
Terms for subject Technology containing 勘 探 | all forms | in specified order only
三角形勘探triangular exploration grid
不合理的勘探工程布置unreasonable arrangement of exploratory engineering
主导勘探线leading exploration line
井下勘探borehole surveying
井下勘探borehole survey
井田勘探mine field exploration
亚土层勘探subsoil exploration
交变电流勘探alternating current method
冲积层勘探banka drill
初步勘探exploratory investigation
初步勘探advance exploration
初步勘探阶段wildcat stage
初步勘探阶段propaedeutic prospecting stage
初步岩土工程勘探preliminary geotechnical investigation
勘探scout prospecting
勘探exploration survey (测量)
勘探与生产exploration and production
勘探中段exploratory level
勘探investigation shaft
勘探仪器prospecting instrument
勘探储量比例exploration reserve proportion
勘探剖面精度分析方法analysis methods of exploratory profile
勘探剖面精度分析法analytical method of profile accuracy
勘探剖面精度分析法analytic method of profile accuracy
勘探区地形地质图topographic-geological map of exploration area
勘探区地形地质图topographic-geologic map of exploration area
勘探区地质图geological map of exploration area
勘探区地质图geologic map of exploration area
勘探区实际材料图measured data map of exploration
勘探区工程布置图engineering arrangement map of exploration
勘探区工程设计图engineering design map of exploration
勘探区构造exploration area structure
勘探区水文地质图hydrogeological map of exploration area
勘探区水文地质图hydrogeologic map of exploration area
勘探器具exploration prospecting instrument
勘探prospecting map
勘探土壤调查reconnaissance soil survey
勘探地区potential area
勘探地质报告geological report in exploration stage
勘探地质报告geologic report in exploration stage
勘探坑道exploration tunnel
勘探坑道exploration adit
勘探坑道排水drainage of exploratory tunnel
勘探坑道照明illumination of exploratory tunnel
勘探坑道通风ventilation of exploratory tunnel
勘探坝址site exploration
勘探坝址prospective site
勘探增减储量increased/decreased reserve by exploration
勘探prospecting hole
勘探curtain hole
勘探borehole for inspection
勘探孔布置test hole pattern
勘探孔的处理conduct of exploratory borehole
勘探孔钻进test hole drilling
勘探孔钻进test hole boring
勘探对象exploratory target
勘探导洞trial heading
勘探导洞exploratory heading
勘探工作prospecting work
勘探工作exploration work
勘探工程exploration engineering
勘探工程exploratory work
勘探工程prospecting project
勘探工程engineering of exploration
勘探工程布置arrangement of exploratory work
勘探工程布置图map of prospect engineering arrangement
勘探工程总体布置overall arrangement of exploratory engineering
勘探工程施工过程模拟simulation of construction process of exploration engineering
勘探工程类型exploration type
勘探工程见矿率ore rate in exploration engineering
勘探工程间距spacing of exploratory work
勘探平台survey platform
勘探平巷exploratory drift
勘探平洞exploration drift
勘探平洞exploration adit
勘探平硐prospecting adit
勘探开挖exploratory excavation
勘探开采exploring mining
勘探开采孔prospect-mining hole
勘探手段ways of exploration
勘探打孔exploration drift
勘探技术手段technical means of exploration
勘探投资exploration investment
勘探报告exploratory report
勘探报告图件attached map of exploratory report
勘探方法method of exploration
勘探方法prospecting method
勘探方法exploration method
勘探标志prospecting guide
勘探活动exploration activities (包括航测、地质研究、物探及钻探等)
勘探浅眼test hole
勘探深度explored depth
勘探深度exploration depth
勘探project hole
勘探生产井exploration-production well
勘探生产孔exploration-production hole
勘探石油explore for oil
勘探移动exploratory move
勘探程序programme of investigation
勘探程序program of surveying
勘探程序programme of prospecting
勘探程序programme of surveying
勘探程序program of investigation
勘探程度不合理的原因reason leading unreasonable exploratory degree
勘探程度中等区middle exploration area
勘探程度高区high exploration area
勘探竖井prospecting shaft
勘探竖井vertical exploratory opening
勘探竖井exploratory shaft
勘探类型定量评价参数parameter of quantitative evaluation of exploration type
勘探精度exploration accuracy
勘探精度accuracy of exploration
勘探精度评价evaluation of exploration precision
勘探线储量计算剖面图reserve-calculating section on exploratory line
勘探线剖面图exploratory line profile map
勘探线号exploratory line number
勘探线地质剖面图geological profile along exploratory line
勘探线地质剖面图geologic profile along exploratory line
勘探线方位exploratory line azimuth
勘探线法exploration line method
勘探线测量exploratory line survey
勘探线类型type of exploration line
勘探线间距exploratory line interval
勘探prospect network
勘探网密度density of prospecting net
勘探网度prospecting interval
勘探网度density of exploratory grid
勘探网度确定方法method of determination of the exploratory grid
勘探网法exploration grid method
勘探网测设prospecting net work layout
勘探网测量prospecting network survey
勘探网测量prospecting net survey
勘探网类型type of exploratory grid
勘探网间距distribution of exploration net
勘探research and exploration vessel
勘探observation ship
勘探exploration vessel
勘探范围explored range
勘探计划exploration project
勘探计划prospecting scheme
勘探计划exploration plan
勘探记录一览表scout sheet listing
勘探许可证prospecting license
勘探设计exploration project
勘探设计exploration planning
勘探误差exploration error
勘探费用exploration expenditures
勘探资料exploration data
勘探资金exploration funds
勘探远景评价exploration prospect evaluation
勘探部门exploration department
勘探采样exploratory sampling
勘探prospecting drill
勘探prospecting bore bit
勘探钻井probe drilling
勘探钻井test well
勘探钻井prospecting drilling
勘探钻井exploratory boring
勘探钻头prospecting bore bit
勘探钻头exploration bit
勘探钻孔exploratory borehole
勘探钻孔prospecting drill-hole
勘探钻孔pioneer well
勘探钻孔investigation hole
勘探钻孔exploratory hole
勘探钻进survey by drilling
勘探钻进survey by boring
勘探钻进exploratory drilling
勘探钻进exploratory boring
勘探prospecting team
勘探阶段prospecting stage
勘探阶段phase of exploration
勘探隧洞exploration tunnel
勘探隧道exploratory tunnel
勘探面积potential area
勘探项目exploration project
勘测钻探exploratory drilling
区域勘探area reconnaissance
区域勘探regional survey
区域勘探regional reconnaissance
区域勘探areal study
区域地球物理勘探regional geophysical prospecting
单干户勘探工作者lone-wolf prospector
反射勘探reflection survey
反射法勘探reflecting prospecting
反射法地震勘探seismic reflection method
反射波勘探reflection shooting
反射波勘探reflection seismology
发射法勘探seismic surveying
发射法勘探seismic survey
可行性勘探feasibility exploration
含水层勘探aquifer exploration
回声勘探acoustical exploration (法)
回声勘探acoustic exploration (法)
土质勘探soil prospecting
植物勘探geobotanical prospecting
地下水质勘探geological exploration for groundwater
地下水质勘探geologic exploration for groundwater
建筑场地地基勘探soil surveying of site
建筑场地地基勘探foundation investigation
地基勘探ground exploration
地基勘测钻探foundation reconnaissance drilling
地基勘测钻探foundation exploration drilling
地层勘探seismic exploration
地温勘探geothermal exploration
地热勘探阶段geothermal exploration stage
地球化学勘探仪器exploration instrument for geochemistry
地球化学勘探和测井geochemical exploration and logging
地球化学勘探工作点point of geochemical prospecting
地球化学勘探方法geochemical exploration method
地球物理勘探geophysical instrument (器)
地球物理勘探仪器geophysical prospecting instrument
地球物理勘探仪器exploration instrument for geophysics
地球物理勘探和测井geophysical exploration and logging
地球物理勘探geophysical exploration map
地球物理勘探工作点point of geophysical prospecting
地球物理勘探方法geophysical prospecting method
地球物理勘探方法geophysical exploration method
地球物理勘探geophysical method of prospecting
地球物理勘探geophysical method of exploration
地球物理勘探测井geophysical prospecting well-logging
地球物理勘探设备geophysical search equipment
地球物理勘探geophysical prospecting drilling vehicle
地球物理地震勘探geophysical seismic exploration
地磁勘探方法geomagnetic method
地质勘探geologic exploration (钻进)
地质勘探geological examination
地质勘探geological exploration (钻进)
地质勘探ground investigation
地质勘探soil survey
地质勘探soil exploration
地质勘探geological surveying
地质勘探geologic examination
地质勘探仪器geological exploration instrument
地质勘探仪器geologic exploration instrument
地质勘探仪器exploration instrument in geology
地质勘探工作战略决策geological prospecting and exploration strategy
地质勘探工作战略决策geologic prospecting and exploration strategy
地质勘探工程测量geological prospecting engineering survey
地质勘探工程测量geologic prospecting engineering survey
地质勘探程度不够degree of exploration is not enough
地质勘探网测量survey for establishing geologic prospecting network
地质勘探者用的丁字镐prospector's pick
地质勘探geologic survey ship
地质勘探geological research vessel
地质勘探geological survey ship
地质勘探geologic research vessel
地质勘探速率计geological survey rate meter
地质勘探速率计geologic survey rate meter
地质勘探geological exploration party
地质勘探geological exploration team
地质勘探geological prospecting party
地质勘探geologic prospecting team
地质勘探geological prospecting team
地质勘探geologic prospecting party
地质勘探geologic exploration team
地质勘探geologic exploration party
地采生产勘探工程underground mining production exploration engineering
地震勘探seismic surveying
地震勘探seismic prospecting (法)
地震勘探seismographical prospecting method
地震勘探seismographic prospecting method
地震勘探seismic exploration method
地震全息勘探seismic holographic exploration
地震剖面勘探profile shooting (法)
地震法勘探seismic method of prospecting
地震法勘探seismic method of exploration
地震测线勘探profile shooting (法)
坝址勘探dam site exploration
基地勘探site investigation
基地勘探site exploration
基建勘探work of basic exploration
基建勘探方法basic building exploration
基本勘探线basic exploration line
基础勘探foundation exploration
增强矿床勘探工作ore deposit exploration strengthen
勘探sonic prospecting
声波勘探acoustical exploration
复合勘探线compound system of exploration line
外海勘探offshore exploration
大油田勘探elephant hunt
天然气勘探gas prospection
射气勘探emanation prospecting
工程地球物理勘探engineering geophysical prospecting
工程地质勘探engineering geologic prospecting
工程地质勘探subsurface investigation
工程地质勘探engineering geological exploration
勘探矿区proved field
开发勘探development exploration
微生物学石油勘探petroleum prospecting by microbiology
总景勘探线complete exploration line
感应电磁勘探inductive method
折射勘探refraction survey
折射勘探refraction prospection
折射勘探refracted prospecting
折射地震勘探refraction seismic prospecting
折射波地震勘探arc shooting
择优勘探optional exploration
料场勘探borrow survey
料场勘探borrow exploration
施铃格拉姆电磁勘探Slingram method
旁侧扫描声呐勘探side scan sonar prospecting
无线电勘探radio prospection
无线电勘探radio method
早期海上勘探early offshore exploration
暂缓勘探transient stop exploration
最大勘探深度maximum depth of exploration
最终勘探报告final exploratory report
勘探地区unproven area
欧洲地球物理勘探工作者协会European Association of Exploration Geophysicists
正方形勘探square exploration grid
水上勘探overwater exploration
水上勘探overwater investigation
水上勘探offshore exploration
水下地层剖面勘探subbottom profiling exploration
水下地震勘探underwater seismics
水下浅层剖面勘探subbottom profile exploration
水力勘探hydraulic prospecting
水平勘探horizontal exploration
水平勘探巷道支护horizontal exploratory tunnel
水平勘探horizontal exploration method
水文地质勘探hydrogeologic exploration
水文地质勘探exploration drill hole for hydrogeology
水文地质勘探试验设备equipment of hydrogeological exploration test
水文地质勘探试验设备equipment of hydrogeologic exploration test
水文工程地震勘探hydrogeology and engineering seismic survey
水源勘探water resources exploration
水源勘探water prospecting
沉积勘探sedimentary exploration
勘探exploration activity
油气勘探oil-gas exploration
沿同一勘探线上钻孔钻进line drilling
沿脉勘探巷道gopher drift
波速勘探wave velocity survey
浅层剖面勘探subbottom profile exploration
浅层地震勘探shallow seismic prospecting
测液面勘探drawdown exploration (法)
海上三维地震勘探three-dimensional marine survey
海上三维地震勘探marine 3-D survey
海上地震勘探marine seismic survey
海上石油合作勘探cooperative exploration of offshore oil
海床的勘探开发exploration and exploitation of seabed
海底勘探undersea prospecting
海底勘探sea-bottom exploration
海底勘探undersea exploration
海底勘探sea-floor exploration
海底勘探exploration of seabed
海底地震勘探sea seismic method
海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案long-term and expanded programme of oceanic exploration and research
海洋勘探研究长期扩大方案long-term and expanded program of oceanic exploration and research
海洋勘探sea exploration vessel
海洋石油勘探offshore oil-drilling
海洋磁法勘探marine magnetic prospecting
海洋重力勘探marine gravity prospecting
深孔勘探deep hole prospecting
深层勘探deep prospecting
漂砾勘探boulder prospecting
煤炭资源勘探exploration of coal resources
煤炭资源勘探coal resources exploration
煤炭资源勘探阶段step of coal resources exploration
煤田勘探coal exploration
煤田地震勘探coal seismic prospecting
煤矿勘探exploratory types of coal mine
物理勘探physical logging (法)
物理勘探physical prospecting (法)
物理勘探physical exploration (法)
班克式人力勘探钻机banka drill
生产勘探production exploration
生产勘探工程系统system of production engineering
用试坑作地基勘探foundation exploration by test pits
电气勘探electrical exploration instrument
电气勘探electric exploration instrument
电法勘探electrical exploration
电法勘探electric surveying
电法勘探electric exploration
电法勘探中的电场electrical field in electrical prospecting
电法勘探中的电场electric field in electric prospecting
电法勘探仪器instrument of electrical prospecting
电法勘探仪器instrument of electric prospecting
电法勘探场源类型type of field source in electrical prospecting
电法勘探场源类型type of field source in electric prospecting
电法勘探基础工作basic works of electrical prospecting
电法勘探基础工作basic works of electric prospecting
电法勘探异常anomaly of electrical prospecting
电法勘探异常anomaly of electric prospecting
电法勘探异常性质anomaly nature of electrical prospecting
电法勘探异常性质anomaly nature of electric prospecting
电法勘探成果图件result figure of electrical method
电法勘探成果图件result figure of electric method
电法勘探方法electrical prospecting method
电法勘探方法electric prospecting method
电法勘探正演计算方法way of direct development of electrical prospecting
电法勘探正演计算方法way of direct development of electric prospecting
电法勘探的反演inverse development in electrical prospecting
电法勘探的反演inverse development in electric prospecting
电法勘探的技术参数technical parameter in DC electrical method
电法勘探的技术参数technical parameter in DC electric method
电法勘探的正反演direct and inverse development in electrical prospecting
电法勘探的正反演direct and inverse development in electric prospecting
电法勘探的正演direct development in electrical prospecting
电法勘探的正演direct development in electric prospecting
电法勘探野外工作field work of electrical prospecting
电法勘探野外工作field work of electric prospecting
电磁勘探electromagnetic detector
电磁勘探electromagnetic survey
电磁勘探electromagnetic prospecting process
电磁勘探electromagnetic surveying
电磁勘探electromagnetic prospecting
电磁探勘electromagnetic exploration
电阻勘探resistivity surveying (法)
电阻勘探resistivity survey (法)
电阻勘探resistivity survey method
电阻勘探electrical prospecting
电阻勘探resistivity exploration
电阻勘探electric prospecting
电阻率法勘探electrical resistivity prospecting
电阻率法勘探electric resistivity prospecting
矩形勘探rectangular exploration grid
石油勘探petroleum prospecting
石油勘探地质学家rock hound
石油勘探数据库oil exploration data base
石油勘探oil prospector
石油勘探petroleum surveying ship
石油和天然气勘探开采租约oil and gas lease
石油地震勘探shoot for oil
石油地震勘探petroleum seismic prospecting
石油天然气勘探开采租约oil and gas lease
矿山开发勘探productive exploration
砂矿勘探钻机placer prospecting drill
勘探magnetic method
磁力勘探magnetic prospecting
磁力勘探magnetic prospecting
磁力勘探magnetic method of exploration
磁性勘探magnetic prospecting
磁性勘探magnetic exploration
磁法勘探dip needle work
综合勘探comprehensive exploration of mine district
联合国自然资源勘探循环基金United Nations Revolving Fund for Natural Resources Exploration
能源勘探energy resource survey
能源勘探energy exploration
自然电流勘探natural-current method
自电位勘探self-potential survey
自电位勘探self-potential prospecting
自电势勘探self-potential survey
自电势勘探self-potential prospecting
航天勘探space reconnaissance
航空地球化学勘探air-borne geochemical prospecting
航空地球化学勘探air-borne geochemical exploration
航空地球物理勘探air-borne geophysical prospecting
航空电磁性勘探air-borne electromagnetic prospecting
菱形勘探rhombical exploration grid
菱形勘探rhombic exploration grid
补充勘探additional exploration
补充勘探报告补充勘察报告complement exploratory report
试坑勘探prospecting by trial pit
详细勘探detailed investigation
详细勘探detailed geotechnical investigation
详细勘探钻井development drilling
详细勘探钻孔development borehole
详细勘探阶段detail prospecting stage
资源勘探resource reconnaissance
走向勘探线strike exploration line
辅助勘探线auxiliary exploration line
近海勘探offshore exploration
远景勘探线prospective investigation line
部分勘探partial prospected area
采掘工业中的勘探成本exploration cost in extractive industries
重力勘探gravitational exploration method
重力普查勘探gravity reconnaissance survey
野外勘探系统field exploration system
野外地质勘探geological field party
野外地质勘探geologic field party
勘探metal mine seismic prospecting
钻井勘探borehole inspection
钻孔勘探drill hole exploration
钻孔勘探prospecting by boring
钻孔勘探borehole survey
钻孔或试坑勘探prospecting by boring or trial pits
阻抗法勘探impedance exploration
震波勘探seismic prospecting
露天勘探open cut exploration
露天生产勘探工程open pit mine production exploration engineering
露天矿床水文地质勘探类型hydrogeological exploration type of open to air mine
露天矿床水文地质勘探类型hydrogeologic exploration type of open to air mine
露天矿边坡勘探类型exploration types of opencast slope
面波勘探surface wave hydrophone
预可行性勘探prefeasibility exploration
风化带测定地震勘探weathering shooting
高频地震勘探high-frequency seismic survey
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