
Terms for subject Economy containing 协议的 | all forms | in specified order only
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
不公正的协议an unconscionable agreement
不可分割的协议书a non-separation agreement
不可撤销的协议firm agreement
不能撤销的协议a firm agreement
两公司间的协议已草签The agreement between the two corporations has been initial led
乙方同意根据本协议中陈述的条款转让上述权利Party B agreed to grant said rights according to the terms recited in this agreement
买方与卖方之间的完全协议列于本订单的正反页上The complete agreement between the buyer and the seller is shown on the face and reverse side of the order
他们的代理人已接到指示,并获悉该协议条款Their agents have been instructed and advised of the terms of the agreement
他们通过全面的检査把协议的条款和条件加以确定They settled on the terms and conditions of the agreement through an overall review
代理协议一经签署,赋予代理商的一切权利即宣告有效All rights vested in the agent shall become valid the moment the agency agreement is signed
代表团对本协议的措词以书面的形式提出异议The delegates presented an objection in writing to the wording of the agreement
任何人不得将本协议任何部分用于不道德或非法的目的No one can use any part of the agreement for any immoral or illegal purpose
你们应该执行你方代表所签的协议You ought to fulfil the agreement which was signed by your representative
你们能举出一个我们不履行协议的事例吗?Could you cite an instance where our execution is not in keeping with the agreement?
你必须决定这些货物曲规格是否符合协议的要求You have to decide whether the specifications of the goods conform to the requirement of the agreement
你方没有按协议规定的时间表装运货物,空舱费由你方承担You failed to make the shipment according to the time schedule stipulated in the agreement and the dead freight should be borne by you
修改后的新协议有助于我们成交The new modified agreement helps us to strike a bargain
债务偿还期的延缓协议forbearance agreement
公司间的协议inter-company agreements
共同协议的合理偏差jointly agreed reasonable departure
其余各方的权利和义务并不因某一方撤回本协议而受到影响The rights and obligations of the remaining parties will not be affected by the withdrawal of a certain party from this agreement
出售后所有购回条件的协议sale and repurchase agreements
协议执行中对其条款作任何变动,都会打乱我们的计划Any change in the terms of the agreement during its execution would upset our plan
协议的序言preamble to an agreement
协议的性质the nature of agreement
协议的解除条款the resolutive condition in an agreement
协议里没有对小件物品的数量进行限制的条款No provision in the agreement sets a limitation of the quantity of small articles
卖方和买方已经就下文确定的一切产品的价格达成协议The seller and the buyer have agreed on the prices of all products identified as follows
参加股份的协议a participation agreement
双方中的任何一方如违反本协议的任何条款,另一方可宣布该协议无效In case of any violation of any term of this agreement by either party, the other party may declare the agreement invalid
双方在本协议生效日前已有的全部权利应不受到损害All rights of either party existing before the effective date of the agreement shall remain unimpaired
双方应确保本协议执行的合法性Both parties shall ensure the legality of the performance of this agreement
双方的一切权利和义务均纳入本协议中All rights and obligations of the parties will be merged into this agreement
双方都同意签定代理协议的前题是保证起码的交易额Both parties agree that the premise to the signing of the agency agreement is the guarantee of minimum turnover
各方均受本协议条款的约束Each part shall be bound to the terms of this agreement
合同、协议、条约等等大都是双边的Contracts, agreements, treaties, etc., are mostly bilateral
合资公司的协议应明确说明双方的利润、权利和责任The agreement of the joint venture should spell out the benefits, rights and duties of both parties
因为他们不能完成最低的销售指标,该协议即告终止cause they fail to meet a minimum sales quota n., the agreement is terminated
因为你方撤约的威胁毫无道理,你方仍必须执行协议Because your threat of cancellation is unjustified, you are still obliged to carry out the agreement
因为雇员不能在规定的期限内完成工作,雇主遂终止协议The employer terminated the agreement because the employee was unable to complete the job within the period stipulated herein
在协议签字时,应先付一笔300美元的定金Upon the signing of the agreement the cash down payment of $300 should be made
在双方签署协议起3天内罢工者现在占据的全部车间必须撤空All workshops now occupied by strikers should be evacuated within three days upon agreement being signed by both parties
在本协议的条件下,仅在我方确认质量和规格后你方才能开始制造该产品Subject to the terms of the agreement, you can only begin to manufacture the products after we have confirmed the qualities and specifications
在起草协议时,必须避免有利于双方中任何一方的单方面条款In drawing an agreement, one-sided clauses in favour of either party must be avoided
如我方与彼方终止此协议,则你方享有优先于其他公司的权利In the event that we terminate the agreement with them, you will enjoy priority over other firms
如此协议的任何部分被删除,此协议无效This Agreement will be invalid if any erasure appears in any portion of it
对于本协议的任何更新而造成的损失,第一方概不负责The first party shall not bear responsibility for the loss upon any renewal of Ms agreement
对各方有约束力的是书面协议,而非口头的It is the written agreement, not the parol one that is binding on parties (协议)
对本协议的解释应符合本国各项国内法律The interpretation of this agreement shall conform with the domestic laws of the country
对销售与购买此类货物的协议可采用正式合同的形式An agreement for the sale and purchase of goods may take the form of a formal contract
就工资和附加津贴与工会达成的协议pay package
尽管他们违约不是故意的,此协议仍自动终止In spite of involuntary breach committed by them this agreement terminated automatically
已任命我们对协议的措词作必要的修改We have been appointed to make the necessary adjustment of the wording of the agreement
总协议生效后将替代两分公司之间的一切其他协议All the other agreements between the two branches will be superseded by this general agreement after it is put in force
我们保留在必要时修订此协议的权利We reserve the right to revise the agreement if necessary
我们很高兴,终于达成了合同条款的协议We are glad that we have finally reached an agreement over the terms for the contract
我们签署了协议,该协议具有6个月后可重新讨论各项条件的附文We signed the agreement with the proviso that the terms can be discussed again after six months
我们要在相互信任的气氛中进行谈判以修订本协议We shall talk in good faith to amend this agreement
我们要推迟考虑长期协议,直到目前的问题得到解决We would like to remit consideration of the long-term agreement till recent problems are solved
我们高兴地告诉你方,董事会已通过一项与中国丝绸公司达成长期协定的决议We are glad to inform you that the board of directors passed a resolution to reach a long-term agreement with China National Silk Corporation
我方指定你方为当地市场上我方产品的独家代理,为期两年,从本代理协议生效之日起计算We appoint you as our sole agent for our products for the two years in your local market computed from the date when this agency agreement comes into effect
我方法律顾问赞同我们同他们所订的协议Our counsellor approved of the agreement which we concluded with them
我认为该协议的条款和条件不会对购买者有何不利之处I don't think the terms and conditions of such agreement will be unfavourable to the purchaser
所有协议或合同都是有期限的There's no agreement or contract which is not terminable
按协议费率计算的保险费the premium as arranged
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfillment of this agreement
按月分期摊付的第一笔款项须随同本协议的执行一起支付The first of such monthly installments shall be paid simultaneously with the fulfilment of this agreement
按照本协议的条款,租赁者应承担大楼的修缮费The tenant shall bear the cost of repairs to the building pursuant to the provisions of this agreement
授予特权的协议concession agreement
政府征收的预和赋税不应包括在本协议规定的价格之内Withholding tax imposed by the government shall not be included in the prices set forth in this agreement
有秩序的市场销售协议orderly marketing agreement
协议的两种文本对双方具有同等约束力Both versions of this agreement are equally binding to either party
协议的任何更改将失去对任一方的约束力Any alternation of the agreement shall not be binding on either party
协议的其余条款应宣告无效The remainder of this agreements shall be declared invalid
协议的履行由于来自外部的意外干扰而受到阻碍Performance of this agreement is hindered by unexpected disturbance from outside
协议的接受必须用书面通知Notice of acceptance of this agreement must be in writing
协议的条款之一要求如期支付租金One of the terms of the agreement calls for punctuality of the payment of the rent
本协议上有销售经理的复印签名The Agreement bears the facsimile signature of the general sales managing director
本协议中任何一部分的失效不一定会导致该协议中止The invalidity of any part of this agreement will not necessarily lead to the termination of the agreement
本协议中很清楚地表明,甲方不能强迫乙方以相对低的价格出售货物It is stated clearly in this agreement that the first part cannot coerce the 2nd part into selling goods at a relatively low price
本协议中的一部分由基本合同的条款组成A part of this agreement is composed of the terms of the underlying contract
本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的管辖This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China
本协议所规定的买方的权利不得转让The right of the buyer under this Agreement shall not be assigned
本协议是无限期的The term of this agreement shall be indefinite
本协议目的在于转让有关改进措施的特许权The purpose of this agreement is to grant license with regard to improvements
根据今天签定的协议,该公司业务将由承包人来经营The business of the company will be conducted by the contractor according to the agreement signed today
根据协议,任何一方对社会公敌引起的任何损毁都不承担责任Either party shall not take up responsibility for any damage caused by the public enemy according to the agreement
根据协议设立的信托the trust under agreement
根据协议,财产应是可转让、可分割的The property is to be transferable and divisible according to the agreement
根据法庭的裁决,此协议非法According to the ruling of the court, the agreement was illegal
根据该协议,由于故意疏忽而造成货物的损坏,卖方对此概不负责According to the agreement, the seller shall not be liable for any damage to the goods caused by wilful neglect
协议的到期不影响我方权利The expiry of the agreement shall be without prejudice to the right of us
大公司之间秘密和公开的垄断协议tacit-and-overt collusive agreements
签订代理协议的前序the premise to the signing of the agency agreement
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及下文所提供的付款,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenant and agreement herein contained, and of the payments hereinafter provided, it is mutually agreed as follows...
考虑到包含于此的契约与协议,以及将由缔约双方予以履行,双方彼此同意如下…In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein contained, to be executed by the parties hereto, it is mutually agreed as follows...
股东间的协议agreements among shareholders
股东间的协议agreement among shareholders
苛刻的协议an oppressive agreement
协议的有效性应受到法律的约束The validity of the agreement shall be governed by the law
协议的某些部分无法实施,你方最好重新考虑Some part of this agreement is held unenforceable adj., you had better reconsider it
该债权人接受了这种了结债务协议的安排及妥协The creditor accepted this composition agreement and compromise
该店卷入了财务清算,我方不得不终止与该店订的协议The store became involved in receivership n., and we had to terminate the agreement with
资方在工会之间的谈判长达7小时,因未达成协议而中断The negotiations between the management and the union broke down after 7 hours
这两项协议将作为在我国订的契据而生效The two agreements shall take effect as deeds made in our country
这是业主与建筑师之间的综合协议This is an integrated agreement between the owner and the architect
遇到任何这种紧急情况时,缔约的任何一方可随时终止本协议Either party can terminate this agreement upon the occurrence of any of such emergencies
长期有效的协议longstanding agreement
除本协议规定的以外,你方不得从事任何性质的其他服务项目You can't perform any other services of any nature than those stipulated in the agreement
零售商应支付由于他自己违反本协议所造成的损失的费用The dealer should pay for the damage sustained by a breach of this agreement by himself