
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
交换腿转体180° 结环跳hop with 180° turn flexing rear leg backward
low bar
low horizontal bar
low horizontal bar
侧撑环全旋double-leg circles in cross support on one pommel
鞍马动祚侧撑环全旋double-leg circles in cross support on one pommel
俯撑腿穿越成纵劈腿through with one leg to split
俯撑屈腿成纵劈腿through with one leg to split
倒立前软翻脚站立balance over to stand with single leg handstand
前手翻脚落地handspring with single leg falling on the ground
前提脚臂倒立转体180° 下平衡木动作windy
个动作的重复repetition of exercise-element
人基本动作ground tumbling
元训练unit train
套动作pattern competition
竞技体操套比赛unit competition
竞技体操套比赛individual event finals
竞技体操套比赛pattern competition
竞技体操套比赛Competition III
手倒立one-hand balance
手抛棒双手接throw up the club with one hand and take it back with both hands
手抛棒另手接throw up the club with one hand and take it back with the other
手持球hold the ball by single hand
手握绳体前后8绕环rope circled "8" in front and back of the body by single hand
手绕绳上抛双手接rope thrown up and taken back by two hands while single hand swinging
手连续拍球ball patted continuously by single hand
挂膝向前回环half knee circle forward upward
挂膝向后回环half knee circle backward upward
挂膝回环half knee circle
horizontal bar
项目horizontal bar
杠支柱uprights of the horizontal bar
杠腹撑平衡 Lswan (高低杠动作)
独扣分single deduction
独给分individual score
瑞士式单腿全旋同时转体 180°single Swiss
纯大回环simple giant swing
纯支撑simple support
结环跳jump with ring of one leg
肘水平撑single-elbow horizontal lever
肩后滚翻成单腿跪撑one shoulder rolls backward to single knee support
肩向后屈体滚翻back shoulder roll
肩挺身后滚翻one shoulder rolls backward with body trunk arching
肩支撑support on one shoulder
脚前出站立walking stance
脚前出站立walk stand
脚向前出立walking stance
脚向前出立walk stand
脚蹲杠成高杠正撑single-leg upstart with support of the other leg
脚转体360°full pirouette
腿依次摆越平移成环上后撑travel spreading
腿全旋single-leg circle
腿前屈跳stretched hop with movement of the free leg
腿前摆single-leg swing forward
腿前摆转体180° 跳single-leg swing with half turn jumping
腿后手翻flic-flac from one leg
腿向前切下single cut-off dismount forward
腿向前挺身空翻下平衡木front aerial
腿向后弯腰站立stride stand with deep arch backward
腿或双腿后手翻flic-flac back handspring on one or more legs
腿或双腿后手翻flic-flac back handspring on one or two legs
腿或双腿后手翻flic-flac on one or two legs
腿手翻handspring on one leg
腿摆动跳转体180°single-leg swing with half turn
腿摆越single-leg swing over
腿支撑single-leg support
腿瑞士人由正撑开始:右腿向前摆越换握并转体180°simple Swiss
腿穿越single half circle
腿站立体前屈scale forward with full split
腿站立体后屈scale forward with full split
腿站立另一腿后举stand by single leg with the other lifted backward
腿站立另腿前屈stand with one foot to the knee
腿结环跳arch jump with one leg at head height
腿跪立half kneeling
腿跪转体knee spin
腿蹬地前手翻handspring forward take-off from one leg
腿蹲撑squat mount with one leg
腿转体single-leg twist
膝跪立free knee stand
臂侧手翻one-arm cartwheel
臂倒立one-hand balance
臂倒立stand on one hand
臂倒立one-arm balance
臂后手翻one~arm back handspring
臂后手翻flic-flac with one arm
臂后手翻one-arm back handspring
臂大回环single-arm giant swing
臂大回环single arm giant swing
臂引体向上one-arm chin
臂手倒立one-arm handstand
臂手翻one-arm handspring
臂手翻handspring with support of one arm
双人技巧臂托举one-arm lift
臂提举过头overhead one arm lift
臂支撑侧手翻cartwheel on far arm
臂支撑手倒立handstand with sidehold
臂支撑环外向后直角下鞍马动作false double rear vault
臂水平支撑one-arm planche
臂滚球ball rolled on one arm
臂滚球roll the ball on one arm
臂滚球ball rolling on one arm
足起跳团身侧空翻somersault sideways tucked takeoff with one leg
足跳Voronin hop
足转体360°turn on one leg
single event
项决赛individual event finals
项决赛unit competition
项决赛pattern competition
项决赛Competition III
项决赛apparatus final
项比赛single event competition
双腿跳起的鱼跃前手翻腿或双腿落flyspring with or without step out
反撑腿异侧全旋single-leg inward circle (rear-way support)
后撑腿同侧全旋single-leg circle outward (support rear-ways)
后撑腿异侧全旋single-leg circle inward (support rearways)
向前斜向臂侧翻forward oblique one-arm handspring
向后斜向臂侧手翻backward oblique one-arm handspring
头上臂倒立转体360°one-hand balance on the head roll around
技巧女子人赛women's tumbling
女子人赛women's single
平衡木动作腿跳上wolf mount
并步跳接腿前摆转体180°tour jete (from glissade forward)
手提式portable horizontal bar
腿跨步跳scissors leap
支撑腿同侧全旋single-leg circle outward (front support)
支撑腿向前摆越成支撑support overswing forward with the single leg to the original position
支撑腿异侧全旋single-leg circle inward (front support)
木段脚起跳向前团身空翻下gainer dismount
木端脚起跳向前团身空翻下gainer dismount
正撑环全旋double -leg circles in side -support on one pommel
正撑环全旋double-leg circles in side-support on one pommel
正撑后摆屈腿摆越成骑撑through with one leg
环外骑撑腿向后摆越成支撑spread one leg backward
环外骑撑腿向后摆越成支撑spreading one leg backward
男子人赛men's tumbling
男子人赛men's singles
男子men's horizontal bar
男子四men's fours
男子四人桨无舵手men's fours
的荷兰人simple Hollander
联合动作simple series
记分mark slip
记分mark sheet
跳上成腿跪撑step on mount
跳上成腿蹲撑step on mount
跳上成臂倒立jump to handstand on one arm
蹲撑腿全旋single-leg circle on the floor
骑撑腿异侧摆越成支撑undercut inward backward
骑撑屈腿摆越成支撑squat through with one leg backward
upper bar
high bar