
Terms containing 卡盘 | all forms | in specified order only
wind.一卡钳盘式制动器one caliper disc brake
oil万向吸震隔水管卡盘gimballing/shock absorbing riser spider
wind.万能卡盘universal chuck
auto.车床万能卡盘universal chuck
auto.卡盘universal chuck
tech.三卡瓦卡盘three-jaw chuck
wind.三卡钳盘式制动器three caliper disc brake
tech.三爪卡盘chuck with three-jaws
tech.三爪卡盘ring wheel chuck
met.三爪卡盘three-jawed chuck
tech.平面螺旋式自动定心三爪卡盘scroll chuck
wind.三爪卡盘three jaw chuck
wind.三爪卡盘cam-ring chuck
tech.三爪自动定心卡盘scroll chuck
tech.三爪卡盘three-jaw chuck
construct.三爪自动定心卡盘three-jaw concentric chuck
CNC三爪卡盘spiral chuck
tech.三爪万能卡盘three-jaw universal chuck
tech.三爪分动卡盘three-jaw independent chuck
tech.三爪气动卡盘delta air chuch
gen.三爪气动卡盘delta air chuck
tech.三爪自动定心卡盘scroll chuck
tech.不停产卡盘non-stop chuck
tech.两爪卡盘two-jaw chuck
tech.两爪卡盘two-jawed chuck
tech.两爪卡盘box chuck
CNC卡盘main chuck
CNC主主轴卡盘main spindle chuck
tech.主要卡盘prime cartridge
mech.eng.主轴箱和卡盘固定住一根棒料的一端The headstock and chuck hold one end of a piece of the bar stock
wind.二卡钳盘式制动器two caliper disc brake
tech.传动卡盘drive chuck
tech.伸缩式吊盘卡retractable scaffold bracket
tech.偏心卡盘eccentric chuck
tech.光盘控制卡optical disk control card
tech.光盘控制卡optic disk control card
mech.eng.内拉簧卡盘draw in chuck
tech.内拉簧卡盘draw-in chuck
tech.内爪卡盘inside jaw chuck
tech.凸缘卡盘flange chuck
tech.凸轮卡盘cam plate
tech.凸轮卡盘cam chuck
tech.凸轮卡盘cam disc
shipb.凸轮锁紧卡盘cam lock chuck
mech.eng.分动四爪 卡盘independent chuck
mech.eng.分动四爪,单独移爪卡盘independent chuck
oil分动卡盘independent chuck
tech.分动螺旋卡盘independent screw chuck
tech.分度卡盘index chuck
tech.分度头卡盘dividing head chuck
tech.刨床转度卡盘planer center
CNC卡盘vice chuck
CNC副主轴卡盘vice spindle chuck
auto.动力卡盘power-operated chuck
tech.动力卡盘用缸及阀cylinder and valve for power chuck
compr.四爪单动卡盘four-jaw independent chuck
auto.单动卡盘independent chuck
tech.单动联动两用卡盘combination chuck
tech.单独移爪卡盘independent chuck
tech.单轴自动卡盘车床single-spindle automatic chucking machine
oil卡夹盘safety chuck
dril.卡夹盘自动化钻机中代替方瓦与卡瓦safety chuck
tech.卡尔逊罗盘Carlson compass
IT卡式硬盘card-level hard disk
el.卡拉 OK 唱视盘compact disc-karaoke
tech.卡爪盘dog plate
busin.卡片-磁盘信息转换card-to-disk conversion
telecom.卡片-磁盘转换card-to-disk conversion
met.卡片-磁盘转换card-to-disc conversion
dril.卡瓦卡盘slip spider
oil卡瓦型套管卡盘slip-type casing spider
oil卡瓦座盘slip spider
tech.卡盘clamping chuck
tech.卡盘holding chuck
tech.卡盘spider and slips
tech.卡盘wedge ring
auto.卡盘chuck base (chuck)
tech.卡盘wedge block
archit.卡盘face plate
compr.卡盘rotation chuck
plast.卡盘jaw chuck
eng.geol.卡盘slip bowl
tech.卡盘slip spider
tech.卡盘clutch jaw
tech.卡盘bowl and slips
tech.卡盘adapter socket
auto.卡盘仿形车床chucking copying lathe
tech.卡盘作业chuck work
tech.卡盘凸缘chuck flange
tech.卡盘卡爪张开量opening of jaws
tech.卡盘卡瓦chuck piece
tech.卡盘卡瓦chuck jaw
forestr.卡盘印子chuck marks
tech.卡盘固定螺钉chuck set screw
auto.卡盘多刀车床multi-tool chucking lathe
mech.eng.卡盘夹头collect adapter
forestr.卡盘夹痕chuck marks
tech.卡盘工作chucking work
tech.卡盘式机床chucking machine
tech.卡盘式转塔车床chucking machine
compr.卡盘chuck holder
tech.卡盘扳子chuck master
tech.卡盘扳手chuck handle
CNC卡盘扳手chuck wrench
tech.卡盘扳手孔hand chucking hole
tech.卡盘把手chuck lever
shipb.卡盘把手chuck handle
tech.卡盘cartridge stop
tech.卡盘最大装夹直径chuck capacity
CNC卡盘松夹拉杆chuck fastening and loosening pull rod
CNC卡盘松开接头chuck loosening joint
CNC卡盘松开油路chuck loosening oil-way
shipb.卡盘板子chuck master
compr.卡盘chuck holder
mech.eng.卡盘chuck jaws
compr.卡盘chuck jaw
oil卡盘甲板spider deck
auto.卡盘直径diameter of chuck
auto.卡盘直径chuck diameter
tech.卡盘磨床chucking grinder
tech.卡盘spider piping
tech.卡盘spider tube
tech.卡盘spider tubing
tech.卡盘spider pipe
tech.卡盘类型chuck type
auto.卡盘精整车床chucking finish lathe
tech.卡盘螺栓chuck bolt
oil卡盘补心spider bushing
tech.卡盘衬套spider bushing
oil卡盘装置chuck assembly
space卡盘车床chuck lathe
auto.卡盘车床chucking lathe
tech.卡盘车床end lathe
tech.卡盘钳夹chuck collet
CNC卡盘锁紧接头chuck locking joint
CNC卡盘锁紧油路chuck locking oil-way
auto.卡盘间最大距离maximum distance between chucks
tech.卡盘顶丝chuck bolt
construct.卡车上安装的绞盘式起重机lorry mounted winch
tech.卡车底盘truck chassis
tech.压缩空气卡盘compressed-air chuck
shipb.压缩空气卡盘compressed air chuck
tech.叉形卡盘fork chuck
tech.双卡瓦卡盘two-jawed chuck
tech.双卡瓦卡盘two-jaw chuck
tech.双爪卡盘union chuck
tech.双爪卡盘box chuck
tech.双绞曲柄卡盘double toggle chuck
tech.双轴斜床身卡盘机床chucker two-axis slant bed machine
oil反向卡盘inverted spider
tech.可替换式卡盘轴套replaceable chuck bushings
dril.下重套管用吊卡卡盘elevator spider
tech.吊卡一卡盘elevator spider
transp.同心万能卡盘concentric chuck
wind.同心卡盘concentric chuck
auto.同心万能卡盘concentric chuck
tech.同心卡盘concentrical chuck
oil四爪卡盘independent chuck
wind.四爪卡盘four-jaw plate
tech.四爪卡盘four-jaw independent chuck
auto.四爪卡盘four-jaw chuckplate
wind.四爪卡盘four-jaw chuck
tech.四爪卡盘four armed spider
tech.四爪分动卡盘four-jaw independent chuck
wind.四爪单动卡盘four-jaw independent chuck
tech.四爪单动车床卡盘four-jaw independent lathe chuck
wind.四爪同心卡盘four-jaw concentric chuck
tech.四爪平面卡盘branch chuck
tech.固定卡钳式钢盘制动器fixed-calliper disk brake
tech.固定卡钳式钢盘制动器fixed-caliper disk brake
el.固态软盘卡solid-state floppy disk card
auto.复合卡盘combination chuck
tech.复式卡盘combination chuck
tech.多工位卡盘立式自动车床multi-automatic vertical spindle automatic chucking machine
gen.多工位卡盘立式自动车床Mult-Automatic Vertical spindle automatic chucking ma chine
tech.多轴卡盘自动机床multispindle chucking automatic machine
auto.多轴卡盘自动车床multi-spindle horizontal automatic chucking lathe
tech.多轴钻床卡盘multiple spindle drill chuck
tech.大通孔四爪单动卡盘four jaw large hole chuck
tech.夹在卡盘上的工件chucked work
compr.夹紧卡盘expansion chuck
tech.夹紧卡盘nipple chuck
wind.套爪卡盘collet chuck
tech.套爪卡盘grip chuck
mech.eng.套筒卡盘muff clamp chuck
tech.套筒卡盘muff clamp chuck
tech.套筒卡盘muff chuck
oil套管卡盘casing spider
oil套管吊卡盘casing elevator-spider
eng.geol.孔口卡盘jaw chuck
oil安全卡盘safety stirrup
tech.安全螺栓卡盘safety screw chuck
met.定位卡盘positioning chuck
tech.带爪卡盘chuck face-plate
met.带臂卡盘lever chuck
tech.平面卡盘face chuck
tech.平面卡盘cement chuck
tech.平面卡盘disk chuck
tech.平面卡盘drawing gear
tech.平面卡盘draw-in gear
oil弹簧卡盘expanding chuck
tech.弹簧卡盘split chuck
tech.弹簧卡盘spring split chuck
met.弹簧卡盘spring chuck
tech.弹簧卡盘cutter chuck
shipb.心轴卡盘arbor chuck
auto.手动卡盘manually operated chuck
tech.手动卡盘hand chuck
multimed.托盘卡tray card
UN, tech.托盘装载卡车truck, pallet loading
tech.攻丝卡盘threading chuck
avia.数字卡盘记录系统digital cartridge recording system
construct.卡盘cup chuck
tech.杯形卡盘cup chuck
tech.棒料卡盘bar chuck plate
tech.椭圆卡盘elliptical chuck
tech.椭圆卡盘elliptic chuck
compr.气动卡盘air chuck
oil气动卡盘air spider
tech.气动卡盘pneumatic chuck
tech.气动卡盘compressed-air chuck
manag.永续盘存卡perpetual inventory card
manag.永续盘存卡perpetual inventory form
consult.永续盘存卡perpetual inventory record
tech.油压卡盘oil chuck
oil油管卡盘tubing spider
space法兰卡盘flange chuck
compr.活络卡盘jack chuck
tech.浮动丝锥卡盘floating tap chuck holder
tech.浮动卡钳式钢盘制动器floating-caliper disc brake
auto.卡盘oil chuck
wind.液压卡盘oil chuck
eng.geol.液压卡盘hydraulic chunk
compr.液压卡盘hydraulic chuck
tech.液压控制快速定心卡盘fast-acting hydraulic controlled self centrical chuck
oil深井套管卡盘deepwell casing spider
tech.滑楔卡盘sliding wedge chuck
tech.卡盘dog chuck
met.爪式卡盘jaw chuck
auto.爪式齿卡盘jaw chuck
tech.爪式卡盘claw chuck
auto.卡盘夹紧的作业chucked work
tech.电动卡盘electrical chuck
tech.电动卡盘electric chuck
auto.电磁magnetic chuck
met.电磁卡盘electric magnet chuck
met.电磁卡盘magnetic chuck
tech.电磁卡盘electromagnetic chuck
tech.电磁卡盘electrical magnetic chuck
chem.电磁卡盘magnetic clutch
telecom.电磁卡盘magnet chuck
telecom.电磁卡盘.magnetic chuck
tech.电磁卡盘electric magnetic chuck
busin.盘存卡片stocktaking card
tech.盘存计数卡tally card
tech.瞬时夹紧卡盘quick-acting chuck
auto.短圆柱卡盘chuck with short cylinder adaptor
auto.短圆锥卡盘chuck with short taper adaptor
auto.砂轮卡盘wheel flange
auto.砂轮卡盘grinding wheel chuck
IT硬盘隔离卡hard disk separated card
ITATA 硬盘驱动ATA hard disk drive card
proj.manag.ATA 硬盘驱动卡ATA hard disk drive card
met.卡盘magnetic holding device
tech.磁性卡盘magnetic chuck
tech.磁性卡盘magnetic drill
IT磁盘卡disk card
tech.磁罗盘偏差记录卡片deviation card
tech.磨床平卡盘runner back
tech.离心卡盘centrifugal chuck
auto.离心力补偿卡盘centrifugally compensated chuck
met.移动钢管卡盘moving pipe chuck
oil立管卡盘riser spider
tech.管子卡盘pipe chuck
shipb.箱形卡盘box chuck
tech.缆索绞盘卡车cable reel truck
tech.罗盘卡compass card
tech.罗盘卡compass dial
tech.罗盘卡基线compass card axis
tech.罗盘卡摆动不定compass is wild
tech.罗盘卡浮室compass float
tech.罗盘卡转动不灵compass hangs
tech.肘环套接卡盘toggle chuck
oil自动卡盘automatic chuck
oil自动卡盘automatic spider
tech.自动卡盘车床automatic chucking machine
tech.自动卡盘车床automatic chucking lathe
mech.eng.自动偏心夹紧卡盘work driver
oil自动双管卡盘吊卡dual automatic spider-elevator
tech.自动定心卡盘concentrical jaw chuck
tech.自动定心卡盘concentric jaw chuck
auto.自定心卡盘self-centering chuck
chem.自定心三爪卡盘three-jaw selfcen-tering chuck
tech.自定心三爪卡盘three-jaw self-centering chuck
met.花盘卡爪face plate chucking jaws
met.螺旋卡盘screw chuck
tech.螺杆卡紧卡盘screw chuck
wood.车床卡盘lathe chuck
shipb.车轮卡盘wheel chuck
oil转盘卡瓦rotary slips
dril.转盘方瓦的卡瓦座圈master bushing bowl
auto.轮毂卡盘hub chuck
el.软磁盘适配器卡diskette adapter card
tech.软钢卡爪卡盘soft jaw chuck
tech.通用卡盘universal chuck
met.钟形卡盘bell chuck
tech.钟形卡盘cup chuck
archit.钥匙式卡盘key chuck
compr.钻头卡盘drill chuck
tech.钻机立轴卡盘drive quill
tech.钻机立轴卡盘drive chuck
tech.钻杆卡盘drive quill
tech.钻杆卡盘drill rod drive quill
tech.钻杆卡盘扳手rod chuck wrench
construct.软钢卡爪卡盘soft jaw chuck
tech.铁卡爪卡盘soft jaw chuck
tech.铣刀卡盘cutter chuck
compr.铳刀卡盘cutter chuck
el.键盘卡片穿孔机keyboard card puncher
tech.键盘式卡片检孔机key card verifier
tech.键盘式卡片穿孔机key card punch
oil隔水导管卡盘riser spider
dril.隔水管卡盘riser spider
construct.非停机不停车卡盘non-stop chuck
tech.齿卡盘jaw chuck
tech.齿轮三爪卡盘gear scroll chuck