
Terms containing 南大西洋 | all forms | in specified order only
geogr.南大西洋Southeast Atlantic
org.name.南大西洋渔业组织South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization
earth.sc.东南热带大西洋联合调査Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic
environ.南大西洋South Atlantic Ocean An ocean south of the equator between the eastern coast of South America and the western coast of Africa that extends southward to the Antarctic continent, including the Drake Passage, South Sandwich Islands and Falkand Islands (位于赤道以南,南美洲的东海岸和非洲的西海岸之间的一个海。延伸到南极大陆,包括德雷克海峡,南桑威奇群岛和福克兰群岛。)
geogr.南大西洋South Atlantic
tech.南大西洋South Atlantic ocean
tech.南大西洋一西伯利亚波系South Atlantic-Siberia crustal-wave system
earth.sc.南大西洋中层水South Atlantic Central Water
tech.南大西洋中脊southern mid-Atlantic ridge
tech.南大西洋双壳类地理亚区South Atlantic bivalve subprovince
earth.sc.南大西洋地区South Atlantic
earth.sc.南大西洋地区South Atlantic Area
earth.sc.南大西洋地磁异常South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly
earth.sc.南大西洋地磁异常South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly
earth.sc.南大西洋开阔海湾South Atlantic Bight
geophys.南大西洋异常South Atlantic anomaly
space南大西洋异常区south Atlantic anomaly (地球辐射带的)
earth.sc.南大西洋洋流South Atlantic Current
geol.南大西洋海岸South Atlantic coast
tech.南大西洋海流South Atlantic current
tech.南大西洋深层和底层水South Atlantic deep and bottom water
tech.南大西洋航行警告navigational warning for South Atlantic
earth.sc.南大西洋辐合区South Atlantic Convergence Zone
earth.sc.南大西洋辐合带South Atlantic Convergence Zone
space南大西洋辐射异常South Atlantic radiation anomaly (南大西洋上空的地球内辐射带异常现象)
tech.南大西洋间断分布South Atlantic disjunction
tech.南大西洋高压South Atlantic high (pressure)
geogr.南极大西洋Antarctic Atlantic
earth.sc.南美洲/南大西洋South America/South Atlantic
earth.sc.南美洲大西洋边缘South American Atlantic Margin
org.name.国际东南大西洋渔业委员会International Commission for the Southeast Atlantic Fisheries
ecol.大西洋欧石南型荒原Atlantic ericaceous heath
desert.大西洋沿岸石南灌丛Atlantic coastal heath
ecol.大西洋沿岸石南荒原Atlantic coastal heath
navig.大西洋西南烃类委员会Southwest Atlantic Hydrocarbons Commission
geogr.西南大西洋Southwest Atlantic
org.name.西南大西洋区域渔业咨询委员会Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic
ecol.西南大西洋渔业区咨询委员会Regional Fisheries Advisory Commission for the Southwest Atlantic
org.name.西南大西洋渔业经济发展工作组Ad Hoc Working Party on Fishery Economic Development in the Southwest Atlantic
fishery西南大洋Southwest Oceanic