology acquisition
我们绝不拿原则作交易we never haggle about principles
战略原则strategic principles
按劳分配原则principle of distribution according to work
收支对应原则matching principle
政治经济学与赋税原则principles of political economy and taxation
美国埃默森效率+二原则twelve principles of efficiency (管理人员有明确目标 (managerial personnel having definite targets), 有丰富常识 (having rich common knowledge), 提供优质咨询 (offering first-rate advisory services), 有严格纪律 (observing strict disciplines), 经营交易公平 (doing business fairly), 作业有可靠及时记录 (having reliable and timely job records), 按计划安排工作(scheduling organization of the work), 作业标准化 (carrying out job standardization), 有日历进度表 (having calendar progress schedules), 保持工作环境良好 (keeping a good working environment), 使用书面工作任务单 (using written work sheets), 实行效率奖励 (implementing the efficiency premium system))
时间研究原则time study principle
最大风险原则principle of maximum risk
根据原则on principle
根据平等互利原则in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit
比较利益原则principle of comparative advantages
比较成本原则principle of comparative cost
经济合作与发展组织组织原则DECD Guideline
经营原则management principle
营业地原则principle of business premises
评价原则principle of valuation
诚信原则principle of honesty and good faith
贷款与征信四原则four Cs (即生产能力 (capacity)、 资金(capital)、品格(character)、担保品(collateral))
过错责任原则principle of liability for fault
银行授信五原则five P's (包括:还款来源 (payment),借款人 (people),借款户展望 (perspective),债权确保 (protection), 资金用途 (purpose))