
Terms for subject Economy containing 劳动力 | all forms | in specified order only
一般劳动力动态评估系统General Workforce Performance Appraisal System
丧失劳动能力抚恤金incapability pension
企业劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
体力劳动manual labor
体力劳动者a blue collarite
作为劳动力商品价格的雇佣工资form of wages equivalent to the commodity price of labour power
使闲散劳动力资本化capitalization of idle labour
全国劳动力周转率labour turnover-national
全国范围内劳动力的流动性national labour turnover
剩余劳动力市场surplus-labour market
劳力流动性labour mobility
劳动力labour power
劳动力不足manpower shortage
美国劳动力不足地区labour-shortage area
劳动力与垄断资labour and monopoly capital
劳动力与总人口之比labour-population ratio
劳动力价值payroll cost
劳动力价值manpower cost
劳动力价格price of labor power
劳动力价格的货币转换transformation of money from an expression of the price of labour power
劳动力作业中心manpower service center
劳动力储备金fund of labour
劳动力充足abundance of labour
劳动力再配置the manpower relocation
劳动力利用utilization of labor
劳动力利用率utilization rate of labour power
劳动力单位labour power unit
劳动力合作cooperation of workforce
劳动力吸收量labour absorption
劳动力商品labour power as a commodity
劳动力商品commodity of labour-power
劳动力垄断labour monopoly
劳动力大量剩余市场substantial labour surplus market
劳动力就业计划employment plan
劳动力构成makeup of manpower
劳动力比率labour ratio
劳动力流动labour flux
劳动力流动性mobility of labour
劳动力流动矩阵labour flow matrix
劳动力的交换价值exchange-value of labour-power
劳动力的使用labour utilization
劳动力的再生产reproduction of labour-power
劳动力的再生产reproduction of labor power
劳动力的向上流动upward movement of labour (即向劳动条件好的方向流动)
劳动力的影子价格shadow price of labour
劳动力的日价值daily value of labour-power
劳动力的流动性labour turnover
劳动力的老龄化aging of the labour force
劳动力短缺the manpower tightness
劳动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场surplus-labour market
劳动力短缺地区labour shortage area
劳动力短缺地区能吸收剩余劳动力的市场labour shortage area
劳动力缺乏lack of labour
劳动力缺乏labour famine
劳动力计划manpower planning
劳动力调査labour force survey
劳动力调转transfer of manpower
劳动力资源man power
劳动力资源resource of labour force
劳动力过剩labour redundancy
劳动力过剩abundance of labor
劳动力需求计划demand schedule for employment
劳动生产力productive power of labour
劳动生产力说productivity theory
劳动的电力或能源装备率rate of energy consumption per unit of labour
劳动的电力或能源装备率rate of electricity consumption per unit of labour
劳动的边际生产力marginal productivity of labour
占用劳动力appropriation of labor power
厂商劳动力周转率the firm labour turnover
厂商劳动力周转率labour turnover-firm
受雇劳动力employed labor force
吸收从农业中游离岀来的劳动力absorb all the freed labour from the countryside
吸收多余劳动力soak-up surplus labour
吸收多余的劳动力soak up surplus labour
大约70%的劳动力受雇从事服务行业About 70% of labour force are employed in service activity
失业劳动力unemployed labor force
劳动力woman power
季节性闲置劳动力seasonally idle labour
安排农村剩余劳动力就业creating jobs for rural surplus laborers
实际劳动力需求effective labour demand
家庭劳动力family labour force
容纳更多的劳动力absorb more labour power
就业劳动力employed labour force
就业的劳动力labour power employed
工会强迫资方雇佣多余劳动力labour featherbedding
市场劳动力供需平衡equilibrium of labour market
市场劳动力供需平衡equilibrium of labor market
平均劳动力average labour power
廉价劳动力cheap labour power
建设劳动力construction labor
心力劳动mental labor
折算后的工业劳动力人数converted industrial labour force
抽象劳动力abstract human labour
按照新增加就业劳动力平均需要的积累水平the average accumulation level needed by the newly employed labour force
无需特别技能的体力劳动者unskilled manual worker
有劳动能力的人口able-bodied population
有劳动能力的居民死亡率统计表labour force life table
未成年的劳动力immature labour power
某些非洲国家的大规模失业现象造成市场上廉价劳动力泛滥As a result of large-scale unemployment, there was an over-flow of cheap labour force on the market in some African countries
横向劳动力流动性horizontal labour mobility
民用劳动力civilian labor force
.水平劳动力流动性horizontal labor mobility
活的劳动力living labour power
熟练劳动力experienced labour force
相关劳动力市场relevant labor market
精神劳动与体力劳动mental labour and manual labour
纵向劳动力转移vertical labour mobility
脑力劳动intellectual labour
脑力劳动intellectual employments
脑力劳动mental labor
脑力劳动head work
脑力劳动与体力劳动报酬the reward for mental and physical work
脑力劳动者white-collar worker
解放前农村的经济衰退迫使大量廉价劳动力涌入城市Before liberation the economic recession in the country forced an influx of cheap labour into cities
资本于劳动力的比率capital-labour ratio
轻体力劳动者light worker
追加劳动力additional labour power
重体力劳动者heavy worker
非熟练劳动力the unskilled workforce