
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
上岸货码头landing pier
上岸货费用landing rate
不保货后的风险no risk after landing
不负担装货车费用free in and out of trucks
货同时支付concurrent with discharge
中途分整车break bulk car
中途装船队barge train with intermediate drop-offs and pick-ups
人日装吨数tons handled per actual man day
从…卸下out of
从吊上卸下一吊货hoist down a cargo
估计完时间estimated time of finishing discharging
保管及装费用keeping and handling expenses
保证货条件condition guaranteed at discharge
散装货集装箱free flowing bulk material container
免税货单landing order for free goods
免负货责任即卸货费用由收货人负担free discharge
提货物全部final landing
关栈货证明书landing certificate (for bonded goods)
再装rehandling charge
冰阻装ice preventing loading or discharge
准予ship goods with a permit
分别计算的装时间non-reversible laytime
分港货单discharging report in separate port
到岸价加岸条件成本、保险费、运费加卸岸条件C.I.F. landed terms
到岸价加货价条件成本、 保险费、运费加卸货价条件cost, insurance, freight landed terms
半拆semi-knock down
货物set down
下船上货物unship a cargo
下船上货物unlade a ship
入驳船discharge into lighter
short landed
岸价格目的港码头交货价landed price
岸成本费用landed cost
岸数量landing quantity
岸数量条件landing quantity terms
岸程序landing process
岸顺序号running landing number
load shedding
lay off
集装箱箱指示general discharge instruction
箱说明书general discharge instruction
unship a cargo
clear a ship
荷平台relieving platform
unship a cargo
discharge goods
discharge cargo
货上岸land goods from a ship
货代理人break bulk agent
货单discharging report
货后不保风险no risk after discharge
货后无责任no risk after discharge
货后解除责任not risk after discharge
货和提货landing and delivery
货地点unload point
货完毕确切时间accurate time of completing discharge
货损失loss during discharge
货接受单boat note
货接受单boarding note
运费货时支付concurrent with discharge
货月台arrival platform
货机场port of air debarkation
货流量discharge flow
货清单full outturn
货港内陆承运人inland carrier at port of discharge
货港口port discharge
货港口discharge port
货港序calling for orders
收货人向船公司办理货港订运手续home booking
货港顺序discharging port rotation
货申请单application to unload
货码头landing pier
货自理free out
货记录表discharging recording statement
货证明书由输入国海关出具landing certificate
货详单cargo boat note
货质量条件指卖方保证运交的货物品质与合同规定相符landed quality term
货费率landing rate
cost货费用unload charge
货费用landing charge
货费用包括报关、上货、过磅、驳运、吊车等费用discharging expense
unload the cart
载不当improper discharge
载完成completion of discharge
载港port of discharge
载港port of unloading
载港port of destination
载率rate of discharging
载证指海关查验员经对货船进行检查,核对有关文件,证明货物已卸载,办完通关手续,开给船长的证明文件jerque note
受托及责报告表charge and discharge statement
受托及责账目charge and discharge account
变更货港货物diversion cargo
吊上吊下装lift-on/lift off system
吊上吊下装lift-on and lift-off system
园筒形装设备drum handler
在开舱货前支付before breaking bulk
在码头discharging at wharf
在码头discharge at wharf
通知单collection order
条款按实卸量支付运费条款deficiency clause
实际货量actual discharge
将货从车上unlade the cargo from a cart
尽快装fast as can (f.a.c.)
岸边装appurtenances apron
延期delay in unloading
开始货确切时间accurate time of starting discharge
开舱breaking bulk
开舱breakout a cargo
强制forced discharge
载船idle ship
把货从车上unlade the cargo from a cart
抓斗货条款grab discharge clause
抵目的港货量outturn of the shipment
knocked down
take down
与代换Remove and Replace
价值breakup value
价值break-up value
作业disassembling operation
分装出口knockdown export
分装出口knock-down export
分装进口knockdown import
teardown stand
搬迁费用debugging expense
故障报告teardown deficiency report
有用零件cannibalize for good items
knock down
经理人break bulk agent
船舶保险条款breakup clause
按最后货量计算的运费freight on final outturn
责任pass the buck
整船装效率系数through ship efficiency factor
无装设备船只gearless vessel
最终载港final port of discharge
未准ship goods without a permit
机器装machine loading
检验拆stripped for inspection
先收运费stop for freight
水上floating landing
污货装奖金dirty money
汽油货铁路终点站petrol railhead
牲畜discharge alive
港口货物装能力cargo handling capacity of a port
滚动装的集装箱堆场roll-on/roll-off yard
港口congestion surcharge
漂浮afloat discharge
由驳船货到码头discharging from floating to wharf
指卸货后短货及少卸货物所占比率rate of short-landed and overland cargo
证明书short landing certificate
证明书short-landed memo
说明书short landed memo
账单short-landing account
货物追查单collection tracer
码头到货船的装作业quay-to-ship stevedoring
码头装工人long shoreman
码头集装箱装方式container handling system at terminal
砂装sand handling
累计装时间cumulative hour
组装、装与船运设备Assembly, Handling and Shipping Equipment
维修、安装和拆maintenance, assembly and disassembly
自动货车dump truck
自动载船self-unloading ship
自动倾卡车dump truck
自动倾end tipper
自动倾dump car
舱面装设备deck gear
船上装机具ship's gear
船主装条件指货物装卸费由船方负担berth terms
船方不负担装的运费率free in and out freight rates
船方不负担装货费用free in and out
船方不负担装费和积载费free in and out and stowed
船方不负担装费和税款free in and out and free taxes
船方不负担装费,积载和平舱费free in and out, stowed and trimming
船方不负责装货费用FIO (free in and out)
船舶装作业stevedoring operation
船舶装全过程时间turn round time
船舶装过程指船舶进港、卸货、装货、离港的全过程turn round
船边discharge overside
装、两港both ends
交货管理员cargo sheet clerk
作业loading-unloading operation
作业工时man hour for loading-discharging
作业工时man-hour for loading and discharging
作业机械化mechanization of loading and unloading operation
作业系数coefficient of loading and unloading operation
作业线cargo operating line
作业量loading or unloading operation amount
停港时间turnaround time
集装箱区内调运terminal transit
集装箱区到门运输服务terminal-to-door service
区调运terminal transit
地的两端both ends
货物用夹子cargo grip
完毕completed loading
定额cargo handling quota
longshore man
工序cargo handling unit operation
工时产量output per man-hour
工时定额计算单位为工时/吨man-hour quota
平台delivery bank
成本loading and unloading cost
效率efficiency in loading and unloading
时间lay days
时间计算书lay time statement
时间计算表lay days statement
期间损失loss substained during loading and unloading
期限内星期日除外租船合同用语Sundays excepted in laydays
机械作业台时machine-hour in service
机械停工台时machine-hour idleness
机械日历台时calendar machine-hour of handling machinery
terminal port
港口loading and discharging ports
系数coefficient of loading and unloading
能力capacity for loading and unloading
自动化系数coefficient of automation of loading and unloading
负责人组长chief tallyman
货平均计时average layday
货时间lay time
货物绞车cargo winch
货船方免责条件free in and out
handling charge
cost of loading and unloading
费用loading and unloading expenses
费用handling expense
费除外exclusive of loading and unloading
跳板dock leveler
进度表diagram of loading / discharge progress
重量限度heavy handy deadweight
领班chief tallyman
装货与loading and discharging
装货和loading and discharging
未在指定港卸货的货物指在其它未经指定的港卸货overlanded cargo
货物讫记录clearance note
货物载上陆后不保风险no risk after landing
货物到目的地货后付运费freight to be paid after discharge at destination
货物装包括移动、 搬运、装卸cargo handing
货物装作业cargo handing operation
货物装cargo handling over bill
货物装定额装卸货物的单位劳动量cargo handing quote
货物装工人cargo stevedores
货物装工序指装卸作业的各工序cargo handing unit operation
货物装情况cargo in and out
货物装技术cargo handling technology
货物装效率efficiency of cargo-handling
货物装系数coefficient of cargo-handling
货物装能力cargo handling capacity
货物装能力cargo handling productivity
货物装能力cargo handing productivity
货物装设备cargo handing equipment
货物装设备cargo gear
货物装过程process of cargo-handling
货物discharging cargo
起岸landing of goods
起岸货费landing hire
车货中途分Bulk Breaking Point
选择货港提货单指货主可选择卸货港的提货单optional bill of lading B/L
重力gravity unloading
野蛮装rough handling
集装箱船清单container unloading list
集装箱装作业container handling operation
集装箱装container loader
集装箱装container handling method
集装箱装设备container access equipment
预定完成货时间estimated time of completion of discharging
预计装完成时间estimated time of completion