
Terms for subject Business containing 原则 | all forms | in specified order only
一贯性原则principle of consistency
一贯性原则doctrine of consistency
中立性原则neutrality doctrine
主导环节原则leading links principle
二对一原则two to one rule
互保原则principle of mutuality
交易基本原则basic principle of business
产品组织原则principles of organization by product
从严解释原则doctrine of strict construction
从宽解释原则doctrine of liberal construction
企业公司会计原则corporate accounting principle
企业会计原则business accounting principles
企业会计原则accounting principles for business enterprise
企业会计基本原则basic principle of enterprise accounting
企业实体原则business entity principle
优先原则dominance principle
优先购买原则priority of purchase
会计原则和手续变更change in accounting principles and practice
会计原则委员会的态度action by accounting principles board
会计原则性错误errors of accounting principle
会计健全原则principle of sound accounting
会计基本原则basic postulate of accounting
估计模拟原则analogy principle of estimation
似然比原则likelihood ratio principle
似然比检验原则likelihood ratio test principle
例外管理原则exception principle of management
依据公平合理原则作出的仲裁裁决award made ex aequo et bono
信息沟通原则principle of communication
充分性原则principle of full disclosure
先例原则doctrine of precedent
先来先服务原则first-come first-served rule
全部成本原则full-cost principle
八十对二十原则eighty-twenty principle
公司会计原则corporate accounting principle
公平分担原则principle of equitable burden-sharing
公平分担的原则principle of equitable burden-sharing
公平经营原则fairness doctrine
公平计价原则arm's length principle
公开原则doctrine of disclosure
公开揭示原则disclosure principle
公认原则general accepted principle
公认原则accepted principles
公认原则acceptable principle
公认会计原则accounting principle generally accepted
公认会计原则general accepted accounting principle
公认会计原则accepted accounting principles
公认会计原则的行为含义behavioral implication of generally accepted accounting principle
共同成本原则joint cost principle
共同承担责任原则principle of co-responsibility
共同承担责任的原则principle of co-responsibility
夫妻双方共同财产原则community property principle
共有财产原则community-property principle
内部一致性原则internal consistency criterion
几率均等原则insufficient reason rule
分析原则analytical principle
分解原则decomposition principle
分配原则allocation principle
利益原则benefit principle
剩余处置原则principle of surplus disposal
功能原则functional principle
动作经济原则principle of motion economy
"劳务成本"原则cost of service principle
协调原则principle of co-ordination
单一利率原则law of one interest rate
单据严格符合原则doctrine of strict compliance
单据证明严格相符原则doctrine of strict compliance
原产地原则origin rule
原则上核准approval in principle
原则分歧difference in principle
原则变动change of principle
原则错误error of principles
双重目的原则dual purpose doctrine
反垄断法指导原则antimonopoly act guidelines
受益原则benefit-received principle
受益者付费原则beneficiary-pays principle
变现原则realization principle
可分离原则principle of separability
可控制原则controllable principle
可控性原则controllability principle
可比原则competitive principle
可比性原则principle of comparability
合作原则principle of co-operation
合同不涉及第三者原则指合同约束签约双方,不涉及第三方privity of contract
吉尔布雷斯动作经济原则Gilbreth principles of motion economy
周转税的本源原则origin principle of turnover taxes
商业企业管理基本原则basic principle of commercial enterprise management
商品自由流通原则principle of free movement of goods
固定项目划分原则segregation of fixed items principle
地址原则address principle
基本原则basic postulate
基本原则basic rule
基本原则fundamental rule
增值原则value additivity principle
增量原则incremental principle
货币复本位制补偿原则compensatory principle of bimetallism
多劳多得原则principle of "more pay for more work"
存货管理经营原则inventory control operation doctrine
实质性原则principle of materiality
实质所得者课税原则principle of taxation based on real income earner
实质符合原则doctrine of substantial complainer
实际原则改变change of practice principle
审慎管理人原则prudent-man rule
审计原则audit principle
客观性原则principle of objectivity
对应原则correspondence principle
对策论的极大极小原则minimax principle of game theory
居留地原则residence principle
工艺对象组织原则principles of organization by process
市价原则market price basis
市场原则market principle
平等互利原则principles of equality and mutual benefit
应计制原则accrual basis principle
弹性原则principle of flexibility
当事人自主原则party autonomy principle
意愿自主原则principle of autonomy of will
意愿自主原则autonomy of will
成本与收益一致原则cost matching income principle
成本与收益相配原则cost matching income principle
成本分配原则principle of allocation of costs
成本或低于成本原则cost or-less principle
成本或市价原则对毛利的影响effect of cost-or-market rule on gross margin
成本控制原则cost control principle
我们的经营原则是"重合同,守信用"It's our principle in business "to honor the contract and keep our promise".
才能原则principle of merit
技术经济比较性研究原则principles of technoeconomic comparative study
技术项目消耗费用可比原则competitive principle of planned expenses on a technological project
按公平合理原则处理decide ex aequo et hono
按成本或低于成本计算原则cost-or-less principle
按照会计原则accordance with the principle of accounting
按经济实益课税原则principle of taxation based on economic substance
损益表原则income statement principles
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政委托计算书fiscal trust accounts for payments of principle and interest fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付原则和保证国外欠债利息后的财政存款计算书fiscal deposit accounts for payments of principle and fiscal trust of external bonded debts
支付能力原则principle of capacity to pay
收入实现原则revenue realization principle
收益原则income principles
收益与成本匹配原则principle of matching cost with revenue
收益与成本配合原则principle of matching cost with revenues
收益第一原则profit-first principle
放弃原则forsake principles
政府采购优先原则priority in government procurement
效用数学期望原则principle of mathematical expectation for utility
数学原则mathematical principle
数学归纳原则principle of mathematical induction
数据互换原则principle of interchangeable data
无不良记载原则clean slate principle
既定原则settled principle
最优原则principle of optimality
最佳原则principle of optimization
最小化原则minimization principle
最小风险原则minima principle
最长工时优先原则longest work-time priority principle
服务成本课税原则cost of service taxation principle
未同意原则non-consent principle
机器和工作场地设计原则machine and work place design principle
极大极小原则minimax principle
极大极小原则maximin rule
根据原则accordance with the principle
根据公平合理原则所作的仲裁award made ex aequo et bono
根据和解原则作出的仲裁裁决award upon settlement
根据平等协商原则accordance with the principle of consultation on an equal footing
正统原则principle of legitimacy
比较利益原则comparative advantage principle
汇票上义务限制原则limitation of liability on the bill
法约尔管理原则management principles put forward by Fayol
法约尔"跳板"原则Fayol‘s gang-plank
混合原则mixed principle
独创性原则brainstorming principle
生活保证原则living document doctrine
疏忽原则principle of negligence
白板原则clean slate principle
目标决策原则objectivistic decision principle
相互依存原则principle of interdependence
相对优势原则principle of comparative advantage
相对成本不变原则law of constant relative cost
"确实"原则sure-thing principle
科学管理原则principles of scientific management
租税受益原则benefit-received tax principle
租税受益原则benefit-received principle of taxation
租税受益原则benefit principle of taxation
稳健原则conservatism concept
稳健性原则principle of conservatism
等级原则scalar principle
等距离原则principle of equidistance
管理的四项原则:调查研究、标准化、控制和协作four principles of management : research, standardization, control and cooperation
累计原产地规则cumulative rules of origin
经济原则主义economic doctrine
经济核算基本原则basic principle of economic accounting
经营原则operating doctrine
给予优惠原则principle of extending preference
给予优惠的原则principle of extending preference
绝对赔偿责任原则principle of strict liability
统一指挥原则principle of unity of command
继续经营原则going concern principle
维持现状原则principle of standstill
罗奇代尔经营原则即顾客按现金购货额,参与分配商店利润的合作经营原则Rochdal principles
职能管理原则functional management principle
股本调整原则capital stock adjustment principle
能识别原则identifiability criteria
自由企业原则principle of free enterprise
自由企业的原则principle of free enterprise
营业实体原则business entity principle
行销四" C" 原则即 1. consumer 消费者 2. cost 指消费者为购货所花精力 3. convenience 地点方便购买,包装便于使用 4. communication 与消费者的沟通four C's
计件工资原则piece-rate principle
计划优先原则primacy of planning
计划效率原则efficiency of plans
商业诚实与公平交易原则principle in honesty and fair play
财务管理主要原则main guidelines for financial management
贸易原则principle of trade
资本主义利润追求原则capitalist principle of profit-seeking
资本维持的原则doctrine of capital maintenance
"跳板"原则gang-board principle
辛普森原则Simpson's rule
边际效益有限原则principle of limitation on marginal benefit
违反公平原则lack of equality
违反普遍原则lack of universality
连带责任原则principle of joint and several responsibility
连续经营原则continuity principle
通货原则currency principle
配合原则matching principle
重要会计原则摘要summary of significant-accounting principles
鉴定原则identity principle
银行活动基本原则basic principle of banking behavior
集中原则principle of convergence
零件互换原则principle of interchangeable parts
零增长原则zero-growth principle
非正式组织策略性利用原则principles of strategic use of informal organization
非歧视原则non-discriminatory principle
非歧视原则non-discriminating principle
革新原则innovating principle
预算会计基本原则basic principle of budget accounting
预算基本原则basic principle of budget
预算收支安排主要原则main guidelines for budgetary revenue
预算编制原则budget drafting principle