
Terms for subject Business containing 占 有 | all forms | in specified order only
事实占有seizin in deed
事实上的占有seizin in fact
保持占有retaining possession
信托占有trust possession
共主占有coowner possession
共同占有joint tenure
共有财产的全部占有tenancy by the entirety
占有in possession
占有in possession of
占有产权chose in possession
占有tenant in possession
占有取得acquisition by occupancy
占有名次appropriated berth
占有土地land holding
占有效用possession utility
占有时间holding time
占有本能instinct of appropriation
占有title by occupancy
占有right to possess
占有生产资料appropriate the means of production
占有系数coefficient of occupation
占有范围extent of occupation
合法占有的财产titular property
善意占有bona fide possession
善意占有holder in good faith
固定资产占有amount of fixed assets employed
固定资产有偿占用compensated use of fixed assets
固定资产有偿占用制compensated use of fixed assets system
土地占有appropriation of land
土地占有land tenure
实际占有effective possession
占有的动产chose in possession
市场占有share in the market
当地尚未实际占有的财产chose local
推定占有constructive seizing
收回不法占有动产的请求权claim detinue
法律上的占有seizin in law
法律上的占有de jure possession
流动资金占有occupied rate of current capital
现时占有immediate possession
由买主占有in buyer's possession
租权期满后的占有holding over
法律空房合法占有vacant possession
终身占有life tenure
继续占有continuous possession
联合占有日期joint occupancy date
资产占有bonorum possessio
部分占有附属公司partially owned subsidiary
间接占有indirect possession
非法占有产业wrongful occupation of an estate
非法占有他人采矿权及所有权者claim jumper