
Terms for subject Securities containing | all forms
括在内的人±excluded person
括奖金ex bonus
括短期国库券的证券市场market less treasury bills
括股利XD (ex div)
括股票在内excluded stock
业务加工外business process outsourcing (BPO)
业务流程外business process outsourcing
业务转型外business transformation outsourcing
企业承责任制enterprise contract management responsibility system
余数发行股票的公司与投资银行之间有关承销的一种协议,承销者保证买进未能售出的证券standby commitment underwriting
余额stand by underwriting
余额lay off
余额销商standby underwriter
先购买人一种证券承诺能够全部发行bought deal
全额发行的股票brought deal
证券全额firm commitment
全额fully underwritten
全额bought deal
公司独立承corporate independent contractor
共同牵头销商co-lead underwriter
合同sub-underwriting contract
承销佣金sub-underwriting commission
承销合同sub-underwriting contract
承销的承诺sub-underwriting commitment
文件sub-underwriting document
责任subcontract responsibility
前期front-end underwriting
买交易bought deal
含协同与成本削减including synergies and cost cuts
含期权option embedded
庇掩盖非法登记covers up an illegal registration
括子公司损益的联合账目consolidated profit and loss account
括所有费用、单一价格all-in-rate (包括一切费用的)
林格地带图表上价格柱周围两条线夹成的区域,又译作"保利通道"Bollinger bands
full charter
租协议charter agreement
管账户wrap account
罗万象的特征eclectic nature
装待售候选企业dressing up sale candidate
装证券组合dressing up a portfolio
购包销exclusive right to purchase and sell
退包换原则caveat venditor
have exclusive selling rights
firm underwriting
buy deal
brought deal
销人协定underwriters' agreement
销团账户syndicate account
销承担净额net underwriting commitment
销承诺underwriting commitment
销证券underwrite securities
销证券财团purchase syndicate (由投资银行组成的证券承销辛迪加)
销责任pot liability
销购人账单purchase and sale statement
销费standby fee
销起止日期commencement and termination dates of a sole agency
销通融underwriting facilities
销银行集团underwriting group
销集团underwriting group
销集团purchase group
方式contracted basis
的范围contracted domain
合伙股票joint underwriting
国际销制度international underwriting system
大额销商wholesaling underwriter
套期hedge wrapper
定率承价奖励合同fixed price incentive FPI contract
对冲基金罗万象的特点eclectic nature of hedge fund
投资package investment
报盘package offer
抵押package mortgage
抵押贷款wrap account mortgage
放款packing credit/loan
账户wrap account (由资金管理人为投资人管理的账户)
wrap fee
资产pools of assets
转让package transfer
执行投资fulfilling tasks with fixed amount of investment
人资格审核报告contractor's qualification report
工程undertake works
经营contract operation
承诺firm commitment underwriting
承诺销发行firm commitment offering
承销standby underwriting
数字化钱digital wallet
时机选择和发/招标timing and tender offer
期权option overriding
特许承公司concessional and contracting company
独家证券代理销方式underwriting securities on a sole agency basis
独立承independent charter
独立承商规则independent contractor rule
公司shell corporation
目标公司所括的范围target zones
破产前重新prepackaged bankruptcy
空钱cold purse
签订分合同make a subcontract
net charter
组合投资外outsource all portfolio investment
方式turnkey basis
联席牵头配股co-led in underwriting the allotment
股份中含的经济权益economic interest in shares
债券外国企业在澳洲发行的澳元债券,Matilda是徒步旅行者的背包Matilda bond
自愿证券销人voluntary underwriter
被打转售给其他人的风险risk packaged and sold to others
证券firm commitment underwriting
证券销商investment bank
证券销商协会Investment Bankers Association
证券销的公开招标competitive bid underwriting
证券代理销方式underwriting securities on an agency basis
财政干制fiscal responsibility system
财政干制financial contracting system
货币管理外把货币风险管理外包给专业机构currency overlay
资产pools of assets
合同sub-underwriting contract
销承诺sub-underwriting commitment
配售销商placing underwriter
重新打为债务抵押债券repackaged in the form of collateralised debt obligations (CDO)
金红golden hello
阻挠承impede a contractor
销发行best effort selling