
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
一年期订yearly order
一揽子保block policy
一揽子保policy package
一揽子保险package policy
一揽子分保bouquet reinsurance policy
"一揽子或位"标准"package or unit" standard
一揽子订货blanket order
"一揽子"购货定"blanket" purchase order
一般适用的过境报transit declaration for general application
下属位上缴净收益net income turned-in by subsidiaries
不准转让提not negotiable bill of lading
不准进口商品清negative list
人身保险不分红保险without profit
不包括在保中的例外险指外敌侵犯造成的损失queen's enemies
人身险不参加分红的保险non-participating policy
不变位成本fixed unit cost
不可撤销的承兑交信用证irrevocable documentary acceptance credit
不可撤销的跟信用证irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached
不可转让仓nonnegotiable warehouse receipt
不可转让提non negotiable bill of lading
不合格ineligible document
不在位的经理或管理人员absentee manager
不完全名名单抽样list sampling with incomplete lists
意外险不完全所有权保指购买有纠纷的房地产,为避免损失而投保的保险单defective-title policy
不得转让的提straight bill of lading
不洁提dirt bill of lading
不洁提bill of lading with reservation
不洁收货dirty matter receipt
不清洁提附批注的提单foul bill of lading
不清洁提unclean bill of lading
不清洁提即提单上批注有货物包装破损或件数不足等字样的提单dirty bill of lading
不清洁收货dirty mate's receipt
不署名栈general warrant
不能退保的保non-cancellable policy
不记名提即未填收货人的提单blank bill of lading
不跟不附单据汇兑clean remittance
不跟汇票bill unaccompanied by document
不附据汇票clean draft
不附货物所有权据的汇票clean bill of exchange
不需提的担保送货indemnity and guarantee delivery without B/L
与品质订不符variation from quality ordered
与订不符discrepancy in an order
与订品质不符variation from quality ordered
专业人员意外损失补偿保险professional indemnity policy
专门订Special Order
世界劳动平均average unit of universal labour
世界劳动平均average unit of labour on a worldwide basis
业务代表方解约cancellation as per contract by the representative
两全寿险endowment policy
两者择一的订订货alternative order
个人工作时间individual job time ticket
个人工时individual job time ticket
个体位归总aggregation over individuals
个体经济individual economic unit
中心汇率对欧洲货币位比价central rate against ECU
中性不注明出口商名称的单据neutral document
中性提neutral party bill of lading
中性提指以信用证受益人以外的第三者为托运人的提单neutral party bill of lading
企业一分配率single rate for enterprise
企业enterprise unit
企业指独立核算的工商企业business entity
企业型enterprise-type unit
企业的独立independent units of enterprise
企业运销business logistics
企事业enterprise and establishments
会计凭accounting voucher
会计核算accounting entity
会计档案销毁清statement on the destruction of accounting records
会计责任accountability unit
回,报trade circular
hand bill
式广告hand bill
伤亡名list of casualty
伦敦美元存市场London dollar certificate of deposit market
伪造falsification of documents
倍加的简劳动multiplied simple labor
倍加的简和不熟练劳动multiple of simple and unskilled labor
倒填提antedated bills of lading
倒填日期back-dated bill
倒填日期提foredated bill of lading
倒签提ante dated bill of lading
倒签日期提anti-dated bill
借款money-borrowing unit
借款loan bill
借款debt on bill
借款loan note
借款保即按规定从保险公司借款付保费borrow-all policy
借款通知debt note
借贷方账目通知debit and credit advice
借项清将交易对方所欠货款开具清单debit note
核算单位会计divisional accounting
位利润divisional profit
位够本分析divisional break-even analysis
位成本divisional cost
分保保险reinsurance policy
分录凭joint voucher
分录凭general journal voucher
分批制造订job order manufacture
分批定job order
分批定货job order sheet
分批工作生产通知job order
分批成本job order cost sheet
分批成本通知job order cost sheet
分批赎partial retirement
分提即将提单分成两套或两套以上提单separate bill of lading
分散创新decentralized innovative unit
分期储蓄存installment saving contract
分析analysis paper
分港卸货discharging report in separate port
分配红利通知allotment letter
分配给外联位净收益net income distribution to affiliated unit
分项详列验货particular paper
划一alignment of document
初次抽样primary sampling unit
利润损失保险loss of profit policy
利润责任profit responsibility unit
包装或其它装运package or other shipping unit
包装货物清packing list
包裹bill of parcel
抽样list sampling
各类货物投入产出清input-output bill of goods
合伙保险partnership policy
合同保险contract policy
英国出口信用部合同保险contract policy
同一笔账编制的复式现金收入multiple cash receipts document prepared in one writing
同步信号synchronization signal units
后勤支援administrative support unit
圣诞节订Christmas orders
证上签名set one's hand to a document
在制品清schedule of work in process
在途商品保险goods-in-transit policy
堆卸通知collection order
备忘账memorandum bill
备择订alternate order
备查账memorandum bill
备用stand-by instrument
备运提received for shipment bills of lading
备运提货指未装船前签发的提单received for shipment bill of lading
复写式仓duplicate warrant
位投资investment in outside units
位投资基金investment fund source from outside units
外事服务service unit for foreigners
外国汇款foreign money order
外地field unit
外地常设permanent field unit
外汇兑换水exchange slips
外汇批exchange endorsement
外汇水exchange slip
外汇水指客户向外汇银行买卖外汇时,银行开具的外汇交易证明文件exchange memo
外汇结算clearing exchange slip
外汇额度调拨foreign exchange quota allocation form
外贸位价值指数foreign trade unit value index
外部external unit
位公司multiunit corporation
元通信multiunit message
多产品基层multiproduct establishment
多元一方程计量经济模型multivariate single equation econometric model
多址发电报book message
多基层位构成企业multiestablishment enterprise
多层—位连续固定样本调查multistratum one-unit panel survey
多层一位调查multistratum one-unit survey
多式联运multimodal transport documents
多式联运multimodal transport
多收费用overcharge sheet
多级通道single-channel, multiple-stage
多通道阶段multiple-channel, single-stage
多项目一资源系统multi-item single-source system
大型基层large grassroots establishment
大批定pile of order
大批订涌至spark off an inflow of orders
大提master way bill
大量定stack of orders
将订货物集中一次装运pool the order into one shipment
小件货物运parcel ticket
小额订fractional order
少年保险junior insurance policy
市场订货market order
带洗澡间的人客房single with bath
billing clerk
周期cycle billing
据的全过程complete procedure in billing
billing machine
biller machine
billing rate
开出提issuance of bill of lading
开列清list building
开立保险issue a policy
开账state an account
B 式提model B bill of lading
意外事故保险Accident Insurance Policy
意外事故保险contingent policy
意大利辅币合1% 里拉centesimo
成交unit of trading
成套商业commercial set
成套提set of bills of lading
成套账unit statement of account
成套货运包括正本与副本set of shipping documents
成年保险至18岁为止threshold insurance policy
成本中心cost center unit
成本估价cost estimate sheet
成本估算cost estimate sheet
成本清bill of costs
成类cluster unit
成组装箱unit packing list
我方希望您可以接受付款交的付款方式We hope you will accept D/P
我方订数量主要取决于你方所出价格The size of our order depends greatly on the prices
战术tactical unit
战略业务strategic business unit
战略企业strategic business units
人指示提单bearer order bill of lading
持有holding of document
指定保险specific policy
指定收货人提to order bill of lading
指时订time order
指示式提open order bill of lading
per unit value
位责任限度limit on unit liability
项任务核算accounting based on task
按上年位成本计算的总成本total cost per prior year's unit cost
按付款交方式收取某人购货款draw D/P against someone's purchase
按承兑交方式收取某人购货款draw D/A against someone's purchase
按提重量计算的运费freight on bill of lading weight
按收款银行决定交document against discretion of collecting bank
按照附上的明细as per specifications attached
按经济活动分类kind of activity unit
按计划位成本计算的总成本total cost per planned unit cost
按订by order
按需交货订指买方按其需要要求卖方交付定单数量内的部分货物的一种订货方式call off order
搬运cart note
民航搭载客货boarding card
明确的保definite policy
明细itemized bill
明细账account statement
最低运费提即未达到运价表所定最低额minimum bill of lading
最简特征函数simplest characteristic function
最终最优纯形表final optimal simplex tableau
月结comprehensive statement
件备货供应的成套商品open stock
有关supporting voucher
有效定firm order
有权岀租leasing authority
有条件销货conditional bill of sale
有说明的价格illustrated price list
有限信息一方程极大似然法limited information single-equation maximum likelihood method
有限信息一方程法limited information single-equation method
有限制订continence order
有限制订contingency order
有限赔偿责任范围保险limited policy
期货订order for future delivery
未交货订指某一生产企业在年底或月底未向订户完成交货的全部订单数或金额unfilled orders
未列入载货清的货物unmanifested cargo
未发材料领料requisition unfilled
未定保额保险水险保单之一,单上无确定保额, 发生损失后,按到达地完好货物市价赔偿unvalued policy
未开账劳务unbilled services
未开账工程unbilled work
未开账营业收入unbilled revenue
未成年儿童至18岁保险children's deferred policy
海事险未确定保open policy
未附据的汇票bill unaccompanied documents
位交易事项self-dealing transaction
位历史先进成本historical best cost of the entity
本保应付的赔偿额claim recoverable hereunder
本期位产品占用基金额amount of funds per unit during the current period
标价备件priced spare parts list
标准位运费standard unit transport cost
标准位运费standard unit transportation costs
标准元结构standard unit construction
标准standard instrument
标准格式standard bill of lading
标准价值standard unit of value
标准保条件uniform policy condition
标准保条件standard policy condition
标准工具Standard Tool Inventories
标准成本一记录法single plan for standard cost system
标准成本会计一记账法single plan of standard cost accounting
标准统保保standard blanked policy
标准货币记账standard monetary unit of account
bond warrant
warehouse certificate
更换申请书application for a new-warrant
条款warehouse receipt clause
I owe you
accommodation bill
次品通知notification of defective products
次序program unit
次序program element
欧几里德Euclidean simplex
欧洲支付European payment unit
欧洲记账是主要用于共同体预算及发展基金的计算单位,现已由欧洲货币单位" ECU" 代替而不存在European Unit of Account
Eurco欧洲货币合成欧尔科European Composite Unit
清款cash requirement
清洁clean document
清洁提指提单注有"表面状况良好"且无附注予以修改的clean bill of lading
清洁提clean bill of lading
清洁收货clean mate's receipt
清洁空运clean air waybill
已检疫清洁装船clean shipping documents
清理所有订wind up all the orders placed
清算final statement
理想化一方程idealized uni-equation
理想化一方程模式idealized uni-equation model
理货计数tally sheet
理货计数cargo tally sheet
生产unit of production
生产位产品平均必要劳动时间average necessary labour-time for producing a unit of commodity
生产位折旧法depreciation service output method
生产位标准折旧法production unit basis method
生产位法units of production method
生产元组织形式organizational form of production unit
生产实物unit of produced kind
生产成本通知production on order cost sheet
生产订number of production order
生成调类generated monotone class
用于选择计算机的核对清checklist for selecting bookkeeping machine
用广告兜揽订solicit order by advertising
用料track sheet
用料service stock list
weight memo
码头栈仓单dock warrant
码头账dock sheet
码头货货物装船明细单dock sheet
研究research unit
研究位经费research unit expenditure allotment
tax receipts
编号duty memo No.
税收tax voucher
税金存tax deposit certificate
符号、位和命名法symbols, units and nomenclature
第三者提third-party bill of lading
索赔清claim statement
保险业索赔评定adjustment letter
编制账render an account
编制账和过账程序的差异variation in billing and posting procedure
编码coding sheet
缩减订curtailment of order
航海用品免税bill of victualling
航程保险即承保航程船只的保险单voyage policy
航空器位装载用具aircraft unit load devices
航空总保险aviation general policy
航空货运air waybill
航空货运air transportation waybill
航空运货air consignment note
航空邮件托运airmail receipts
航运保voyage policy
内河驳船航运提barge bill of lading
营销marketing unit
调整货adjustment of cargo list
谈判多指一个企业,或企业的工会bargaining unit
独海损责任即货运中由于海上自然灾害及意外事故造成的损失,保险人负责赔偿,包括单独海损在内with particular average
财务financial documents
accountant bill
calculating table
list of account
account statement
到期即付pay as you go
完整性billing integrity
差错billing error
所列金额amount billed
支票制bill cheque
支票制bill check
格式statement of account formats
记录billing records
账户滚存余额结running balance statement of accounts
cargo paper
bill of parcel
与货物不符discrepancy between cargo and document
内重量weight accounting to the manifest
号数number of indent
货主承担风险托运bill of adventure
货币money unit
货币位名称变更change of denominations of monetary units
货币基本currency unit
货物位体积重量density of cargo
货物位化费用bulk unitization charge
货物元化unitization of cargo
货物cargo papers
货物程保险证书cargo single risk certificate
货物保cargo insurance policy
货物号码清numerical list of commodity
货物存栈请验并请准出口报examination and granting export of goods in godown, application for
货物实物计算physical unit of goods
货物托运application for cargo
货物托运清invoice of goods
货物承运forwarding order
货物投入产出清input-output bills of goods
货物报关申报单goods declaration
货物报关application to pass goods through the customs
货物整批位化费用bulk unitization charge
货物明细particular of goods
货物明细particulars of goods
货物清bill of goods
货物装卸cargo handling over bill
经纪人收到的货物装船清broker's return
船运公司所签货物订舱booking note
货物超载和短载overloaded and shortladed cargo list
货物迫查查询单指船公司在卸货中发现货物短缺或残损时,向起运港及沿途各港发岀的查询单cargo tracer
货船上应纳税舱存货物申报mariner' declaration and store content
货车运费cart note
货车运费cartage note
货载位化费用bulk unitization charge
货运freight notes
货运forwarding note
货运元化cargo unitization
货运到付款payment upon the arrival of shipment documents
货运move ment of goods document
货运shipping document
货运documentation of shipment
货运据总清单general list of shipping document
货运交接list of freight delivered and received
货运保险goods-in-transit policy
货运出口报关清shipping specification
货运商forwarder's bill of lading
承运人发给托运人的货运承运商提house bill of lading
货运承运行提forwarding agent's house bill of lading
货运舱cargo manifest
货运路线指令routing order
货运量Traffic Unit
购买申请请购单buying requisition
购入外汇核准authorization sheet for purchase of exchange
购入材料materials purchased sheet
购料material purchase document
购货bought note
购货据簿bought invoice book
购货客户清statement to customers
购货款purchase money
购货退出清单returned purchase invoice
购货退货通知credit memo for purchase return
购销货bought and sold note
退休retirement unit
退休人员名superannuated list
退关货物清shutout memo
退料stores-return slips
退料materials returned note
退料returned material form
退料returned materials ticket
退料material return sheet
退料material return note
退料退货报告returned materials report
退料报告returned material report
退料报告material returned report
退税凭即海关退给进口商所纳的进口税凭证debenture bond
退税报draw-back entry
由收货部门填写的退货goods returned note
退货通知returns sales memo
送货回delivery receipt
送货通知advice of delivery
送达缴税通知accomplishing notice serving
选择卸货港提货指货主可选择卸货港的提货单optional bill of lading B/L
递减位费用法declining unit-use charge method
递增比率保险increasing rate policy
递延利息付款凭deferred interest warrant
递延利息付款凭deferred interest scrip
递延利息付款凭deferred interest certificate
递盘unit price bid
通常的清洁customary clean document
通常的运输customary transport document
通用实物计量common physical unit of measure
通用栈general warrant
通用记账如以美元为记账单位universal unit of account
通知letter on notice
通知:通知书advice note
造船保险builder's policy
造船公司保险ship builder's policy
销售sales slip
销售客户结customer statement
销售清statement of sales
销售确认confirmation of sale slip
销货sale note
销货编号number of list of sale
销货清musters of goods for sale
销货订selling order
销货退回通知credit memo for sales return
销货退回通知credit memorandum for sale return
需求一弹性unitary elasticity of demand
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