
Terms for subject Technology containing | all forms
丁香罗eugenol type basil oil
勃计程仪转子Cherub rotor
主动多普速度传感器active Doppler velocity sensor
人卫多普导航系统satellite Doppler navigation system
伏古桑德奇分类de Vaucouleurs-Sandage classification
伽模夫一特选择定则Gamow-Teller selection rules
伽莫夫一特相互作用Gamow-Teller interaction
里斯数Hollerith number
冈落叶松Oregon larch
冈黄杉Oregon pine
bastard pointing
傅立叶一让德级数Fourier-Legendre series
光学多普效应optical Doppler effect
光学多普效应optic Doppler effect
光电克司计photoelectrical luxmeter
光电克司计photoelectric luxmeter
克森Kessener brush
拱顶ploughshare vault
内格式水轮机Nagler type turbine
分数密指数fractional Miller indices
分置式威米尔循环制冷机separate VM cycle refrigerator
列宁格的大理石皇宫Marble Palace at Leningrad
比板块Caribbean plate
比海共同体Caribbean Community
比海地区Caribbean area
比海洋流Caribbean current
比海流Caribbean current
比海海域Caribbean waters
比海漩涡状构造Caribbean Sea whirl structure
比海航线Caribbean Sea shipping line
特式卷取机Garrett coiler
特式小型钢卷取机Garrett reel
尔一斯蒂尔达管Laurer-Stieda canal
尔管Laurer's canal
佩尔放电器Lepel discharger
克司照度lux gauge
克司照度lux gage
克司照度lux metre
克司照度illumination photometer
克斯计lux gauge
克朗歇电池Leclanche cell
marking gauge
夏特列埃水泥安定性试验Le Chatelier test
夏特列埃热电偶Le Chatelier's thermocouple
夏特列埃衰减试验Le Chatelier test
布朗克接法Leblanc connection
布朗克系统Leblanc system
布朗克进相器Leblanc phase advancer
布朗克连接法Leblanc connexion
布朗法Leblanc process
曼不连续面Lehmann discontinuity
曼规则Lehmann's rule (后方交会试错法)
曼选煤法Lehmann process
杜克电流Leduc current
杜浮钟压力计Ledoux bell meter
18世纪法国杜规划的理想城市La Cité Idéale, Ledoux
梅特宇宙模型Lemaitre cosmo logical model
梅特宇宙模型Lemaitre cosmo logic model
梅特正规化Lemaitre regularization
克司烛光lux candle
纳射线Lenard ray
纳德窗Lenard window
纳德管Lenard tube
维图Levi graph
罗克斯组Leroux formation
rel (磁阻单位)
lodgment table
plinth wall
柱墩的foot stall
脚圬工作业plinth masonry work
脚层plinth course
脚层base course
脚瓦plinth tile
脚石skirting block
脚砌体plinth walling
脚砖plinth brick
脚线条foot base
让德函数Legendre's function
让德变换Legendre's transformation
让德变换Legendre's contact transformation
让德多项式Legendre's polynomial
让德多项式系Legendre's polynomials
让德定理Legendre's theorem
让德方程Legendre's equation
让德条件Legendre's condition
让德法则Legendre's rule
让德系数Legendre's coefficient
让德级数Legendre's series
谢尔线Lecher wire wavemeter
谢尔线Lecher wire
谢尔线Lecher line
贝格数Lebesgue number
贝格测度Lebesgue measure
贝格积分Lebesgue integral
辛环Lessing rings
辛环填料Lessing ring packing
1951年法国阿弗尔重建規划Le Havre reconstruction project
马罗伊永磁合金remalloy permanent magnet alloy
Waller stone (美国俄亥俄州产的一种砂岩)
单频多普系统Doppler system with single frequency
卡拉卡温泉Thermae of Caracalla
卫星多普声呐组合导航系统satellite Doppler sonar integrated navigation system
卫星多普定位satellite Doppler positioning (法)
厄加斯海台Agulhas plateau
厄加斯海流Agulhas Current
厄加斯海盆Agulhas basin
双频多普系统Doppler system with double frequency
反向散射激光多普测速仪back-scattering laser Doppler velocimeter
受摄开普运动perturbed Keplerian notion
同相多普跟踪系统phase-locked Dopper tracking system
姆计量所Weigh House at Haarlem (荷兰)
哈特斯深海平原Hatteras abyssal plain
克特龙镁基铝铜轻合金Elektron alloys
埃克斯一乔丹多频振荡器Eccles-Jordan multivibrator
埃施魏一克拉克改进反应Eschweiler-Clarke modification
传动Seller's drive
锥形联轴节Seller's coupling
锥度Seller's taper
塞夫Sevres blue
脚外角砌合angle bond
墙角角砖corner plinth brick
墙边保护wall-protection kerb
多布纳-米合成Doebner-Miller synthesis
多普不变性Doppler invariance
多普位移Doppler displacement
多普信息Doppler message
多普光雷达optical Doppler radar
多普光雷达optic Doppler radar
多普关系Doppler relation
多普加宽法Doppler broadening
多普单点定位Doppler single-point positioning
多普卫星大网Doppler satellite geodetic network
多普卫星短弧网Doppler satellite network with short arcs
多普卫星观测Doppler satellite observation
多普原理Doppler principle
多普双色激光风速计Doppler two-colour laser anemometer
多普双色激光风速计Doppler two-color laser anemometer
多普回波指示器Doppler echo indicator
多普谱线增宽Doppler broadening
多普声呐导系统Doppler sonar system
多普声呐导航与系泊系统Doppler sonar navigational and docking system
多普声呐导航与系泊系统Doppler sonar navigation and docking system
多普声呐导航仪Doppler sonar navigator
多普声呐转换器Doppler sonar transducer
多普声学定位系统acoustical Doppler positioning system
多普声学定位系统acoustic Doppler positioning system
多普定位Doppler positioning
多普定位Doppler fixation
多普宽度Doppler width
多普导线联合网unified net of Doppler stations and zero-order traverses
多普导航声呐Doppler navigational sonar
多普导航声呐Doppler navigation sonar
多普导航系统Doppler navigational system
多普惯性导航装置Doppler inertial navigational equipment
多普惯性导航装置Doppler inertial navigation equipment
多普指示器Doppler indicator
多普振荡器检测设备Doppler generator test set
多普接收机Doppler receiver
多普效应Doppler's effect
多普散射Doppler scattering
多普数据Doppler data
多普数据不足不能定位no fix A
多普数据传输器Doppler data translator
多普•斐索效应Doppler-Fizeau effect
多普无线电技术radio Doppler
多普核心Doppler core
多普检测器Doppler detector
多普气泡检测仪Doppler bubble detector
多普流速计Doppler velocimeter
多普流量计Doppler meter
多普流量计Doppler flowmeter
多普测距系统Doppler ranging measuring system
多普测距系统Doppler range
多普海流计Doppler current meter
多普激光流速计Doppler laser velocimeter
多普甚高频全向信标Doppler sonar very high frequency omnirange beacon
多普移位Doppler translation
多普精度Doppler accuracy
多普联线定位法Doppler translocation
多普船舶速度表Doppler ship's speedometer
多普船舶速度计Doppler ship's speedometer
多普船速计程仪Doppler speed log
多普计数器Doppler counter
多普计程仪Doppler log
多普调制Doppler modulation
多普资料Doppler data
多普超声波扫描器Doppler ultrasonic scanner
多普轮廓Doppler profile
多普运动Doppler motion
多普速度和位置Doppler velocity and position
多普雷达天线的波束形状beam configurations of Doppler radar antenna
多普雷达定位Doppler-radar fix
多普频散Doppler spread
多普频率Doppler frequency
多普频移测量Doppler shift measurement
多普频移海流测速仪Doppler shift ocean-current meter
多普频移海流计Doppler shift ocean-current meter
多普频谱Doppler frequency spectrum
多普Doppler wind
多站多普跟踪系统polystation Doppler tracking system
gag rein
curb bit
大地测量多普接收机geodetic Doppler receiver
奈斯比色管Nessler tube
奈斯氏比色管Nessler's colour comparison tube
奈斯氏比色管Nessler's color comparison tube
奈斯试剂Nessler's reagent
奈斯试剂光度法Nessler's reagent photometry
奈斯试剂分光光度法Nessler's reagent spectrophotometry
奈斯试剂比色法Nessler's reagent
女儿墙upstand at parapet
女儿墙parapet skirting
女儿墙脚泛水base flashing of parapet shirting
特氏钳Willett forceps
特氏钳galea forceps
子午仪卫星多普定位transit Doppler positioning
安特运动Antler orogeny
实时多普成像系统real-time Doppler imaging system
全自动辘轳机Miller machine
发射天线Miller radiator
岩石分类Miller classification of rock
平方码Miller square code
指数crystal index
积分器Miller integrator
锯齿波产生器Miller sawtooth generator
·利弗球磨机Fuller-Lehigh mill
式圆屋顶Fuller's dome
式水龙头fuller's faucet
式水龙头Fuller faucet
抛物线fuller's parabola
级配曲线Fullers curve
最佳混合曲线Fuller's best mix curve
最大密实度曲线Fuller's maximum density curve
格栅式水泥熟料冷却器Fuller grate cooler
气滑式Fuller airslide
理想曲线Fuller's ideal curve (求材料最大密度和最小孔隙率的配比)
级配曲线Fuller's grading curve
规则Fuller rule
·金尼昂泵Fuller Kinyon pump
•金尼昂粒料输送泵Fuller Kinyon unloader pump
射电多普效应radio Doppler effect
展开为泰级数expansion in Taylor series
克滑钩链制动器Black slip stopper
热收缩试验Bullers ring
布里科系统Brikollare system
布鲁氏系统Brulax system
布鲁瑙厄·埃梅特-泰多层吸附模型Brunauer-Emmett and Tetter multilevel adsorption model
布鲁瑙厄•埃梅特•泰Brunauer Emmett and Teller
帕萨尔加德的赛斯大帝宫Palace of Cyrus the Great at Pasargadae (伊朗)
塑性仪Shearer plastometer (测泥浆流动性用)
绿Scheele's green
Keller process
开普定律Keplerian law
开普方程Keplerian equation
开普望远镜Kepler's telescope
开普望远镜Keplerian telescope
开普椭圆Kepler's ellipsoid
开普椭圆Keplerian ellipsoid
开普系统Kepler's system
开普系统Keplerian system
开普要素Kepler's element
开普要素Keplerian element
开普轨道Kepler's ellipse
开普轨道Kepler's orbit
开普轨道Keplerian ellipse
开普运动Kepler's motion
开普运动Keplerian motion
德方程Flood's equation
弗瑞德一克来福特一卡成腈合成法Friedel-Crafts-Karrer nitrile synthesis
微分多普differential Doppler
微波多普效应速度传感器microwave doppler speed sensor
德布一盖尔一尼卡多定理Debreu-Gale-Nikaido theorem
德拉鲁和弥定律de la Rue and Miller's law
德拜一瓦因数Debye-Waller factor
德维原理principle of Deville
德雷斯式隧道窑Dressier kiln (隔焰式)
恩格Engler degree
恩格Engler's degree
恩格degree Engler
恩格比黏度Engler's specific viscosity
恩格Engler's flask
恩格黏度秒数Engler's seconds
恩格粘度计Engler viscometer
恩格蒸馏曲线Engler's curve
恩格蒸馏烧瓶Engler's distillation flask
恩格蒸馏试验Engler's distillation test
恩格锐孔黏度计Engler's orifice viscosimeter
恩格锐孔黏度计Engler's orifice viscometer
恩格Engler's degree
恩格Engler viscosity
恩格Engler's viscosity
恩格Engler degree
恩格黏度值Engler's number
恩格黏度单位Engler's unit
恩格黏度数Engler's number
恩格黏度计Engler's viscosimeter
恩格黏度计Engler-type viscometer
恩格黏度计Engler-type viscosimeter
恩格黏度计Engler's viscometer
滤池集水装置Wheeler type underdrain system
慢盖格米氏管slow Geiger-Muller tube
截多普轮廓truncated Doppler profile
玫庙宇Ptolemaic temple
拉巴逆变换公式converse-Labourer formula
拉巴逆变换公式converse-Laborer formula
拉纳佩Lanaperl blue
拖缆towing bridle
耳氏钩Tyrrell's hook
耳氏钩iridectomy hook
文克地基dense liquid subgrade
施威徳式圆顶Schwedler dome
施威德式穹顶Schwedler dome
施魏德大梁Schwedler's girder
施魏德穹隆Schwedler's dome
杜威浇铸法Durville casting
横向多普效应transverse Doppler effect
橱窗stall riser
橱窗stallboard riser
一米亚格生料预热器Buhler-Ming raw preheater
水下多普导航系统underwater Doppler navigation system
曲线Wohler curve
沥青asphalt upstand
沥青asphalt skirting
法都一贝格引理Fatou-Lebesgue lemma
克斯玻璃Pyrex (商标名称)
克斯玻璃冷却套Pyrex cooling jacket
克斯耐热玻璃Pyrex glass
喇斯坐标Hylleraas coordinates
温克式过锰酸钾改进法modified Winkler potassium permanganate method
温克溶解氧测定Winkler method
激光多普测速laser Doppler velocity measurement
激光多普测速法laser Doppler velocimetry
激光多普测速计laser Doppler velocimeter
激光多普系统laser Doppler system
激光多普速度计测定laser Doppler velocimetry
激光多普零拍检测laser Doppler homodyne detection
激光多普风速和风向测定法laser Doppler anemometry
激光多普风速测量法laser Doppler anemometry
灰浆脚层mortar base course
爱因斯坦一否方程Einstein-Fowler equation
环填料Tellerette packing
维索软瓷Treviso porcelain (意大利)
维索陶器Treviso faience (意大利)
花型填料Teller Rosette packing
花环型填料Tellerette packing
花环填料Teller Rosette
玻尔一惠裂变理论Bohr-Wheeler theory of fission
瑟库斯连接Securex (一种铜管连接)
尔型沼气检验灯Pieler's lamp
盖斯Geissler pump
盖革一弥计数器Geiger-Muler counter
盖革一弥计数器的揉测设备Geiger-Muler probe
盖革-米计数器Geiger-Müller G-M counter
盖革-米计数器G-M Geiger-Muller counter
盖革-米计数管G-M Geiger-Muller counter
脚顶层plinth course
砖砌brick-paved plinth
位置Fowler position
函数Fowler function
福特Fortrel (一种聚酯纤维)
科迪拉型造山带orogenic zone of Cordilleran type
科迪拉安第斯经向构造带Cordilleran-Andes Meridian tectonic belt
科迪拉山脉Montes cordillera
科迪拉成矿带Cordilleran metallogenic belt
科迪拉植物地理大区Cordilleran floral region
科迪拉海槽Cordilleran marine trough
科迪拉腕足动物地理大区Cordilleran brachiopod region
尼安海Tyrrhenian Sea
克斯球面equilux sphere
克斯线面isofoot candle
管座felt collar of pipe
管座felt collar
公式Miller's formula
-白氏原理Muler-Breslau's principle
米禅城之狮门Gate of Lions (古希腊)
尔胶结料Sorel cement
尔胶结料oxychloride cement
尔胶结料magnesium oxychloride cement
线marking gage
线木工起线用的划线工具marking gauge
线marking gauge
线cutting gauge
线cutting gage
粒径分析仪Roller particle-size analyzer
聚焦激光多普测速计focusing laser Doppler velocimeter
肯布Kemble beds
脉冲外相干多普雷达externally coherent pulse doppler radar
脉冲多普搜索与捕捉雷达pulse Doppler search and acquisition radar
脉冲多普杂波pulse Doppler clutter
脉冲多普激光雷达pulsed Doppler lider
脉冲多普监视雷达pulse Doppler surveillance radar
脉冲多普雷达跟踪pulsed Doppler tracking
脉冲多普预警雷达pulse Doppler early warning radar
脉冲式多普pulse wave Doppler apparatus
脉冲式多普pulsed Doppler system
脉冲式多普系统pulse Doppler
脉冲波多普超声流量计pulsed wave Doppler ultrasonic flow meter
脉冲调制多普雷达系统pulsed Doppler radar
1/2/3艾金斯公式Elkins formula
艾因纳磨耗值Einlehner abrasion value
艾德反应Alder reaction
荷兰哈姆肉商行会厅Butcher's Hall at Haarlem
均化法Moller homogenizing process
冰期Saalian glacial stage
冰期Saalian glacial epoch
姆石灰岩Salem limestone
盆地Saalian basin
运动Saalian orogeny
规范的泰系数normalized Taylor coefficient
记录型多普比长仪recording Doppler comparator
谢福计算土压公式Sheffler's formula
贝克尔射线Becquerel's ray
贝克耳电池Becquerel cell
贝拿斯麻Benares hemp
分类法Seyler's classification
螺纹US screw thread
螺纹Seller's screw thread
系统Heller system
试验Heller's test
赫普落球式粘度计Hoeppler viscometer
赫普落球粘度计hoppler dropball viscosimeter
plinth walling
超声波多普技术ultrasonic Doppler technique
超声波多普效应ultrasonic Doppler effect
超声波多普检测系统ultrasonic Doppler testing system
超声波多普ultra-sound Doppler's method
超声波多普法检测系统ultrasonic Doppler method testing system
超声波多普流量断面仪acoustical Doppler current profiler
超声波多普流量断面仪acoustic Doppler current profiler
超声波多普诊断仪supersonic wave doppler diagnosing instrument
姆系统Durham system
连带让德函数associated Legendre function
连带让德多项式associated Legendre polynomial
那不斯港Port Naples (意大利)
邦德方法Bondley process
落球黏度计Hoppler falling ball viscometer
郝普落球黏度计Hoppler viscosimeter
郝普落球黏度计Hoppler viscometer
里兹•加钦法Ritz-Galerkin method
地块Aare massif
格尼高导磁率镍铁合金Allegheny electrical metal
格尼高导磁率镍铁合金Allegheny electric metal
特周期图Alter periodogram
特遮罩Alter shield (雨量计上用以防止风影响的罩)
颇生丝Aleppo silk
阿姆斯万能材料试验机Amsler's universal tester
阿姆斯高频扭转试验机Amsler vibraphone
阿姆斯杯形拉延试验Amsler cupping test
阿姆斯求积仪Amsler planimeter
阿姆斯磨耗试验Amsler abrasion test
阿姆斯磨耗试验机Amsler abrasion tester
阿姆斯试验机Amsler tester
古埃及阿布辛贝神庙Temple of Abu Simbel
阿布辛贝神庙Temple of Abu Simbel
阿德铜铵丝Adler silk
阿德高速射线管Adler tube
16世纪法国阿赛一-李杜府邸Chateau d'Azay-le-Rideau
阿马伽-杜克定则Amagat-Le-duc rule
-布雷斯劳原理Muller-Breslau's principle
模型Muller model
混合粉碎机Muller mixer
量热器Mahler calorimeter
铝硅活塞合金Mahler alloy
马歇尔纳条件Marshall-lerner condition
马苏达-科尔图Masuda-Coryell diagram
高分辨率脉冲多普雷达high resolution pulse Doppler radar
高斯一让德法则Gauss-Legendre rule
鲍物铰链paumelle hinge
黎格试验Riegler's test
黑克式混凝土喷枪Hack lay gun
齐格聚乙烯低压聚合制法Ziegler's process
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