
Terms for subject Economy containing 厂商 | all forms | in specified order only
仅制造一种商品的厂商single line manufacture
代理商的工作就是推销、经销或促销某一厂家的产品An agent's work is to sell, distribute or promote the sale of the products made by a certain factory
任何经证实为工艺拙劣的商品应由厂家予以修理或更换Any commodity which proves to be of poor workmanship should be repaired or replaced by the manufacturers
企业厂商的功能functions of the business firm
企业厂商的功能function of the business firm
供应厂商发货单supplier's invoice
美国保险商检验所与工厂互保研究公司Underwriters' Laboratories, Factory Mutual Research Corp.
倒闭厂商failure business
制造厂商信用证manufacturer's credit
制造厂商的分销机构manufacturer's sales branch
制造厂商的分销机构manufacturer’s sales branches
制造厂商的分销部manufacturer's sales office
制造厂商账户the manufacturer's accounts
制造商厂牌the manufacturer's brands
厂内商店a tommy shop
厂商与产业firm and industry
厂商之不稳定vendor uncertainty
厂商之间的工资差异interfirm wage differences
厂商代理representative manufacturer
厂商价款commercial account (账项)
厂商分部brach manufacturer
厂商劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
厂商劳动力周转率labour turnover-firm
厂商合并firm merger
厂商投资判断investment decision of firms
厂商的倒闭failure of business firms
厂商的倒闭failures of business firms
厂商的关闭mortality of firms
厂商的均衡the equilibrium of the firm
厂商的平衡equilibrium of the firm
厂商评核制度a vendor rating system
厂商鉴定firm verification
合格厂商eligible vendors
在独占中厂商的平衡equilibrium of firm, in monopoly
在独占性竞争中厂商的平衡equilibrium of firm in monopolistic competition
在纯粹竞争中厂商的平衡equilibrium of firmin pure competition
多种产品厂商multiproduct firm
工厂供应批发商mill supply whole-salers
工厂将所有产品只卖给批发商而不卖给零售商The factory sells all its products only to distributors not to retailers
我方将与厂商一起准备好所需产品We shall prepare in conjunction with the manufacturers all the products needed
厂商的加入entry of new firms
独占厂商monopolistic firm
由于生产能力有限,产品的一部分由转包商工厂生产Owing to the limited manufacturing capability, part of the products will be made in the factories of
纯粹竞争中各厂商最小成本的相等identity of least-cost figures of firms, in pure competition
这家工厂拥有极高的商标忠实性This factory enjoys a high brand loyalty