
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一回路压系统primary relief system
式采掘casting cut
不可推的义务compelling obligation
中部载式卡车centre dump car
中部载式挂车centre dump trailer
中间掩模自动装automatic reticle loader
事故forced unloading
传真分组组装/拆facsimile packet assembly/disassembly
车厢side discharging car
车斗side-tipping skip
载重车厢side tip truck
侧向货翻斗车side dumper
侧向货翻斗车side-dump truck
侧向货翻斗车side dump body
侧边side discharge
式手推车tilting cart
tip wagon
tip cart
分批batch discharge
分组拆packet disassembly
分组组装/拆packet assembly/disassembly
分组组装/拆器协议packet assembler/disassembler protocol
刚性铰线机装备有线轴自动装载和载装置The rigid stranding machine is equipped with bobbin auto-loading and unloading device
半拆开的semi knocked down
半拆开的semi-completely knocked down
载表volume unload table
下的燃料unloaded fuel
出位置removed position
出工具extraction tool
从反应堆出的燃料discharged fuel
depressurisation (depressurization)
压事故depressurization accident
压事故depressurisation accident
事故压状态depressurization phase
压系统relief system
压系统depressurized system
压阀排岀液relief valve effluent
fuel unloaded
料仓unloading bunker
料区unloading area
料后监控贮存post defueling monitored storage
输送机料器belt tripper
料容器discharge cask
料平台unloading bay
料斜槽discharge chute
料机fuel unloading machine
料机discharge machine
料机构fuel unloading device
料步骤discharge procedure
料段unloading bay
料水池discharge pond
料程序discharge procedure
料管道discharge channel
料计划unloading schedule
油栈台oil drain platform
油泵oil drain pump
油管oil drain pipe
煤场coal unloading yard
煤场coal dumping yard
煤栈台coal unloading platform
煤沟track hoppers
煤沟ground coal hopper
煤装置coal unloading device
燃料fuel discharge
燃料斜槽fuel chute
load cutting off
荷损失outlet losses
荷板discharging platform
负载换燃料off-load refueling
货代理行landing agent
车线dumping line
load cutting off
载合格因子unload eligibility factor
载室unloading chamber
载时间unloading time
载燃料unloaded fuel
载速率deloading rate
双侧倾double side tipping wagon
双边倾double side tipping wagon
使反应堆降压depressurize a reactor
removable part
线夹removable clip
连接detachable contact joint
可变伸距煤机luffing crane coal unloader
可拆核燃料元件棒束demountable element bundle
可拆把开关loose key switch
可拆混凝土块removable heavy concrete block
可拆的三通tee split
可拆的橡胶坝collapsible rubber dam
可拆的联轴短管removable shaft adapter
可拆磁盘记录器detachable disk recorder
可拆过滤装置demountable filter
可翻动料的斗车hinged hopper
式货车reardump truck
式车end-dump truck
reardump wagon
堆芯core unloading
堆芯料孔塞堵板core discharge plug
堆芯燃料装管理in and out of core fuel management
安装和拆平台场地erection and dismantling bay
安装间及拆erection and dismantling bay
完全拆开的completely knocked down
定期倾periodic dumping
容器container unloading
乏燃料容器料池cask unloading pool
密封组件拆工具seal assembly removal tool
导线出工具wire extraction tool
自卸汽车end dump car
式卡车end-tipping lorry
带保护膜中间掩模装pelliclized reticle loader
拖车bottom-dump trailer
bottom dump truck
底开门载拖车centre dump trailer
底开门载车centre dump car
底开门式料车hopper wagon
底部bottom dump
成本、保险费、运费加货价cost,insurance freight landed terms (C.I.F. landed terms)
抓斗煤机clamshell coal unloader
stripping force
工具tool removal
平均间隔时间mean time between removals
燃料元件柱dismantling machine
knocked down
耳环split lug
装置stripping equipment
车间stripping workshop
按实货物支付运费concurrent with actual discharge
按班轮装条件的成本、保险费及运费价cost, insurance, freight liner terms (C.I.F. liner terms)
接端除工具termination removal tool
接触件出力contact extraction force
控制棒导向结构水下拆工具control rod guide structure underwater removal tool
控制棒束装与更换装置rod cluster control handling and changing fixture
控制棒束装固定装置control rod cluster changing fixture
控制棒装control rod cluster handling station
斗链煤机bucket chain unloader
材料装平台material access platform
核燃料元件装装置fuel element handling device
核燃料装fuel handling area
核燃料装及升降装置fuel handling and lifting device
核燃料装和贮存系统fuel handling and storage system
混凝土料漏斗concrete hopper
货物指货物未在预定卸货港下卸;而是误卸在其他港口overlanded cargo
滚装船和roll on/roll off ship
燃料fuel unloaded
燃料fuel breakdown cell
燃料装吹洗通风系统排气过滤器fuel handling purge system exhaust filter
燃料装吹洗通风系统真空泵fuel handling purge system vacuum pump
燃料装控制室fuel handling control room
燃料装斜通道fuel handling ramp
燃料装设备fuel handling equipment
燃料运输罐装fuel shipping cask loading and unloading station
球床料系统discharge system of pebble bed
球形核燃料料系统discharge system of pebble bed
电动固定式犁式煤器motor-operated fixed coal plough
电动移动式犁式煤器motor-operated movable coal plough
皮带装belt loader
移动分组组装/拆mobile packet assembler/disassembler
稳压器压箱pressurizer relief tank
稳压器压阀pressurizer relief valve
架空索道起重机斗空中aerial dump
组装与拆assembly and disassembly
终端分组组装/拆terminal packet assembler/disassembler
缆索式煤机cable coal unloader
式拖车dump trailer
self-dumping truck
self-dumping wagon
速度self-discharge rate
自动压系统automatic depressurization system
反应堆自动automatical discharge
反应堆自动automatic discharge
自动料车automatic dump truck
自动煤车coal tripper
自动负荷automatical discharge
自动负荷automatic discharge
自动侧出渣车automatical side-dump muck car
自动侧出渣车automatic side-dump muck car
自动侧卡车side-dump truck
自动倾式货车dump truck
自动倾automatical tipper
自动倾automatic tipper
蒸汽发生器压管steam generator relief line
虚拟分组组装/拆virtual PAD
螺旋车机screw unloader
产生的变形handling strain
产生的应力handling stress
trestle work
吊车handling device
handling hole
式模板moving form
式模板collapsible form
核燃料操作charge and discharge operations
操作费用handling crane
料点load unloading point
料起重机fuel manipulator crane
handling machine
loading and unloading bridge
次序loading turn
handling station
系统handling system
装与roll on/roll off
装料与fuel loading and unloading
装载与roll on/roll off
计划料燃耗scheduled discharge burn up
设计基准压事故design basis depressurization accident
转筒式燃料装drum handling machine
运输容器货站shipping container unloading station
连续装料机continuous charge-discharge mechanism
钱接的安全压盘hinged pressure relief panel
料容器plutonium load out vessel
链斗式货机digging ladder
驳船货港port for unloading with barge
驳运费与船上装lighterage & stevedorage